Page 13 of First Time Menage (Forbidden Fantasies 14)
I blush deeply at the double entendre. I didn’t realize we were diving into this particular subject so soon. I guess the small talk is over. “Oh,” I squeak, and then summon whatever courage I can find. “Um… I meant what I said before. It was really incredible and I had a great time. I really appreciated how you cleaned me up afterwards too.”
Two sets of blue eyes gleam at my naughty innuendo.
“We’re all about taking care of our girls,” Scott says. “If you’re not having fun, there’s no way we’re going to have fun, either.”
“And the more fun you’re having, the more pleasurable it will be for everyone involved,” Mike grins, showing perfect teeth.
I nod. I can’t remember ever having a partner who cared this much about how I was feeling. Most guys I’ve been with just wanted to get themselves off as quickly as possible. Whether I came was of no importance, but clearly, Scott and Mike aren’t like that at all.
“Are you blushing?” Scott teases.
My hands fly to my cheeks, which are definitely warm. “Apparently,” I admit, to their laughter. I shake my head. “I’m sorry, I’m just a little embarrassed. I’ve never done anything like that before, ever. It’s still so wild to me.”
“Don’t be embarrassed,” Mike and Scott say at the same time. They immediately look at each other and then grin.
“We both had an amazing time,” Mike continues. “Right, Scott?”
“Right,” says Scott. “We loved being with you. And, if it’s not too bold to say, your curves…” His gaze dips down the front of me, to my cleavage, and then flickers back up to my face as he licks his lips hungrily. “Absolutely incredible.”
My face flames harder. I will it to stop. It doesn’t.
“What happens, though, now that you’re my professors?” I blurt out. I had meant to phrase it with a little more subtlety. However, my anxiety won’t relent. If they had such a great time with me, does that mean we can do it again?
Mike and Scott look at each other. While Scott takes a sip of his coffee, Mike says, “We discussed this, actually, Scott and I. Like we said before, it’s most important to us that you’re comfortable. You’re in control here. If you want to drop our class and never see us again, that’s completely fine, and very understandable. We’d be disappointed, of course, but that’s entirely within your rights. But if you want to meet up again and continue what we were doing…” His eyes flash, and his lips quirk into a smirk. “Then we’re on board, Violet. Very enthusiastically on board. But it’s up to you, pretty girl.”
My breath catches in my throat, and I take a sip of my latte to stall for time. I can’t believe they actually want to see me again! Take that, Mom and Dad, I think with some degree of triumph. Didn’t even need to lose any weight.
But my nerves still persist, and I can’t just say “yes” without some real thought. I lick my lips before I speak. “I want to see you again,” I say slowly, and they both lean forward a little, as if eager to pick up where we left off. “But I would like a little bit of time to think because you’re my professors now. Just to make sure I don’t rush into anything.”
“Certainly,” Scott says, raising his mug to me. “And of course we’re okay with that. Take your time, sweetheart. Come to us when you’ve made a final decision. We’re in no rush.”
At that moment, our waitress comes back to refill Mike’s coffee, and idly, I notice that both men drink their coffees black. It must be an academic thing.
“So…” I fidget a little in my seat. I’m eager to keep talking with them but am not sure where the conversation should go next. “You said you went to grad school together?”
“Sure did,” Mike confirms. “The University of Arkansas. We both studied astronomy, obviously. People constantly mistook us for brothers, and it didn’t help that we were in the same department.”
“Did you like it in Arkansas?” I ask curiously. “It must be so different from New York City.”
Scott nods.
“It absolutely is, but we enjoyed our time there. It’s different, not worse. The university gave us many things, including academic freedom, stipends to conduct research, and the opportunity to pursue our first threesome,” Scott says.
I choke a bit on my latte.
“Your first threesome?” I manage in a tinny voice.
Mike grins. “Yes, definitely. Like Scott mentioned, the university opened the world to us.”
I blush again, bringing my mug to my face in a vain attempt to conceal it. I have a question that I’m too embarrassed to ask, but it’ll haunt me forever if I don’t voice it. “Are you two, um…” I look between them both. “Are you into each other too?”