Page 9 of First Time Menage (Forbidden Fantasies 14)
“What class do you have first?” Kristy asks.
I bring up my schedule on my phone. I’m so unfocused that I can’t even remember which classes I have today. “Astro 1,” I say. “In a half hour. What about you?”
“Me, too!” Kristy says. “Want to head there now? I think the building is close, like just a ten-minute walk away.”
“Yeah, perfect,” I smile, my mind still elsewhere. Then, I sling my backpack over my shoulder and take a deep, calming breath. Whatever happened yesterday is over now. I need to tell my hormones to pipe down for a while so that I can actually focus on my schoolwork.
Kristy and I head out into the bustling NYC streets, walking north. NYU’s campus sprawls over many blocks in Greenwich Village, and I’ve definitely learned the importance of wearing comfortable, supportive footwear. I wore a heel on the first day of classes my freshman year, and never again. I could barely make it two blocks, much less the seven that were necessary.
“So what’s new and exciting with you?” I ask my friend as we walk. The weather is behaving nicely today, all mild temperatures and sunshine. I pull a cheap pair of sunglasses out of my bag and put them on. “I know we live together but I haven’t seen you much all summer.”
“Not a lot,” she says. “Oh! Actually, I don’t think I’ve told you yet about that date I went on last week.”
“How did it go?” I ask.
“Great!” Kristy replies with enthusiasm. “His name is Nolan. He’s studying English and wants to be a professor, but he’s not snobby at all. He’s actually really down to earth, and he’s super cute, and he comes from a really nice family, and…”
As we walk and Kristy talks, I find that despite my best efforts, I’m barely listening. I hardly even see my actual surroundings. All I see in my mind’s eye is the swirling steam of the sauna, and the two tall, gorgeous men who ravished me. Once again, I feel the firm touch of their hands, the soft kiss of their mouths, the warmth of their tongues, and the hardness of their cocks. I see their blue eyes piercing mine through the mists, and their ravenous smiles as they survey my body. I feel them moving inside of my wetness, their hands roaming over my body, warmth spreading throughout every inch of me unlike any sensation I’ve ever known. Even now, I ache a bit from the deep penetration.
“Violet? Are you listening?”
I blink and flash a guilty smile at Kristy. “I’m sorry,” I sigh. “Nolan sounds really great. Are you going to see him again soon?”
“Probably sometime in a week or so when our schedules have settled down a little,” she says in a chipper voice. “I’m really excited. I haven’t felt like this for a long time, you know? I hope it works out.”
“I hope it does, too,” I say sincerely.
The arts and sciences building looms before us and we duck inside with a crowd of other students. It’s easy to get lost in the sea of bodies, but thank God that as sophomores, we know our way around a little better than we did last year. We find our Astro 1 class and file in. It’s still early, so there are plenty of empty seats. Kristy and I, like the overachievers we are, pick seats near the front.
“So what’s up with your love life?” Kristy asks after we’ve settled in.
Oh, you know, I just had crazy hot sex with two anonymous men yesterday, I say in my mind. Thankfully, the words don’t come out of my mouth.
“Very little,” I laugh instead, although I’m unable to meet her gaze.
“Why not?” Kristy asks, nudging me playfully. “There are so many cute guys around here, and we’re sophomores now! We should be looking at hot upperclassmen.”
“I guess,” I say. “But no one’s really caught my eye.”
“Maybe you should try a dating app,” Kristy suggests in a serious tone. “There are a few good ones. In fact, there’s this new one I just heard about that sounds really cool! You just upload three pictures and then people who like you get to vote on their favorite, and then…”
Once again, I’m barely listening. What if I run into those two men again? Maybe I should start going to the bathhouse on a regular basis to “accidentally” bump into them. Maybe they’ll have the same idea and look for me, too.
No way, Violet, I tell myself. I’m not about to be a creepy girl who haunts the sauna while stalking strange men. Anyway, I definitely can’t even afford to go that often to the bathhouse. And who knows? Those two guys have probably had sex with plenty of women before. Maybe I’m just a number to them, another notch on their belts. The thought turns my stomach a little and I take a gulp from my water bottle. Even if that is the truth, though, who cares? It was a one-time thing. No one will ever know.