Page 9 of Callous Heir (The Heirs 5)
I shrug. “I wasn’t about to advertise my being rejected to the whole world. It was embarrassing enough when it happened.”
Fallon’s frown deepens. “But we’re not the whole world.”
“I know.” I shrug again. “It’s over and done with.”
“Are you still in love with him?” Mila asks.
With Mila being Noah’s cousin, I shake my head and lie, “Nah, I got over being in love with him a couple of years back.”
Aria and Forest finally walk in when we’re almost done with all the work. It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask them where they’ve been, but I decide not to. If they wanted to tell me what’s going on with them and why they’re keeping their distance from me, then they would’ve.
We stack all the empty boxes in the U-haul Kao and Noah left here, then start to clean the house. Mila and Jade dust everything while Hana mops the floor.
Walking into the kitchen, I see Forest and Aria washing and drying the dishes.
“Hey,” I murmur as I begin to help Fallon pack them away.
Aria grins at me. “Hey.” I also get a smile from Forest, and it makes me wonder if I’m not just oversensitive.
We’re busy packing away the last of the plates when Fallon says, “Leave those out for the pizza.” She places glasses for the beer and wine next to it, then looks at me and asks, “Can you help me with the bedding?”
“Sure.” I follow her to the first bedroom, and we each grab a side of the sheet and pull it over the mattress. Wanting to make conversation, I ask, “How does it feel to own your own home?”
“A little surreal.” Fallon glances around the guest room. “It’s exciting and emotional.”
She takes a shaky breath, which has me moving closer to give her a hug. “You deserve this with Kao.”
“Thanks.” She smiles and takes a deep breath. “And thank you for being here today. I really appreciate it.”
“I wouldn’t miss it for anything.”
We move to the next room, and by the time we’re busy with the main bedroom, it feels like my back’s about to break in half.
Straightening up, I place my hands on my lower back and stretch. “God, my back. I feel eighty years old.”
“I hear you,” Fallon agrees.
Just then, Noah peeks into the room. “Are you almost done? The pizza’s here.”
“Just in time,” Fallon grins, walking past Noah and down the hallway.
I keep rubbing my back as I follow after her.
“What’s wrong?” Noah asks from behind me.
I glance over my shoulder. “Nothing. Why?”
He gestures to me. “You’re rubbing your back.”
“Oh.” I wave a hand. “Pfft, just sore from bending over while making the beds.”
“Hold up,” he says.
When I stop walking, Noah’s arms come around me from behind. My eyebrows disappear into my hairline as he pulls me back against his chest, and then he lifts me off my feet, and I hear a cracking sound.
“Oh, God… Noah,” I groan from relief.
I don’t even have time to absorb the feel of having his arms around me because he instantly sets me down and steps back.
Turning around, I grin at him. “Thanks. It feels much better.” Then I see the startled look on his face, and it makes my heartbeat speed up for some reason.
Not wanting this weird peace treaty to end, I say, “You should’ve gone into the medical field like your mom. You have a healing touch.”
Spinning around, I walk away from him.
Yeah, don’t rock the boat, Carla. Enjoy the cease-fire cause it won’t last forever.
Chapter 5
I follow Carla into the kitchen, still trying to process the burst of desire I felt when she groaned.
Yeah, whether I like it or not, something is happening… between us. I pull a face, not comfortable with the idea.
Just be friends with her, Noah.
Carla inspects the bottle of wine, then says, “Oooh, I love this wine. Thanks, guys.”
Taking hold of the bottle, I open it for her and pour some in a glass. When I shift the glass to where she’s standing, she watches me with wide eyes.
“Do you want ice?” I ask, figuring that’s what the look is for.
“Uh… No. I’m good, thanks.” She picks up the glass and takes a sip, her eyes still locked on me.
I shrug and closing the bottle, I set it aside. I reach for a plate and grab two slices of pizza. Leaning back against one of the counters, my gaze drifts over all my friends, and seeing them happy makes a smile tug at the corner of my lips.
“Wow,” Hana suddenly says. “Can you all believe how far we’ve come over the past year? I mean, we’re standing in Kao and Fallon’s home.”
“Yeah, it’s been quite some year,” Mila murmurs.
“Where’s Jase?” I ask. “And Hunter?”
“Oh, they’re working,” Jade answers. She glances at her watch. “They should be here at seven.”