Page 23 of Loving The Enemy
“I might have a job offer.” I thought the news would lighten the mood, but I forgot her penchant for prying into shit. By the end I’d told her all about Jason’s visit the night before. She already knew about our past dealings with each other, about me going to his office to confront him. She didn’t say a word as I relayed the previous night’s happenings, but instead looked very thoughtful She got that look in her eye and that’s where my angst went into high gear.
She saw things that I hadn’t, what she calls reading between the lines. She found the fact that he’d rushed over here the night before very telling, and by the time she followed me upstairs so I could get ready for today, she had us married off with three kids living on the beach.
All the way here I’d gone back and forth with the pros and cons of accepting his offer, and her words niggling at the edges of my mind did not help. Now this. If being his personal assistant when I thought it meant making reservations and other minor things gave me the vapors, what he was asking was enough to send me into full-blown panic.
“Are you nuts? Who pays someone that kind of money just to sit across the table from them?” He was playing with me. Maybe he too had had second thoughts about his offer and was looking for a way out. That doesn’t make sense he accepted the payment I quoted. Well shit, I guess there’s no way of getting out of it now.
“That’s just the way I do business Emily. I need a service done, if you charge a certain price for that service who am I to complain? Besides, you’ll earn every penny.”
“For over thirty thousand dollars a month exactly what would you be expecting?”
“Get your mind out of the gutter pet, I don’t pay to fuck.”
If her eyes got any bigger they’d pop out of her head. “ I would say excuse my language but I’m sure you’ve heard and said worse.” She seemed lost for words, but being the sensible girl she is I’m sure she’d see the benefit of accepting my offer. I held my tongue, giving her the time she needed to come to terms with it and was more than ready to force her into seeing things my way if I had to.
One of the things I’d realized in the middle of the night is that there doesn’t seem to be much I wouldn’t do to get her into my bed, and yes, that means anything, fair or foul. “I hope you know that for this to work, you’ll have to cut all ties with any man you might be seeing at the moment.” This might be a deal breaker for her, but it was the one thing I meant to destroy. Jealousy is new to me, but it’s a very powerful emotion, that once acknowledged cannot be ignored.
Looking through those pictures of her and her friends the other night, I’d felt the first twinges whenever she was pictured with a man no matter how young or old. But seeing her so vulnerable last night, in her nightclothes no less, that beast had popped his fucking chain. Was it written somewhere that if an older man set his sights on a younger woman he had to lose all his damn sense and revert back to the high school drama phase? She’s twisting me in knots and I haven’t even kissed her yet.
Whatever the case, she will not be seeing other men while she was my…what the fuck had I just asked her to be anyway? Fuck if I know.
“I’m not seeing anyone, but if I were…”
“Since you aren’t there’s no point in discussing it. And don’t roll your eyes at me.”
“Do you plan on always interrupting me when I talk?”
“Only if I have no interest in what you have to say.” The little princess isn’t accustomed to that I see. Probably have men eating out of her hand at every turn. She’s in for a rude awakening if she expects the same with me.
“I forgot; you grew up on the mean streets of Brooklyn.” I guess she thought that was an insult. Those claws of hers sure do come out quick. “I see you’ve been reading up on me.” That heated spark flashed in her eyes but she had the good sense not to spar with me on that point. All that fire over words. She’s probably exceptional in bed. I could already feel the scratch from her nails down my back. And once again my cock was making his presence known. Thank heaven for desks.