Page 29 of The Mafia and His Obsession: Part 1 (Tainted Hearts 4)
Ah. Now everything made sense.
“Like yesterday?”
“She even kicked him out of their room,” Phoenix mumbled in between.
“If you don’t shut up, I will shoot your ass—then you and Viktor will have matching holes!”
Speaking of holes in our asses…
“Why the fuck did you shoot me in the ass, you fucking bastard?” I finally exploded. “That wasn’t part of the plan.”
Alessio cleared his throat and then shrugged. “I just wanted to know how it felt to shoot someone in the ass. Trust me, it felt so fucking good. You should try it sometimes. Stress reliever.”
His words were met with silence.
“We should go to…sleep,” Lyov intervened when nobody said anything.
Nikolay and Phoenix nodded, while I stood there—contemplating if I should take Alessio’s advice. Maybe I should shoot him in the ass too. Great fucking stress reliever.
Isaak started to make his way out but not before he stopped by me. “It was a mistake, Viktor. I’m sorry you’re in this mess now because of a mistake I made years ago,” he whispered.
“A mistake? A fucking mistake?” I growled.
“It was an accident,” he snapped back when I didn’t accept his stupid apologies.
“Oh, like you accidentally slip out of one sister’s pussy and end up accidentally dipping into the other’s? Wow, very accidental, I would say.”
He made a frustrated sound at the back of his throat, and I was tempted to ruffle his feathers more. So, I did.
Turning around, I faced him head on. “Next time, remember not to dip your dick into sisters’ pussies. Or better yet, don’t dip it into the enemy’s sisters’ pussies!”
He scratched the back of his head, his hands curling into fists. I bet he wanted to take a swing at me now. But I wasn’t finished yet.
I took a menacing step forward, but I was still a foot away from Isaak. My voice came out harsher than I wanted, but I didn’t give a fuck. “Now that you have fucked Solonik’s sister and I am the outcome of that, he sees me as his heir. How fucking awesome is that, huh, Father dearest? I am next in line for the family who wants to destroy us.”
“Okay, that’s enough!” Alessio finally said.
“So yeah, next time, keep your tiny di—” I finished off.
That got his attention well. “Fuck you. It’s a python.”
“Ha. Mine is an anaconda.”
“Are you guys comparing your dicks?”
All of us swiveled around to see Evaline standing by the door. Great. Just what we needed. Another person added to the drama.
She walked forward nonchalantly. Evaline stopped beside Nikolay, throwing him a wink. And she smacked his ass.
Wait what?
“What’s your size?” she asked, loud enough for the room to hear. Nikolay’s eyes widened in horror, and I took a step forward.
Hell to the no.
Not happening. Never ever.
“What size?”
Another voice joined in, and I rolled my eyes. What the fuck was this? A circus?
Ayla walked in, her eyes instantly going to Alessio’s.
“Oh, they’re just comparing their dick sizes,” my dear sister replied. I am going to permanently shut you up if you don’t stop talking!
Ayla blushed, her cheeks reddening as she made her way to Alessio. “Oh.”
“Ayla, what’s Alessio’s size, by the way?” Evaline asked. What the fuckity fuck?
Ayla’s blushed deepened. “Huh?” she sputtered.
Alessio was already backpedaling. He wrapped an arm around Ayla’s waist, pulling her away from the chaos. “That’s it. I’m taking my wife out.”
“More like taking her to bed,” I muttered before I could stop myself.
There we go. My fucked-up feelings made their ugly appearance yet again.
“Jealous?” Alessio taunted, not realizing what effect his words had.
Shrugging off like his taunting meant nothing, I replied, “You’re still a puppy.”
“You’re still single.”
A shot straight to the heart. Bullseye. My heart squeezed almost painfully, and I looked away from the happy couple.
Fuck you, brother. Just fuck you.
“Ouch,” Phoenix chuckled. “That’s gotta hurt.”
Leveling him with a glare, I let my anger out. “Look who is fucking talking. Has Maddie threatened to cut your dick off yet?”
Maddie and Phoenix have been doing the tango dance for years. I wondered when she would finally give in and give the poor bastard a break.
Phoenix glared back and mumbled under his breath. “Yeah, she did. Last night. When I tried to sneak into her room.”
This family deserved an Oscar award. Right fucking now.
I saw Phoenix turning his head toward Nikolay, which brought everyone’s attention to the brooding, silent man.
“What?” he asked, looking completely horrified. The image itself made me want to laugh.
Evaline clapped her hands. “Oh, I know!” She smiled sweetly at Nikolay, batting her eyelashes. “You’re still a cuddly teddy bear.”
Silence. Complete utter silence.
“What?” Nikolay finally sputtered.
My sister, oblivious to the mess she just created, winked. “The girls and I have decided that you’re a cuddly teddy bear.”
“That’s worse than all of us combined,” I whispered to Phoenix, who was already nodding his head.
“I’m almost embarrassed for him. Well fuck.”