Page 1 of Their Fierce Love (Death Lords MC 4)
Chapter One
The second time I wake this morning is due to the sunlight filtering through a small break in the windows. The murmurs of deep male voices punctuated by a low chuckle push me to open my eyes but I stay still under the sheet and comforter that is tucked around me so that I can watch the two men sitting only ten feet away. Easy, with his Norwegian ancestry stamped all over his square jaw and straight bladed nose, is lounging on the green sofa with his eyes glued on the television. One ankle is resting on his opposite knee and his arms are spread across the back. He looks relaxed and his face is sporting an ever-present smile. Easy is just like his name. He approaches life as if there are no barriers—or at least none that he can’t kick down with his size 13 boots. But in the face of his beauty, it wouldn’t surprise me if barriers didn’t exist for him.
Look at me. I feel like a ripe apple without him so much as shaking the tree. He only had to open his mouth and say my name and I was jumping on the back of his motorcycle ready to follow him anywhere.
That’s not the entire story. No, the other half is seated at the chair at the desk. Michigan, the other Death Lords enforcer, has a menacing piece of black metal in one hand and a soft gray cloth in the other. He’s cleaning a gun while he watches the same television show. I cast a glance toward the flickering screen and see a bunch of people fixing up a car.
Michigan’s appeal is harsher, wilder than Easy’s. His angular jaw and prominent cheekbones are softened by lush lips that would make a supermodel sigh in jealousy. And she’d likely spend at least a few restless nights wondering exactly how they’d feel against her skin.
I know.
I know that they are soft but can kiss with bruising determination.
I know that their touch can bring me to an emotional high I didn’t even know existed.
I know that being the subject of these two men’s intense affection has rendered me a wholly different person.
A few weeks ago, I was ordinary Annie Bloom, only daughter of the Fortune Methodist pastor. Now I am something new.
What? I’m not entirely sure but I want to find out because this is what I want to see every morning—my two men enjoying each other’s company as I lie in bed wrecked from their attention.
The sun rose about three hours ago. I know this because when Easy woke me with his fingers between my legs, his mouth on my neck, dawn light filtered in between the crack in the hotel curtains. My body woke up hungry and aching and they satisfied me before I even had to voice my need.
The rosy glow made Michigan’s brown eyes look like burnished gold. He watched Easy ready me for the invasion of both their bodies and tugged on his own erection.
Then he took my mouth, kissing me more softly and sweetly than I’d anticipated. When I came in a flood around Easy’s fingers, Michigan swallowed my cries of pleasure.
Easy used my arousal and extra lubrication to wet the puckered skin and tight channel of my rear. He slowly fed his penis inside me and I gasped at each thrust until he was fully seated. He rolled onto his back, bringing me with him and then Michigan straddled both of us. I laid pinned between their bodies, their hard erections shafting me in steady perfect rhythm.
Easy held my hips between his large hands and moved me as he thrust. Michigan gripped the headboard so hard I marveled that part of the wooden frame didn’t break off in his hands. His pelvis rubbed against my clitoris with each forward movement and there was no part of my sex that was not completely possessed by their bodies.
If Michigan hadn’t been kissing me when I came, I might have screamed down the hotel. I was in a daze afterward, barely feeling them withdraw. I vaguely remember them both kissing me and someone applying a warm washcloth between my legs before I rolled over, closed my eyes and fell into a deep sated sleep.
I could lie here all day and watch them but all too soon my ogling is cut short when Michigan rises and sets the gun on the desk. He wipes his hands on another cloth and then stalks over to the bed.
“You hungry?”
He's a mountain of hard flesh. In his worn jeans and tight T-shirt, he could star in a calendar of hot men. Both of them could. I'm not certain what they do but they are physically fit with defined ridges and valleys in their abdomens and biceps that bulge under the end of the T-shirt sleeves. My fingers itch to touch them at all times. I curl them into the sheets to keep from grabbing at Michigan but maybe…maybe I shouldn't work so hard to not touch them because the look in Michigan's eyes is one I'm beginning to recognize. It's a hungry look. A hot one. One that says, "I'm ready to devour you."
Easy’s head swivels in my direction. “You’re awake. Want us to order something for you? Room service takes about five fucking years.”
I gather the covers around my bare body. "Should I get ready?"
“Nope. We’re not in any hurry.”
There’s no accusation that I’ve slept too long or kept them from doing something important. They just want to take care of me. How can I resist?
I stretch and the comforter that one of them had placed around my body slips down, taking the sheet with it. The tops of my small breasts appear and Michigan gives an approving grunt.
He takes one large finger and runs it from the hollow of my throat down between the valley of my breasts, bisecting me in two. With one hand he draws the sheet down, all the while dragging his finger downward. It smooths over my rounded belly, dips into my belly button and then pauses at the top of my soft curls. I hold my breath.
"You feeling okay?" His deep voice is hoarse, tinged with a little regret as if he's sorry for wanting me. I love how it makes me feel because I'm as desperate for him as he is for me.
"Yes." I kick the sheets down in answer. The cool air of the room causes goose bumps to freckle my skin. Or maybe it's the response of my body to his hot gaze as it roves over the newly exposed flesh. His frank appreciation emboldens me and I allow my knees to fall open. His chest heaves as he stares. The one finger he has on my skin hasn't moved but I'm growing wetter, hotter by the second.
Awareness flares in his eyes and he places both hands around my breasts and squeezes. I feel a corresponding contraction between my legs. He pushes the small mounds together and then leans over to drag his stubbled jaw along the top of them.
“Michigan,” I breathe. I curl my hand around his neck and hold him in place. Over on the sofa, Easy has abandoned the car fixing show for the one that Michigan and I are putting on. One of his hands has dropped from t
he sofa’s back and is in his lap, squeezing his denim-covered erection.
Michigan tugs down the coverings and under his intense gaze and the cool air and his sure touch, my nipples tighten into diamond-hard points.
“There’re two pretty tits over here and I only got one mouth.”
Easy laughs and pushes up from the sofa. “We can’t have our girl’s one tit feeling ignored.”
I would laugh but the only sound that comes out of my mouth is a low moan when Michigan sucks my nipple into his mouth. The hot pressure brings as much tension as it does relief.
“Move over, you fucking hog.”
Without taking his mouth from my breast, Michigan climbs onto the bed and moves to the other side, leaving my other breast exposed. Easy isn’t in a hurry to join him. I’ve learned in our short time together that watching us can do as much for Easy as a touch. His greedy eyes drink in Michigan’s dark head bent over my chest and my hand threading through the short hairs of the buzz cut that Michigan sports. Easy’s hand is still on his erection, still squeezing. I whimper as if by expelling air, I can rid myself of the lust they’re building inside me.
“Annie Bloom, I’m going to come all over your face one of these days.”
“Yes.” Anything. I’d do anything with them or for them.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, I want that too.”
I can’t speak more words because Michigan has begun to stroke my aching sex. I’m so hungry for this that it’s hard to believe that they both took me just a few hours ago. They’ve turned me into an insatiable mess.
Easy undoes his jeans and takes out his penis. He rubs the tip of it on my nipple and a little liquid seeps from the tip and coats my breast.
He nudges Michigan. “Look at this. Let’s mark her.”
Michigan’s head rises as he releases my nipple with an audible pop. He stares at the milky fluid on my pale skin and groans.
“You okay with that?”
I love that they care enough to ask. That they won’t do a thing unless it’s something that turns me on. I raise my wrists to display the two leather cuffs I wear whenever we are together. One is Easy’s and the other is Michigan’s. They are claiming cuffs and as long as I wear them, I know that I belong to them and they belong to me.
“I think these things say that I’m okay with everything you do with me.”
“You’re fucking right they do,” Michigan growls. In swift movements, the two disrobe. Their clothes fly everywhere until they are as naked as I am.
Their penises bob in the air, seeking me. Penis. Such an antiseptic word. Dick? No, what do they call it? Cocks, as in "I want to shove my cock inside you so hard you can feel it in your throat." That was the gravelly admission Michigan made last night in my ear as before he thrust inside. My skin tingles in memory and anticipation.
"What're you thinking about?" Easy has a knowing smirk on his face and a perverse impulse pushes me to shock him.
"Your cock," I say boldly. The word sounds right coming out of my mouth but I can't help the flush that rushes to my cheeks. It's the dirtiest thing I've ever said. Both of their lips curve up, even Michigan's, and I feel a flood of warmth that isn't sexual at all. Instead, I'm happy that I made Michigan smile. He does it so rarely which makes it all the more beautiful.
"That a new word for you?" The rare laughter lurking behind his question prompts a smile of my own.
"I learned it from you. I've learned lots of new things from you." I can hardly believe the saucy flirty tone coming out of my mouth.
His eyes widen and nostrils flare which emboldens me even more. I get the idea that there’s nothing I could do that would be too outrageous for these two. My hand drifts down to the spot where Michigan had stopped, right above my mound.
“Go on,” Michigan orders. “Touch yourself.”
Slowly, tentatively, I slide my right hand through my curls, passing over my little clitoris to rub my fingers over my sex. The two men stand side by side next to the bed. One light-colored set of eyes and one dark set watch me intently. Their hands are on their cocks and the two members look hot and sexy. Full of deliciousness. My mouth waters.
I want them to jerk and pull until their come streams out like a firehose, dousing me. I’d rub it into my skin until I was coated with their scent.
“Your eyes are wild. Tell us what you’re thinking,” Easy commands.
It’s hard to concentrate on his words. All I can focus on is his fist squeezing the red, almost purplish head and spreading the white milky fluid from tip to base. I lick my lips remembering what it’s like to have him inside my mouth.
I shift to Michigan. He has one hand cupping his sac while the other is tugging hard on his cock. His fist nearly engulfs his member.
“What’s going on in your head?” Easy asks again.
“Everything. I want it all. I want you to come all over me. I want you both inside me again filling me until I’ll never feel empty again.”
“Baby, we are going to paint you with our come. But you gotta do your part. Keep touching yourself. Spread yourself wide so we can see what you’re doing.”
They each take a leg, rotating me around until my knees hang over the side of the bed. Easy shoves a pillow under my butt so that my sex is even more exposed.
My mouth waters with the desire to taste both of them.
“I want to suck one of you.”
Easy shakes his head. “You can’t suck and watch us jack off at the same time. Choose one. Or I can fuck your mouth while you watch Michigan jerk it. Lots of choices.”
So many choices, I don’t know what to pick.
Easy sees my indecision.
“We’ve got our whole lives to work out any and every fantasy. Choosing one now doesn’t mean we can’t try out some other option later.”
“I want it all,” I say. “All of it. The sucking, the watching, the touching. All of it and at the same time.”
“Our greedy girl.” Michigan’s voice is suffused with satisfaction. Being greedy is a positive in his book. I bask under his approval. “Good thing there’s two of us because you need it. You’ve been too long without.”
Twenty-three years.
I’m starving for affection and these two are showering it on me. My father has never been outwardly affectionate. He loves me in his own way. He’s taken care of me, even after Mom left us. But I’m just one of his flock and I’ve never felt special, not in the way that these two make me feel special. I’m their sole focus. Their laser-hot gazes are pinned on me and my every move. Their attention isn’t being pulled by dozens of parishioners needing counsel and prayer.
But years of being one of many, of having to go without, makes me hesitant and choosy. It’s as if I’m standing in front of a glorious buffet and I have only one hour to choose from the many delights that are laid before me.
Thankfully, Easy makes a decision for me. He takes my hand and places it directly over my sex.
“Touch yourself and don’t take your eyes off of us.”
As if I could.
I do as he says. I slide my fingers over my sensitive lower lips and spread the wetness I find there in slow circles. As I caress myself, the two take their cocks in their hands and start to pull. Michigan is broader across the shoulders and an inch or two shorter than Easy but his cock is long and beautiful. It arches upward, curving slightly right before the tip. His hand leaves the dark purple head exposed with each long pull. Easy's cock is fatter and straight as an arrow. The head is red and angry streaks of blood color the surface.
"Stick those fingers inside you. I want to hear how juicy your pussy is."
My fingers are too short to provide the kind of penetration and fullness that the two of them can deliver but there's something so sensuous and erotic about watching them touch themselves. It's a forbidden peek inside a private moment. Michigan's eyes are slits and a red flush rides high on his cheekbones. Other than that and his obvious erection, it's hard to know what he's fe
eling. Easy has a half smile on his face, as his motions are more extravagant. He thrusts into his hand in bigger, more obvious movements. He likes the pumping motion whereas Michigan is more of a tugger, working with economical movements. His hand does most of the work.
It’s hard to concentrate on any one thing because I want. I want their hands on my body, my mouth swallowing them whole. I want them kissing me and biting me. I want to be marking them with my teeth and nails.
I just want.
My fingers are slick from my arousal and the sounds that Easy had commanded me to make are filling the air, joining their grunts and my soft moans.
“Like what you see?” Easy asks. His face isn’t so peaceful now. The humor has fled and he’s harder now, more intense. The skin is drawn tight around his bones, making his prettiness look nearly as harsh as Michigan’s.
“Yes, so much.”
“Keeping watching. Keep touching yourself.”
Their gazes are as potent as a touch and I feel myself tightening, a string pulling everything inward. My toes curl, my fingers clench and my back arches off the bed. A half sobbing wail releases from my mouth at the first hot splash of their come. Michigan’s hand is working furiously as is Easy’s as they squeeze and pump. Milky white fluids streams everywhere, on my neck, my breasts, into the well of my belly button. Some of it is on my chin and even my cheek.
I don’t even know where it all goes, only that with each stream that falls onto my skin, I fall more deeply in love with them. My own orgasm explodes and my eyes close as I allow the sensations to engulf me.
Between my legs I feel the hard-muscled shoulders of one of them and then a hot mouth and tongue covers my fingers. The tension starts anew. I flick my eyes open to see Michigan’s dark head bobbing between my legs. Easy’s hand falls on my chest and he begins to rub all the come from their bodies into my skin.
Then he climbs onto the bed, placing his knees on either side of my shoulders.