Page 5 of She's the One
With that tiny bit of encouragement, I keep barreling on. “Yeah. But more than that because I have friends like Dally and others. And I don’t think about Dally like I think about you.”
She takes another step and it puts her within arm’s reach. I clench my hands at my side, wanting to touch her, but too chicken to do it.
“How is it that you think about me?”
I turn tomato red and gulp. I don’t think I should really put into words how I think about Star. It’s rude. Profane. Filthy. “Um, differently.”
She closes the small gap between us until her toes are nearly against mine. My bare digits curl into the cold tile of the apartment hallway. She’s shorter than me. Her nose is right above my chin.
It’s like she wants me to say these things. These highly inappropriate things. I open my mouth, trying to put those pictures into words, but nothing comes out. It’s hard to talk when her lush lips are within kissing distance. When I could lift my hands and cup her breasts, feel the weight of them, mold the shape of them. When I could run my hands down to circle her waist or slide them behind her to cup her ass. She’s all curves and softness. In my dream last night, I explored those valleys and the hills. I traced the line from her neck down to her nipples with my tongue. She arched like a cat under my touch. The nerves between my legs pulse in excitement.
“Did your thoughts make you wet, Maisie?” Star whispers. And her tone sends shivers down my spine.
“Y-yes.” I squeeze my thighs together, trying to ignore how damp my thin silk panties have grown.
“Did you touch yourself when you thought of me?”
I nod slightly, because the memories are making me lightheaded. I didn’t just touch myself. I rubbed myself. I dipped my fingers into my sex, slicked them all up, and then rubbed myself until my toes curled and my back stiffened and my body shuddered with release.
“How innocent are you, Maisie?” Star asks, her fingers moving up to move a strand of my hair away from my face.
“Not very,” I say. My dreams weren’t innocent. They were dirty. They involved me sucking on Star’s nipples until the nubs were hard and pointed. They involved me kissing her until I couldn’t breathe unless my tongue was in her mouth. They involved me rubbing my wet pussy against her wet pussy until no one could tell where she ended and I began.
“Liar,” Star says softly. “But that’s okay. I can take care of you now. You don’t even need to tell me what you want. I can see it.”
Her finger trails down from my hairline, creating an electric path from my cheek to the base of my throat where my pulse is thumping wildly. “You want me, don’t you, Maisie?”
I nod slowly. “Y-yes.”
“And you’ve never felt this way before.”
“And you’re afraid.”
“But excited.”
“And you need me to lead the way.”
Her hand drops down to mine. “Then let’s go.”
Chapter 6
I grip my hand in hers as I pull her from the front of her apartment. I should probably take her up on the offer to go inside her place but I have this need to get her into my space. I want the smell of her on my sheets and filling my room so that if tomorrow she changes her mind, her scent will still linger there for me. It might hurt like hell if I only have this one time with her but I want to be able to look at my bed and remember every second of Maisie in it. I want to memorize every sound that I’m going to pull from her lush lips as she offers herself to me. My mouth will finally get to experience every curve of her that my hand has drawn a thousand times.
“Hey, you can’t steal my roommate.” I stop walking to turn to look back at Dally standing in the open doorway to their place. The two of them are always together if not in class. Dally stands there in a nightie. My hand that’s still holding Maisie’s tightens. I never thought the two of them were a thing but I also never thought Maisie could be mine. I don't like the idea of her hanging out with anyone that is wearing something like that. I feel jealous for the first time in my life. Hoping that Maisie only has eyes for me.
“Go inside.” Maisie steps in my line of sight of Dally, blocking my view with her height. She is a few inches taller than me but a strong wind could probably take her down. Not that I’d let it. “Put some clothes on!” she whisper-yells at her friend. The pretty pink color she turns when she gets out of sorts tints her skin again. Fuck I love that color on her.
“I didn't come here for your friend. I came for you,” I tell Maisie, enjoying her jealousy more than I should. I don’t like feeling it when it comes to her. I don’t want her experiencing it either. It does give me a spark of hope that maybe Maisie could be all mine. She’s obviously not a fan of me seeing Dally in the nightie. I give her soft hand a squeeze, pulling her into my side.
“I got her,” I tell Dally with a nod. She smirks at me.
“Have fun, girls.” Dally wiggles her dark eyebrows before stepping back into their apartment and closing the door. I watch as Maisie turns another shade of pretty pink at Dally’s words. I hope to see how far that blush goes over her fair skin. I know my sketches of her don’t even come close to the perfection that she is. She tries to hide herself under baggy clothes but I see everything. Her smile lights up a room. I want to be the one that puts one on her face every day. Her laugh is beautiful and when she speaks it’s as if angels are singing. There is no hiding someone like Maisie; she stands out in a room whether she wants to or not.
Maisie’s tongue darts out as she licks her lush bottom lip. “Come on.” I pull her toward my place before I end up kissing her for the first time outside for everyone to see. The first kiss is going to be all mine. I don’t want to share that special moment with the world. I want it all to myself. We are not far but it’s still a short walk across campus. She starts to rattle on, talking about the most random things. From her classes to her family and even what she ate for dinner. Her nervous chattering is adorable and turning me on. In my eyes the girl can do no wrong. I start to find myself getting a little nervous the closer we get to my place. I want to do this right. I need to make sure she enjoys every second of what I can do to that body of hers. I’ll show her that there’s a reason why I’ve been the only person to be able to wake it up. I’ll prove to her that she was made to be mine. That I will worship her as long as she’ll let me.
We reach the door of my apartment. I dig out my key and unlock it. Before we enter, I stop and turn toward her. I take both of her hands in mine and look into her eyes. I don’t want her to be nervous. I want this to be right. For her to feel comfortable with me. To know she can say and do anything in front of me and I won’t give her anything but support. Even if she asks to leave. It might rip me in half but for her, I’d do that. As much as I want Maisie in my bed, I want her trust and friendship just as badly. I’ve seen both of those things between my parents. Even though the two of them can gross me out sometimes I know I want what they have. Watching them over the years has shown me how two people in love are with each other. That it’s more than being intimate.
“We don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with once we’re inside. I want you to know that before you walk in.” It’s the first time she’s been quiet since we left. She nods her head and I proceed to let her into my place.
My first thoughts are maybe I should have cleaned up the stuff I have all over the place. I wouldn’t blame her if she high-tailed it out of here just from seeing my mess. I give her a small little tour as we make our way to the living room. My nervous chatterbox is back again as she rambles on about my place and random things as I pull her to the couch. Before she sits down she goes quiet again. Her eyes are fixed on something she sees on the floor. My own follow her line of sight to see my sketch pad is open.
“Is that me?” she asks, picking it up.
“Yeah,” I admit. Now I’m the one with a pink face. She doesn't see it, though, because her eyes are on the drawing as she traces the lines of her own face that I’ve drawn.
“You make me look so beautiful,” she says with awe. The girl really has no idea how rare she is. It isn't skin deep either. It’s all around her. She has a sweetness that needs protecting. A painting so precious and rare it needs to be guarded for its own protection.
“Maisie.” I put my finger under her chin to make her turn her face to look at me. “Beauty isn't skin deep. There’s so much more to it. You can’t just be pretty. You have to carry something so special in you that you might not see it but others do.”
“I feel special when I’m close to you.” She moves toward me on the sofa so our legs a
re touching. I curse myself for having not worn shorts so I could feel the softness of her thighs. Then I think fuck it. She wants to know what we can have together, I’m going to show her. I rest my hand on her silky thigh, gauging her reaction. Her eyes light up as she leans more into my touch. I don’t know if she realizes she’s doing it, but her thighs spread a little in invitation.
“Maisie.” I say her name. She wiggles under my touch and I know what she needs. My own body is having the same reaction. A need to touch her everywhere. To taste her on my lips. First I should move us to my bed, but before I can, Maisie throws herself at me. She catches me off guard but I grab her, pulling her into my lap for her to straddle me. Then her mouth comes down onto mine. I know in this moment as her mouth meets mine with the same hunger I’ve felt for her that she’s my one. My girl is finding herself and I am going to be there to lead the way. I want her mind, body and soul. This first taste of her has solidified that she belongs with me and I’ll do everything I can to keep her.
Chapter 7
This is...wild. I never thought it would feel like this to be with someone. It’s not like the songs say. Kissing Star isn’t like kissing myself because well, I’ve never kissed myself, but also because Star is her own person. She has soft lips. One of her front teeth juts out slightly from the other one. I run my tongue along it and feel her lips curve up under mine. Her shoulders are slight, sloped down with gentle curves. Her hands dig into my hips and draw me closer. I willingly go, needing her help to guide me. I feel both overwhelmed and settled at the same time. As if I’m coming home for the first time. Excited to be here but not sure what to do now that I’ve found it.
I wriggle forward until I can press my sex hard into her lap. Her hips surge upward to meet mine. It’s lovely, rocking against her. It feels so right. Unlike other people’s touch. Her mouth leaves mine to trace my jawline and find my earlobe. I gasp when she makes contact. Each of her touches shows me what I’ve been missing. Why I haven’t understood my lack of attraction to others. I’ve been waiting for her.