Page 32 of Blood and Roses (Tainted Hearts 3.5)
My eyes went to our clasped hands. I watched as my fingers entwined with hers. When ours eyes met, I found myself speechless, like a lovesick puppy.
Fuck me. I was falling down the rabbit hole. There was no way out. And stupidly, I was inviting it with open arms.
“Tell me something…” I started, my voice a little rough to my own ears. Maria shivered at my voice, but she waited.
I cleared my throat and started again. “Tell me something you like. Something you want.”
She grew confused, and her eyebrows furrowed in question. “What do you mean?”
“What is something that you really want…something that you love but you don’t have?” I explained.
I didn’t even make any fucking sense to my own ears. I just wanted to give her something…something I knew she would love and appreciate. But I knew nothing about my sweet Angel.
Maria was silent for a second. I could see her brain running a mile a minute. Her lips twisted thoughtfully, and she cocked her head to the side, staring at me—debating if I were worthy enough to know her deepest secrets and desires.
She blinked and then looked down at my chest, breaking our eye contact. Her cheeks blushed beautifully. “I like to play…the piano.”
“The piano?” I questioned, completely surprised that out of everything she could ask for…she asked to play the piano. Something so simple.
But if a piano she wanted…then my Angel was going to get her fucking piano.
Maria nodded almost excitedly. “I used to play it a lot at the abbey. Everyone liked it when I played the piano. They said I played it best. Sister Grace was the one who taught me.”
Her words caused me to freeze. Maria must have noticed the change because her lips snapped closed and she stopped talking. I saw worry clouding her eyes, and she chewed on her lips nervously again.
“Did I say something wrong?” she whispered.
“The abbey? You mean a convent?” I asked slowly. My lungs squeezed, and I found it hard to breathe.
Maria nodded. “Yes. My aunt took me there after my parents died when I was fifteen. She brought me to Russia with her, where she was one of the respected sisters at the convent. I was in training to become one.”
Fate had a nice way to play us all in the most fucked-up ways.
Well, fuck me. Like I had told Maria, I was the Devil in a pretty expensive suit, charming his way around to get what he wanted. And Maria…she was white purity wrapped in innocence.
Little did I know…she was more than that. I coughed back the laughter rising in the back of my throat.
My pretty Angel turned out to be a practicing nun. And little did she know, I was going to defile her in the most devilish way.
The idea of taking something that was mine alone, something she considered forbidden. A fruit that was perfectly preserved for many years…it made me want to beat my chest like a caveman. And just like a fucking wild beast, I wanted to spread those creamy thighs open and show her exactly what I could do to her sweet little pussy.
I was a lucky bastard.
“Is that bad? That I am from a convent?” Her voice snapped me out of my thoughts, and I stared into her worried eyes. I shook my head, but she didn’t look convinced.
“You fell silent,” Maria pointed out. Her fingers now clenched mine tightly, as if she were scared I would disappear in thin air.
With my other hand, I gripped her chin and brought her head up while slowly lowering mine. Our lips were inches apart, and I felt her suck in a deep breath before she swallowed hard.
“Do you know what I’m going to do right now?” I asked softly. My thumb caressed her jaw and slowly moved to the thrumming vein in her neck.
She was nervous. Self-conscious. Worried. Maybe slightly scared. But she didn’t pull away.
Instead her body moved more into mine, a puzzle molding together perfectly. I wove my fingers into her long hair that hung down her back. The soft black strands were soothing. When my hand touched her neck again, Maria shivered.
My fingers grazed her, testing the satiny skin at the base of her nape. Her lips parted at the touch, and her eyes fluttered closed when I continued with my gentle caress. A slow dance of seduction.
Maria nodded. The redness on her cheeks had me smirking. “Tell me,” I demanded, needing her words.
“You are going to…kiss me,” she whispered. I felt the vibration of her sweetened voice all the way down to my toes. Fuck me. My Angel was going to kill me, and I would gladly hand her the knife to do the deed.
I responded, “Do you want me to?”
She bit on her lips, blushing even harder before answering. “Yes.”