Page 2 of Their Lasting Claim (Death Lords MC 5)
I didn’t care much because they didn’t bother us and we didn’t bother them—for the most part. I know of a couple of patches that have slept with a housewife or two or—fuck—five, for all I know or care.
Those kind of sweet butts never showed up at a mash. They preferred to have sex in their bedrooms, or so said Riot who’d taken care of his share of lonely housewives. Riot claimed they loved it and the dirtier the better. Up the ass with all kinds of toys and they always, always wanted it in the marital bed.
Freaky and weird and not my thing.
Of course that’s probably what people said about my arrangement with Michigan. We always preferred sharing women. There isn’t anything like bringing a woman so much pleasure that she’s a drunk fool over you. When Annie gets that glazed I can’t see anything but you look in her eyes, I feel bigger, better, more turned on than a man’s got a right to be.
Plus, I like watching. A lot. It’s almost as good watching Michigan’s dick disappear inside Annie’s drenched cunt as it is to be there. ‘Almost’ being the key word, because nothing in this word feels better than drilling her into the mattress unless it’s drilling into her ass while Michigan’s in her pussy.
“What are you thinking about?” She breaks into my mini-fantasy.
Looking around I realize I’ve pulled into the parking lot of the clinic and didn't even realize it. Well, shit.
“What do you think?” I grab her hand closest to me and rub it over my hard-on.
“Not here,” she says, scandalized, but her wide eyes tell a slightly different story.
“You’re cute, Annie Bloom.” I lean over and kiss her nose. I love that she’s not just shocked at my suggestion but that there’s a hint of interest too. Michigan and I could not have asked for a better partner. Because she’s had no one but us, she’s not afraid of anything. In fact, she just keeps asking for more.
This Saturday there’s a mash at the clubhouse and it’ll be the first one that Annie gets to attend where she’s completely healthy. She’s already told us that she isn't interested in anything public but that spark in her eyes suggests she might change her mind.
We’ll see. Doesn’t matter, though, because there are plenty of private places for us to take her if she decides that she doesn’t want anyone watching us plow her.
“So does that mean I don’t have to go in?”
“Nope,” I say cheerfully. I slide out of the truck and jog around to the passenger door. I lift her down, letting her slide along my front and feel the rod in my jeans—the one that’s constantly upright and hard around her. “But I’ll fuck you in the backseat of the truck once we’re done.”
“How about at home?” She curls a hand around my neck and pulls me down so that my lips are close to hers.
“Good for me.” I buss her lips and give her a solid whack on the ass.
She yelps. “What’s that for?”
“Baby, you’re stalling. Come on.” I nearly have to drag her inside. At the reception desk is my sister, Mrs. Jilly Brown. She married Rick Brown just out of high school and then popped out three rug rats before she was a quarter-century old. After the third was born Jilly was busy with her three toddlers, and Rick thought about straying but I put the fear of God into him by taking him out to the quarry and putting his dick in a vise. I told him that if I found he’d even so much as thought about another woman while still married to Jilly, he’d be eating ground Rick Dick.
Hadn’t heard a whiff of anything bad about ol’ Rick but he’s definitely still on my shit list. As long as Jilly’s happy, though, his family jewels will stay in one piece. The minute she’s shot of him, I’ll happily grind up his dick and any other parts that happen to get caught up in the machinery.
“Hi, Easy.” Jilly smiles. Jilly and my other sister, Hailee, both call me by my road name—Easy—while the rest of my family refers to me by Van, the name my momma gave me. “You sick? You don’t look it.”
“Not me. It’s Annie. She’s been throwing up every day now for a week.”
Annie shoves an elbow in my side. “I can talk for myself. I’ve got a stomach bug but Easy wouldn’t let it run its course so here I am.”
Jilly clicks her tongue in sympathy. “Easy’s pretty stubborn. He gets his mind set on something and it’s nearly impossible to change his course. Best just to ride it out.”
I bite my tongue to prevent some inappropriate comment on how good Annie rides me from slipping out. Annie is getting to know me real well, because she applies direct pressure on my foot for the same reason.
I wrap my arm around her shoulders and lean over the desk. “Your boss have any time for Annie this morning?”
Jilly scans her appointment book. “Dr. Addams isn’t available but the nurse practitioner is.”
“We’ll take her.”
“Okay, fill out this paperwork. Honey, you have insurance?”
She nods and rifles through her little purse. “Yes, right here. I hope—” She bites her lip. “I hope it’s still good.”
Michigan’s right. We need to do something about Pastor Bloom. I’d nearly forgotten about all the shit he pulled, draining Annie’s bank account, canceling her phone, and shutting her out of the house. That was before he beat the snot out of her.
Over her head, I signal to Jilly that I’ll take care of the bill no matter what. She gives me a tiny nod in return. Annie blissfully is unaware of this exchange. I know the matter of money and how little she has makes her real nervous.
After a few minutes, a nurse calls Annie’s name.
“Easy, you can’t go back with her,” Jilly calls out as I stand with Annie.
“Why the hell not?” I frown.
“Because you aren’t her guardian or spouse. HIPAA rules.”
I open my mouth to protest but Jilly gives me a hard stare. I sit down but I’m not happy about it.
“I’ll be right out and tell you everything,” Annie assures me.
“You better,” I say grumpily. After Annie disappears behind the office door, I pull out my phone to text Michigan so he’s in the loop. He’s making a delivery of goods to Eau Claire. Usually we’d go together but since Annie got hurt, one of us always sticks around Fortune. The last time we left her alone, she was barely alive when we got back. That mistake won’t happen again.
Took Annie to doc’s office
The phone rings about two seconds later. “I’m driving so I can’t text you. What’s going on?”
“She was puking again this morning. Had to take her in.”
“Shit. You think it’s just a stomach virus?”
“Could be.”
“Easy,” Jilly calls waving Annie’s insurance card in the air.
“I’ve got to go. Annie’s insurance may have gotten declined.”
“We’ve got enough to cover that shit.”
“Yeah, I know. It’s just another thing that we’ll be taking our pound of flesh over, right?”
“Right, brother.”
I approach the desk again. “What’s the status of the insurance?”
Jilly smiles. “Looks good. I called and she’s still covered.” She leans forward and gestures me close. “What’s going on, anyway?”
“Just a disagreement with her old man.” I downplay it because there are other people in the waiting room and I don’t want everyone up our business.
“I heard that when you pulled her out of his basement she was barely alive. The nurses over at Memorial said her back looked like mincemeat.”
“So much for doctor/patient privacy.” I roll my eyes toward the door I wasn’t allowed to enter because of HIPAA rules.
Jilly shrugs. “People can’t help but gossip.”
“Well, if you know so much gossip then tell me who posted the bond for Pastor Bloom’s bail.”
“I don’t know. They said it’s one of the members of his church.”
“What’s your best guess?”
“I guess it could have been Mrs. Trainor. Her husband is som
e bigwig with Stagecoach Financial out of the Twin Cities. She’s been a member of the church for a decade.”
“What else—” My next question is interrupted when the door opens and the nurse who pulled Annie inside calls my name.
“Mr. Easy,” she says. “Miss Bloom would like you to step back.”
Jilly grins at the name Mr. Easy and I reach across and knock her on the head. “Go on,” she says with a big taunting smile. She must know something I don’t. “Congratulations,” she mouths as I brush by the nurse.
“Room 4, down the hall and to the right.”
“Thanks.” I nod and follow her directions.
Knocking, I open the door and step inside. Annie’s sitting on a chair beside the small sink and desk the doctor uses and across from the examination table. Her fingers are clenched together and there’s a tight look on her face. Congratulations?Congratulations on what?