Page 76 of The Mafia and His Obsession: Part 1 (Tainted Hearts 4)
Holy fuck.
“What is this? This is the strongest shit I have ever snorted,” I growled, taking another long sniff of whatever this shit was.
Abram gave me disgusting smile, a pleased look on his face. “We make the best. Little amount, but the effect lasts longer and better. More money this way. Our clients fucking love it.”
How did Alessio not know about this?
No wonder Solonik was cashing so hard. The sneaky little shit.
“You said Carlos trades with us. What type of drug does he trade?” I asked. I kept hearing his fucking name. Valentin practically worshipped his dick and now Abram…
Abram raised a questioning eyebrow, looking surprised at my question. “You don’t know?”
I stayed silent, neither confirming nor denying. When the silence stretched and the tension increased, Abram finally swallowed and gave me a tight smile. “Aphrodisiac drugs. A drug specially for sex. It is still being tested on—it’s a new drug, and Carlos is still working on it.”
“The sensation is usually too much to bear. The effect will slowly disappear only after multiple orgasms,” he explained when I stayed silent.
I nodded. This fact was known around the black market. Especially the underworld—our own fucking people.
Aphrodisiac drugs. They were used everywhere and on anyone.
But I had a feeling the drugs Carlos was making weren’t the same. There was something else—something only Valentin and Carlos knew about and were silently trafficking.
Feeling frustrated at myself, I pushed the white packet away and placed it on the table beside me. I wiped my fingers with a handkerchief and stood up.
More than a whole fucking year—and I was still lost. Alessio trusted me on this job. I was sent here to gain information yet I hadn’t even taken a step in the right direction.
“I’ll leave the rest to you, Abram. Don’t disappoint me,” I muttered.
He straightened and nodded. “I won’t.”
Without wasting another second, I speared him with a final hard glare and walked away. Yegor followed closely behind me. He was always in the background, present and vigil.
“Where to?” he asked when we got to the car.
Closing my eyes, I leaned against the seats. “The estate.”
The drugs were strong, just like Abram said. I barely snorted that shit, and the effect was still lasting in my body. I could feel the way my muscles were losing all their tension. My body prickled with awareness, and then I felt light, almost like I was floating.
It was silent and soothing.
Until chaos erupted.
“There’s someone tailgating us. Two cars. Black-tinted windows. I can’t see the people driving.”
My eyes snapped open at Yegor’s voice. “For how long?”
“Since we left Abram’s warehouse.”
I looked behind me, and just like Yegor said, we were being followed. Fuck this shit. Why did my life have to be so fucking dramatic all the time?
“Go north, away from the estate. Lead them to the abandoned highway,” I quickly ordered.
My gun was already in my hand, and I waited—the race driving a crazy adrenaline rush through me. Minutes later, the fun began.
The sounds rung through my ears, loud and clear.
Pop! Pop! Pop!
Tires screeched, and the gunshots were loud through the night. Cars were stopped, but the bullets didn’t.
When I heard the doors slam behind me, I knew the men were out and coming for us. Yegor nodded at me through the rearview mirror, and then he was out of the car.
I followed, our guns blasting bullets at whoever those fuckers were. A tall figure crumpled into the dirt as my bullet pierced through his chest.
Yegor shot someone else down. I crouched behind the car and waited. There were shouts, and then another man was down. Another grunt of agony as I shot the fucker closer to me.
I heard someone bellow out in pain—a voice I recognized very well.
“Yegor!” I roared, coming out from behind the car. My bullet was tearing through the head of the bastard who shot my man.
Fuck! How many men were there?
My blood coursed furiously through my body. I was aiming at the next man when someone grabbed my ankle and yanked me down.
I aimed my gun behind me, but the punch that landed on the side of my head blinded me for a second.
Another shot rang through the air. I saw Yegor struggling to sit up and knew he just saved my life.
With a snarl, I twisted around and grabbed the man by his neck. I pulled his body under mine before landing a punch in his face. Yegor’s bullet had pierced his stomach, but he was still alive.
“Seriously?” I snapped, looking down at my now blood-covered clothes. “Are you kidding me?”
The man shuddered when I turned my glare on him. “And here I was thinking of not taking a shower tonight.”
Landing another punch on his already broken nose, more blood squirted. “But I have no choice with your dirty fucking blood on me now.”