Page 61 of The Mafia And His Angel: Part 3 (Tainted Hearts 3)
Nina paused and took a deep breath. “I’m here to make amends.”
“You little bitch,” Maddie swore.
“Can you stop talking for a minute so I can speak? Did your on-off button break or what?” Nina sneered.
Maddie stared at Nina, gaping. “Thank you,” Nina joked, turning her attention back to me.
“As I said, I’m not here to fight. Actually, I’m here for the opposite. It’s due time that I do this now. What I said way before, it was out of line. I shouldn’t have insulted you like that,” Nina started, her voice firm.
Her eyes were cold, her face expressionless. In that moment, she reminded me so much of the Ivanshov men.
Her words brought back the scene in the kitchen. I looked down, remembering all the things she said and how the words had pierced my heart.
“I know it’s hard to believe when I tell you that I didn’t mean them,” she continued.
My head snapped up, and Maddie scoffed, rolling her eyes. Nina glared holes into Maddie’s head. “Fine,” she growled. “Maybe I meant it a little. But I was bitter and angry. It’s no excuse, but please know I had no intention to cause you serious pain.”
I rubbed my stomach, seeking comfort from my princess as I tried to take in Nina’s words.
“It was mostly a test. To see your strength. If you really were strong enough for Alessio. To lead with him.”
“Well, she is way stronger than you,” Maddie spat.
This time, a tiny smile appeared on Nina’s lip. It was a ghost smile. It was there for a second and gone in the next. “I have no doubt in that.”
Her words went straight to my heart. I knew she wasn’t talking physically. Her words held a deeper meaning, and in that moment, I was thankful she said them.
“This is why I’m here to apologize. I am sorry for what I said. You’ll be seeing more of me, so I thought it would best if we’re on good grounds,” Nina explained. “I don’t want Alessio. Yes, I fucked him before. Not going to lie, and I sure as hell am not going to sugar-coat it for you. But Alessio and I are over. We were over the moment he fell for you, and I respect that decision,” Nina continued in the same monotone voice.
Taking a deep breath, Nina moved to my side. Maddie took a protective step toward me.
“I’m not going to hurt her. God, who the hell do you think I am?” Nina said, clearly looking offended that Maddie wanted to protect me from her.
“Someone who needs to get lost very soon,” Maddie replied, glaring at Nina.
“Well, that’s not going to happen,” Nina shot back.
They both glared at each other, and I rolled my eyes. Why did I get a feeling that I was going to be stuck with two Maddies? Or was it two Ninas?
Oh my God.
I cleared my throat, and both of their attentions snapped to me. “I understand what you mean. And I think I forgave you a long time ago, Nina.”
Shrugging, I gave her a small smile. She didn’t smile back. I wondered if she knew how to properly smile?
“I guess we can start over,” Nina said after a few silent seconds. She gave me her hand, waiting for me to shake it.
“Nina Ivanshov,” she introduced.
I took her hand, my heart beating wildly. “Ayla,” I introduced back. Swallowing hard past the sudden lump in my throat, I continued. “Ayla Abandonato.”
Nina’s hand tightened around mine, and this time she smiled. It didn’t reach her eyes, though. They stayed cold.
“Not for long,” she replied with a raised eyebrow. “You will be Ayla Ivanshov in no time.”
My eyebrows furrowed in question, and when understanding finally dawned to me, I looked down, feeling my cheeks flushing red.
Maddie suddenly squealed as I released Nina’s hand. “Oh my God. Yes! She’s right! Oh my God. Ayla Ivanshov. That sounds perfect, right? Right? We have so much planning to do.”
My cheeks heated under her words, and I bit on my lips shyly.
Ayla Ivanshov.
I liked the sound of that. Actually, I loved it.
“You will be Ayla Ivanshov in no time,” Maddie said. “I’m sure of it.”
“That’s what I just said,” Nina said, rolling her eyes.
Maddie placed her hands on her hips. “Whatever, bitch.”
“Yeah whatever, stupid cow,” Nina mumbled under her breath.
“Did you just call me a stupid cow?”
“Yeah. So?”
“Fuck you!”
“Nope. Not interested,” Nina snapped drily.
I watched them bicker back and forth, my eyes wide. What universe did I just get transported in?
Maddie paused and then busted out laughing. “I never thought I would say this. I think I like you, bitch.”
Nina shook her head and turned back to me. Giving me a nod, she turned to walk away.
“Wait,” I called down. A question was burning in my mind.
“You said your name was Nina Ivanshov. How is your name Ivanshov?” I asked curiously.