Page 51 of A Vow Of Hate
Killian and I had come to an unspoken understanding.
Civil and in love.
Until the end of our contract.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if Killian runs for President in the next election,” Richard said, gesturing toward me with his flute. “You’d be a popular candidate.”
“Yes,” I agreed absently, my eyes searching for Julianna across the ballroom.
I shouldn’t have left her alone for this long. God knows what trouble she was getting into now. When my gaze finally found her wine-red dress, I had to do a double take at the sight of her dancing – waltzing – with Gabriel.
For fuck’s sake.
Of course, Gabriel would jump at the opportunity to try and sweep Julianna off her feet. That was what he was good at. Gabriel was eight years older than me, a close friend and a business partner – but when it came to sex, our opinions were vastly different. He was a womanizer, through and through. A well-known rake and now he was trying to charm Julianna.
And my dear wife was falling for it as I watched her flutter her fucking lashes at him and smile prettily.
“Excuse me,” I said, my voice tight, as I stepped away from the group of gentlemen and stalked toward the dancing pair, bypassing other waltzing couples.
My shoulders tensed when I approached them and heard Julianna’s soft giggle. What was so fucking amusing? I didn’t know Gabriel was a goddamn comedian.
Once I was close enough to the dancing pair, I tapped Gabriel on the shoulder. “I’m going to have to steal my wife, Gabe. Find another dance partner.”
He grinned, mischief flashing in his dark eyes, but he wisely took a step away. I took his place, my arm curling around Julianna’s waist, tugging her to me, and we continued where they had left off.
I spun Julianna once before pulling her to my chest again. Her hand went back to my shoulder, fingers digging into my muscles in warning.
“You looked quite cozy with Gabriel.”
Julianna made an exasperated sound in the back of her throat. “He’s your friend and a business partner. I was only trying to get along with him.”
Gabriel had a thing for married women. It was his hobby – to use and defile those women before sending them back to their clueless husbands. I remembered his words clearly. A virgin was a risky fuck; they grew attached too quickly and too easily. But married women? Easy fuck and experienced – without any need to form an attachment. He was the reason for many failed marriages.
I knew he respected our friendship enough that he would never make a move on Julianna – though he was going to be a shameless flirt. That was literally his character. Charming and a flirt who knew exactly how to get women to bow down to him.
But it wasn’t just Gabriel. I was more concerned about the other men staring and drooling at Julianna, like she was up for an auction and they were about to bid on her. And her dancing with Gabriel had unknowingly made her a willing target for these hungry wolves. Julianna had left herself open and vulnerable.
“A married woman like yourself shouldn’t be dancing so close with another man – especially not with a well-known rake. Your tits were smashed up against his chest, Julianna,” I practically barked in her face.
She glared at me, her grey eyes gleaming with something fierce. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say Killian Spencer is jealous.”
“Beasty,” I drawled. “If I were to be jealous, I would have to feel something for you.”
The corner of her lips pulled up. “You hate me. That’s quite a strong emotion, husband.”
“And you despise me. That’s a pity, wife.” My hand pressed into her lower back, guiding her around the ballroom as we danced in circles.
“What I feel for you is the opposite of disdain,” Julianna said, her voice softening.
I smiled, humorlessly. “Oh, please do tell. What do you feel for me, Beasty?”
“If I tell you, I would have to spill my secrets, but some secrets are not meant to be told.”
“You’re talking in riddles again.”
She nudged her chin up, giving me that haughty look she has recently mastered. “And we’re currently sharing our second dance. I thought our first one would be our last, or so you said.”
My chest vibrated with a sound that even surprised me. Though Julianna was right, I didn’t want to admit it. I had vowed to keep my distance, yet here I was, saving my clueless wife from well-known philanderers who would do anything just to have five minutes with her behind the pillars. She was a wealthy married woman with class and respect – they’d love to defile her.
“Your taunting will cost you dearly, wife,” I warned thickly.
“I thought you didn’t like me docile,” she shot back.
“It appears that sometimes I would prefer when you shut up. If you don’t know how, I know a few ways to help.”