Page 44 of Loving The Enemy
My body felt like it had been split in two when I he slipped out of me. There was an empty feeling where before I was so full I thought I would burst. A quick look down between my thighs showed that he was still hard, and I felt disappointment that I hadn’t been able to make him cum. I knew enough about the deed to know that he was supposed to; if he enjoyed it. He caught my look and rushed to reassure me. “Don’t look so crestfallen baby, I stopped because you’re hurt. Come.”
He lifted me from the bed and walked into the en suite bathroom that was almost as big as the bedroom. I was about to ask him what he was doing when he sat me on the vanity seat and walked over to the tub and turned on the water. I watched in silence as he filled the tub before sprinkling some bath salts into the steamy water until a piney aroma filled the air. At least it wasn’t flowery so I knew it wasn’t some other woman’s.
I was finally feeling embarrassed as I sat there naked and that embarrassment only grew when I saw the splatter of blood on my thighs. I must’ve made a sound because he looked at me sharply and saw where my eyes were trained. “It’s okay baby, that’s normal. Come.” He held out his hand and I walked gingerly to his side, really feeling the effects of what he’d done to me with each step I took.
He picked me up in his arms holding me close to his chest and climbed into the tub. I hissed when the water hit my sore flesh as he sat with me on his lap. “It won’t last, I promise.” What, he’d done this before? For some reason that made me mad. I wasn’t mad when I knew that he’d been with other women, so why should I find fault with the thought of him having another virgin, or taking this much care with anyone else?
I tried to hide my displeasure I really did, but I guess I’m not good at it. “And how would you know?” His hand stopped short with the washcloth he’d soaped up on the way to wash between my thighs. I guess he’d caught that little bit of bite in my tone.
“I know because anyone with an ounce of sense would know. It stands to reason, women have been fucking for centuries, some of them even going so far as to enjoy it. I’m sure if they were in constant pain they wouldn’t like it so much.” I wouldn’t say his tone was sharp but it wasn’t sugary sweet either. I bit my tongue so as not to ask him if he’d ever done this before, given another woman a bath, and I refused to show any pleasure in the way he took care of me.
His hands were gentle as he held the cloth against my torn flesh. He was right, the burn soon eased and pretty soon I was moving against his hand without my own volition, because my body couldn’t seem to help itself now that it had been awakened.
“You see.” He nipped my neck after whispering teasingly in my ear and I was back to being angry again at the reminder. Angry or not, my body refused to obey, so I chose to use words instead. Stupid me, I should’ve known better than to pull the lion’s tail.
“You’re not the first man to give me a bath, water always soothes everything.” I expected some kind of snarky retort, but not the hand that came around my throat. “Who’re you the Boston Strangler? Get your hand from off my neck.” He removed his hand alright, but my relief didn’t last long.
He stood with me in my arms, splashing water all over the floor when he stepped out of the tub, and stomped out of the room. He threw me on the bed wet skin and all, and came down over me. I got my first look at his eyes and wished I’d kept my mouth shut. I refused to cower though, and stared back at him stubbornly.
“Who the fuck gave you a bath?” Did he realize that he curses a lot when he’s pissed off? And what was with him and choking me? Though it had the same affect as when he held me by my nape the other night. He shook me when I didn’t answer and I’d all but forgotten the question.
“I don’t ask you about your pass do I? It works both ways.”
His eyes slanted and he got up close and personal, his face in mine until our noses almost touch. “You don’t have a pass you little… I just took your virginity.” The fiend pushed into my body, going deeper than he had before. I tensed up waiting for the pain but when none was forthcoming I released a sigh and moved beneath him.