Page 21 of Loving The Enemy
I sat back and let her rattle off all the things she ‘thought’ she would be called upon to do for me. All of which sounded pretty much like what my current secretary already had under control. “No.” She dropped the paper from her face and looked at me questioningly.
“What do you mean no? You don’t want me for the job?” Oh I want you alright, but not for any of that bullshit.
“I did not say that. Only that you won’t be doing any of those things. I already have someone to take care of my schedule and make reservations etc. Your job will be a little more…personal.” She twitched in her seat though she tried very hard to hide her unease.
“I don’t think I understand. I spent hours poring over this stuff and this covers everything.”
“And yet it’s not what I want. You may not know this, but I’m new to this town, been here just a few months in fact. I haven’t really had time to set up house if you will, or meet the right people. I’m always invited places that require a plus one, and…”
She interrupted before I could go any farther. “What happened to all those blondes you’re always rumored to be dating? No table etiquette?” Oh, my little pet has claws, how fun.
“As I was saying. I sometimes find myself without a partner for these occasions. Beyond that, some women expect more than I’m willing to give once I’ve invited them. I kind of like the idea of a no strings attached arrangement such as the one I’m proposing to you.”
“You want me to pretend to be your date? Well that’s gonna cost you a hell of a lot more buddy.” There was a look of disappointment mixed with consternation on her face. I read it to mean she didn’t think she’d get the job. Either because she wasn’t comfortable with the idea, or she didn’t think I’d pay her more. Neither was true, no matter what she asked for I’d give, and I’ll make damn sure she likes the idea.
“Okay, how much do you think the job should pay?” Her eyes widened for a second before she lowered her head as if giving the question some thought. When she bit her lip and scrunched up her eyes in concentration my dick thumped behind my zipper. What the fuck is wrong with you Storm?
I studied her while she was preoccupied, still trying to decipher what exactly it was about her that had caught my interest. Beauty is a passing thing and there’re beautiful women on every corner in this town. Even the damn barista at the coffee shop looks like a supermodel. Add to that the fact that I’ve never been one to fall for a pretty face, I was afraid there was something else going on here.
“Well, if I’m to accompany you to these dinners with business associates, I’m going to need the appropriate wardrobe. Then there’s the hair and makeup, stuff like that. How often do you expect to need me for one of these things?” If I have my way, every fucking day and night. Until I outgrow this shit whatever it is.
“It varies. Some weeks I have a full calendar. Sometimes it may be a few nights a week. But you’ll be needed at least twice a week without question.” She went back to thinking and I saw the moment she thought she had me. She gets this mischievous little twinkle in her eyes and her lips twitch just the slightest bit. Why that should warm my heart I don’t know, but such is the case.
“Four hundred thousand a year.” She all but snickered, sure that I would turn her down.
“Done.” I would’ve given her twice as much, even more. I couldn’t withhold my grin at her fish out of water look. “And I’ll be paying for any outfits and your hair and makeup deal.”
Is he insane? I just threw a number out there because I was sure he wouldn’t go for it. What does he mean by accepting such an offer? What the hell, kinda businessman is he? And why the hell is he grinning at me like an idiot? This day was not turning out at all the way I’d expected, and my little exercise that I’d set myself up for was not working.
I’d tossed and turned all night after dropping into bed. I wasn’t worried about the expose and the rest of the world knowing the shame of what daddy had done, no I spent the night mooning over him like I was back in high school trying to win the affections of the hottest guy there. If that wasn’t bad enough, my body, which was still bearing the effects of his nearness, took forever to calm the hell down.