Page 8 of She's the One
The dew of her orgasms glistens on her upper thighs, like diamonds blinking in the sun. I taste her, a tiny drop drawn off her skin. I let the spiced warmth of her tumble inside my mouth and down my throat. The flavor is addicting. I lap up more and more until there’s nothing left on her skin and I have to dive inside her hot sex for more.
I don’t know what I’m doing. I’ve never kissed a girl’s pussy before but I apply Star’s technique of doing what feels good to me and watch for her response. When she shivers as my tongue traces over her clit, I do it again. When she cries out as I part her sex with my fingers, my own cunt clenches with excitement. When she comes on my tongue after I’ve worked her with both fingers and lips, I nearly come again myself.
This is beautiful. Our communion is beautiful. And I love it. And her.
Chapter 10
I let out a whimper. Maisie’s soft tongue traces my clit. She’s so eager and timid at the same time. I reach down, wanting to touch her soft hair as she pleasures me. I’ve noticed she enjoys when I guide her and I enjoy doing it. My eyes fly open when I jerk awake, realizing I was dreaming about last night.
I sit up in bed naked and there’s not a trace of Maisie anywhere. I can still taste and smell her. I scramble from the bed but stop dead in my tracks when I hear her infectious laughter coming from inside my condo. Our condo. That means only one thing. I fling on something to wear before bursting out of my bedroom. I’m not sure what I’m expecting to find. I know my brother doesn’t want Maisie but I feel a little possessive of those giggles. I want all of them to myself. I know it sounds ridiculous but I only just got her and I’m not ready to share her with anyone.
“No way! Your aunt is the Mad Chef.” Maisie’s eyes are round as she holds up a giant knife in her hand.
“Yep,” Mack answers her. He’s not even looking at her. He has his eyes on whatever he’s got on the stove. I’m guessing French toast and bacon from the smell.
“Star!” Maisie half shouts when she sees me. My heart does funny shit in my chest at how her whole face lights up at seeing me. She looks damn good standing in my kitchen in nothing but one of my shirts. Her blond hair is a mess all around her. There is no missing what we did last night. Her normally lush lips are even fuller than normal from how many times I kissed them throughout the night. It might have been a lot of firsts for the both of us last night but we spent most of the night making up for lost time. Each of us exploring the other’s body. Discovering that our connection was so much deeper than only on a physical level. We lay for hours holding one another and talking about our hopes and dreams. What our lives could be like together.
Mack doesn’t even look over at Maisie as he snatches the knife out of her hand, reading my mind. It is scary how sometimes we can be on the same wavelength. Maisie throws herself at me. She might be taller than I am but she is light as air. She molds herself against me as she openly kisses me. There is no hesitation. I deepen the kiss for a moment, getting my hands into her hair like I’ve wanted to since I woke up this morning. Mack clears his throat. I take one last taste of her sweet mouth before I begin to break our kiss.
“She can cook,” my brother says as I pull my mouth completely from Maisie’s. Her cheeks light up a pretty pink. The same color they did as I brought her to her first orgasm last night. My eyes drift down to her long, toned bare legs, remembering how she looked with them spread open for me. Inviting me to taste her sweet cunt. I shake those thoughts from my head and try to focus on the conversation.
“I’m not bad with an oven. I’ve gotten myself out of trouble with some of my baked goods.” One of her delicate shoulders gives a shrug. I’m going to have to get her pants because I can’t stop myself from peeking over at her gorgeous legs. Hell, I think maybe a place of our own but I like that she and my brother are getting along.
“I didn’t know your brother was Mack.”
Her eyes dart between us. Her pretty eyes are now wide with disbelief as she blinks those long eyelashes girls would kill to have.
“He told me he came over because he wanted us to—" She trails off, those cheeks getting pinker.
“You’ll learn I have a family of meddlers.” I guide Maisie over to the table. “Sit. I’ll make us a plate since you cooked.” I kiss her again before she can protest. Mack only smiles as he helps me get the food together to put on the table.
“This feels normal,” I half whisper to Mack.
“She’s cool. You two fit. Knew you would before I walked over to talk to her. Just giving you two the nudge you needed.” He cocks a smug grin. I punch his arm.
“Nothing to do with you always looking at her roommate.” I raise an eyebrow at him. His cocky smile drops from his face a little too fast.
“Mom loves her,” he responds instead. I let that go for now. I have enough on my plate. Then his words sink in about Mom.
“Mom?” I ask. How the fuck?
“I was on FaceTime with her when Maisie came strolling into the kitchen.” He lets out a shrug like it’s no big deal.
“I’m sorry.” I turn to see Maisie standing in the doorway to the kitchen again. She’s running one of her purple painted toes up and down her calf with her bottom lip worried between her teeth. Jesus she is fucking adorable all the damn time. I walk toward her, taking her hand in mine.
“Why are you sorry?” I ask as my other hand reaches up and caresses her face.
“Your mom automatically assumed I was here for Mack so I set the record straight with her. I told her that I am here for you. I hope that’s okay.” I smile, realizing why my girl suddenly got so nervous. She doesn’t realize that my parents already know I play for the other team. “I didn’t think about it before I blurted it out,” she says before I can tell her. She’s doing that nervous rambling thing again. I do the only thing I know will calm her instantly. I kiss those pretty lips of hers and slide my tongue in her mouth to show her that I’m happy as fuck that she wanted to claim me.
“Mom knew who she was here for. She was poking,” Mack says, breaking into our kiss again. Yeah, we’re definitely going to need our own place.
I’m not surprised my mom played dumb to get more information. She still reminds us how she was once a private investigator and it’s how she snagged our father, even though I think he technically captured her.
My brother doesn’t date. Everything to him is about school. It doesn’t help that at one time he was super chubby and went through a growth spurt one summer. He came back to school with the girls falling all over him. Ones that once wouldn’t even look his way if he asked to borrow a pencil.
A knock sounds at the door. “I made extra. There is no stopping her,” Mack says as he heads for the door. I can already hear my mom.
“I’m fine. Those stairs came out of nowhere!”
“I’m going to start carrying you everywhere,” my dad grumbles from the other side of the door.
“Getting her pants.” I snag Maisie by the wrist, pulling her down the hallway and back to my bedroom, where I shut the door. “You okay?” I ask her. This is a lot to take in. The poor girl didn’t even know she was into girls until yesterday. My family can be a lot. They are a little crazy and over the top but lovable. They are also loyal and accepting.
“Yes.” She beams at me. She doesn’t look scared about meeting my parents. She looks excited now that I told her it was okay about my mom.
“I know this is a lot.” I step into her. Her back hits the wall. “This is all happening fast.”
“It’s true love,” Maisie says wistfully. An adorable ah in her voice.
“Love?” I question. My throat goes tight. I know I’m in love with her. There isn’t a thing about her not to love. She is love personified.
“Well, yeah.” Her face drops as her eyes meet mine. “That’s what this is. Right?” I watch as panic starts to set in. Her button nose scrunches. The morning sun pours into my bedroom window making the freckles on her
nose show.
“Yes. This is love, Maisie. I love you.” I give her the truth. She always gives it to me and I will always do the same with her.
She gives me that bright smile that gets me every time. The one that lights up the whole fucking world.
“I love you too,” she tells me instantly. The words leave her lips so easily, as if she’s been waiting to say them. I believe her and I’m going to make sure I hear those words from her for the rest of my life. Over and over again because she’s the one.
“Dally, can you grab the tongs? And Star, don’t forget—“
“I got it, babe.” Star sweeps by, holding a tray of silver and black macaroons I made last night and slaps me lightly on the ass.
“Is this real silver?” Dally asks as Star deposits the cookies on the table.
“Yup. Had to. It’s the silver anniversary after all.”
“Can you eat silver leaf?” Star is dubious. “You can’t poison my parents on their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.”
“Your parents hate macaroons,” I point out. “I made them for the Mad Chef.”
Star’s auntie still rules social media even as she’s aged. I love Star’s family, and they immediately took me to their bosom. Not that my family was bad either. My mom said she wasn’t surprised at all that I turned out to be a lesbian since I showed zero interest in boys forever. Dad made some slightly homophobic comment about it being a damned shame that a pretty girl like me ended up with another pretty girl but Mom took him to the metaphorical woodshed and since then he’s never treated me or Star with anything but affection and respect. He even goes to Pride marches now and gives out hugs to kids whose parents aren’t as welcoming.
Star pops one in her mouth. “I’m still alive,” she announces after swallowing it.
It’s my turn to swat my wife’s ass. “You’ve eaten my food for nearly three years. If I wanted to kill you off, I had plenty of opportunity.”
“But I didn’t get that life insurance policy until this year,” Star points out. “You have new incentive.”
“Your trust fund could keep me in Kate Spade for two generations. Technically, you’ve always been worth more dead than alive.”
“This is true. Why do you keep me around?”
I tap my cheek. “Because I have stars in my eyes.” Everyone groans. “Get it? Stars”—I point to my wife—“in my eyes.” I point to myself.
Star grabs my finger. “Try not poking your eye out. I like you with two eyes.”
I curl my hand around hers and jerk her close. “Better to see your fine ass with,” I agree.
“MACK!” Dally screams toward the kitchen. “Get your ass out here. Your sisters are about to make out and I’m sick of it.” When Mack doesn’t make an immediate appearance, she stomps over and forcibly separates us. “It’s been three years, you guys. Can you stop acting like you just hooked up? All this PDA! Keep your hands to yourself.”