Page 15 of Blood and Roses (Tainted Hearts 3.5)
“Will you speak? For me?” I asked, entwining our fingers together, our hands now against my chest.
What was it about her that piqued my interest so much, I didn’t know. She was intriguing, and I wanted to uncover every single layer of her.
An unpredictable connection that was shifting the lines of my world.
It had nothing to do with her beauty, or what was between her legs, and was being offered to me on a silver platter.
It had everything to do with her mind.
Because I knew…she was very much alive. She just needed a little nudge and her wings would open wide, ready to fly.
“What do you want me to say, Master?”
My eyes widened before I quickly got myself under control. “You spoke.”
Confused eyes met mine. “You commanded me to,” she whispered, fear creeping its way into her eyes. “I am sorry, Master. I shouldn’t have spoken. It is my fault.”
“No!” I snapped.
Her body flinched, and I mentally chastised myself. “No,” I continued more softly. “I want you to speak. But only if you want to. It has to be your choice.”
“I am for your pleasure. What you want me to say, I will say.”
Her turbulent eyes told me that was the last thing she wanted…to only be for my pleasure.
“Tonight is different, little Angel,” I started, letting her go. She laid on her back again, and I propped myself on my elbows, still staying close so our warmth was mixed together.
“How so, Master?” she asked quietly, almost shyly.
“First, don’t call me Master,” I ordered, leveling her with a look that held no discussion.
She nodded speechlessly, looking quickly to please me.
“Good girl,” I returned, running a fingertip down her naked side.
Her breathing accelerated again, and my eyes were drawn to her chest. Her nipples were erected with cold air, but now her skin was taking on a rosy color, her whole body blushing in the most beautiful way.
Fuck! My cock throbbed painfully. I could take her right there, and she would let me.
I could fuck her virgin pussy, and she wouldn’t utter a sound. She would be all mine…
So damn tempting. A perfect sight that almost made me come in my pants like a horny teenager.
But I still willed my cock down.
“What’s your name?” I asked, moving my eyes to her face again.
She licked her lips, her gaze shifting away for a small moment. “Master named me Rose. Sometimes I am slave 367.”
My heart stuttered as she spoke about herself for the first time. She didn’t give me the answer I wanted…Instead, she gave me the answer every other fucker out there was given.
Master named me Rose. Sometimes I am slave 367.
How many times had she repeated those words?
“No,” I breathed, leaning forward so she had no choice but to look into my eyes again. “Your real name. What’s your real name?”
She swallowed, while the pain reflecting from those gorgeous blue eyes broke my heart. I was a bastard, a thief, a killer…yet one tiny woman I just met had the power to make me feel…to break me.
“It is forbidden,” she whispered so softly that I almost missed it.
“Will you not grant me this wish?” I asked, my finger trailing up her side again.
With my lips hovering above hers, I whispered, “Please.”
She stared at me silently, her luscious lips parting.
A single word with a single breath…so softly spoken. A whisper that made it to my ears.
Fuck, even her name was beautiful. How was that possible?
“Maria,” I breathed, our lips inches apart, yet not touching. “You have a beautiful name. It suits you,” I continued when she stayed strangely quiet.
She ducked her head down shyly but not before I saw her smile.
“From now on, you will only be addressed as Maria.”
Her body stiffened. I could feel her pulling away from me, her mind shutting down quickly. The windows were closing, leaving me outside in the dark.
“It is not allowed. Master will never accept it.”
Her broken whisper made me want to rage. For her sake, I took a deep breath, and I tried to speak as gently as I could.
“Solonik does not matter to you anymore. What he thinks is not your problem anymore. He no longer commands you,” I said through gritted teeth.
Her head snapped up, almost hitting me in the process. With wide eyes, she stared at me in confusion.
My arm went around her waist, pulling her closer, holding her captive. “You should only care what I think now. What I want. Everything else does not matter. From now on, my words will be the only thing that you listen to, not any other fucker out there.”
Her eyebrows furrowed for a moment before her eyes lightened. “You are my…Master now?”
Ah, fuck this shit!
My jaw tightened as I gritted my teeth, but I gave her the answer she wanted. It was part truth anyway.