Page 61 of Callous Heir (The Heirs 5)
Dash and Christopher walk toward me. Noah told me they’re just best friends, but I get the same vibes from them that I got from Forest and Aria.
Smiling at them, I say, “Thanks for coming, guys. It means a lot to me.”
“I wouldn’t dare miss it,” Dash replies. She hands me a gift bag. “This is for you.”
I peek inside, and then my smile widens. I pull the bracelet out, then Dash explains. “It has the birthstones for each of you as charms.” I notice an N, a C, and an H inscribed on the gold leaves where the stones are embedded.
“This is so awesome.” Leaning forward, I hug Dash. “Thank you so much.” Dash helps me put it on, and then I grin at her. “I love it.”
“I thought Mommy deserves something of her own.”
“Christopher, you made it,” Noah says as he comes to join us.
“Dash threatened my life,” Christopher replies. When they shake hands, he asks, “You’re taking three weeks off once the baby’s born, right?”
Noah nods. “Mr. Reed will fill in for me.”
Christopher nods, seeming pleased with the answer.
I hold up my wrist so Noah can see the bracelet. “Look at what Dash gave me.”
Noah’s lips curve up, then he glances at his sister. “Thanks, Dash.”
“I got something for you as well,” she says.
Dash hands Noah a gift bag, and I watch as he takes a tiny shirt out. It has ‘Always his little girl’ written on the front. Then Noah pulls out another shirt, and my tears instantly tear up when I read, ‘Always her hero.’
“Oh my gosh,” I sniffle. “They’re perfect.”
Dash wraps her arm around me, giving me a sideways hug. “I thought you’d love them.”
Chapter 30
“Noah!” Carla yells from upstairs.
“Noah. Noah. Noah! Oh. My. God.”
I drop the cup in the sink and run out of the kitchen and up the stairs. Carla’s standing in the middle of the hallway, staring down at a puddle of water.
It takes me a second to realize her water broke.
“Shit, Haley’s coming,” I shout.
“Yes,” Carla chuckles. “Haley’s coming.”
“Bag.” I turn around and run to where we left it by the front door. “Keys.” I grab the car keys from the bowl.
Then I hear Carla, “Aren’t you forgetting something?”
“Fuck.” I dart back up the stairs and taking hold of her arm, I try to move her as fast as possible.
When I have her in the car, she chuckles, “The bag, Noah.”
“Shit. Yes.” I run back inside and grab the bag.
Then Carla calls out, “Lock the door.”
I stop on the stairs, and turning around, I lock the door while taking a deep breath.
Get your shit together, Noah. Stay calm.
When I get in the car, Carla asks, “Should we even be going to the hospital now? The contractions haven’t started.”
I keep my eyes on the road as I drive away from our house.
“Noah, did you hear me? Shouldn’t we wait?” she asks.
“I… I can’t remember,” I mutter, unable to recall anything I’ve learned about labor. “My mind’s gone blank.”
Carla begins to laugh, and it has me glancing at her. “Why are you laughing. What’s wrong? Are you okay?” I ramble.
“My going into labor has you totally rattled. I’ve never seen you like this,” she explains.
I glance at her again. “Aren’t you nervous?”
“Nope.” She let’s the fucking ‘P’ pop. “You have that part all covered.”
When we get to the hospital, I begin to breathe a little easier, knowing help is inside. Getting out, I grab the bag, then rush around the front to get Carla.
“Calm down.” She takes a deep breath, showing for me to do the same. “We have time.”
“I’ll calm down when you’re inside. Let’s go,” I mutter as I wrap my arm around her shoulders.
Once we have Carla settled in the private room, I slump down on the couch and take a deep breath.
Carla shakes her head at me. “I’ll probably have to keep you calm while giving birth.”
“Sorry,” I say as I get up. I walk to the bed and sit down next to her. “I’ll be calm.”
Miss Sebastian comes into the room. “I heard my grand-god-baby is coming.”
“How?” I shake my head. “We’ve only been here ten minutes.”
“My bedazzled ass knows everything.” She places her hand on Carla’s shoulder. “How do you feel?”
“Excited,” Carla replies, a wide smile on her face.
“No contractions yet?” Miss Sebastian asks.
Carla rubs over her stomach as she answers, “Not that I know of. I told Noah we should’ve waited before coming in.”
“You’re here now. Make yourself comfortable. It might take a while,” Miss Sebastian says, then she walks to the door. “Let me know if you need anything.”
“You’ll probably know before we do,” I mutter, but she’s already out the door.
Carla started having contractions four hours ago, and they’re beginning to grow with intensity.
Carla just sits with her eyes closed as if she’s meditating while the contraction passes. When her eyes open, I murmur, “I love you. Thank you for doing this.”