Page 18 of Sweet Kisses
Love has been in the air lately. “You saying I should hang around?”
“Yes!” I half scream. Amie gives a smile at my excitement. “I do need you to help with the wedding.”
“I can stay for the wedding.”
“Maybe longer,” I hedge.
“I have a job back home.”
“A job? That’s all you’re coming at me with? Those are everywhere. We have lots of them here too.” I turn to look over my shoulder. “Victor.”
“I give your sister a job.” He shrugs as if it’s a done deal.
“I could suck.” Amie looks at Victor like he’s crazy.
“You don’t suck at anything,” I snip at my sister.
“You manage the Collins Properties, Inc. perfectly. Your father should sell. The market is good now. You can manage my company.”
Amie’s mouth falls open a little. “I told Dad two months ago he should sell on an offer he got.” Amie looks from Victor to me.
“He knows everything before you can even say it,” I whisper, which is pointless because Victor has freaky good hearing. I never have to say anything and the man knows what I’m thinking.
“See. You know what you are doing. I trust you could manage Sokolov Security. I’ll need some help. I plan on taking more time off.” Victor’s eyes flick to me. I know this isn’t the time but my body heats under his gaze because I know what he plans to do with his extra time off.
“From here?” she asks. I jump up.
“You’re thinking about it?”
“Maybe. Even if I think your soon-to-be husband is only offering me the job because he is trying to make you happy.”
“This is also true,” Victor confirms. “But I meant the other things I said. I am confident in your skills.”
Amie stands. “I’ll think about it while we plan the wedding.”
“Plan?” Victor walks closer to us. “We need no plans. We both say I do and we are done.”
I fake an eye roll. “I want to plan a small wedding. Have my sister be my maid of honor.”
“Okay,” Victor says instantly.
“He does not look like someone who is so agreeable all the time but he is with you.” I hear the smile in Amie’s words.
“It’s because I know how to get what I want.” I lean into Victor, offering him my mouth. He pulls me into his body, kissing me. Everything might not be perfect right now with my family but I know we’ll get there. This resort really does have love in the air and I know Amie is going to find her happily ever after soon.
Chapter 13
“You think she likes her room?” I ask Victor as we leave the suite that we got for her at the hotel. I start to turn around to go back to check on her but Victor snags me around the waist, stopping me.
“It is one of the best in the resort. It’s better than your place,” he reassures me. “Give her some time, Kotyonok, she needs to process this.” I know he’s right but it sucks seeing Amie like this. She’s always so strong. I want to be there for her but I’m not sure there is much I can do but love her and be here whenever she needs me.
I know it’s not really her heart that Marks broke but something altogether different. A strength inside of her has been whittled away. I think it’s because it was a double betrayal. Not only by someone she was romantically interested in but by her own flesh and blood. Our mother’s betrayal is really what’s eating Amie alive. Who can you trust if not your own mother?
“I don’t think I’ll ever forgive her,” I tell Victor as he leads me from my sister’s suite. He doesn't have to ask to know who I’m talking about. I was never close to my mother. I don’t think any of us girls were, but we always all stuck together. This is the ultimate betrayal, not just to Amie but our entire family. I pray I never see my mother again.
“You don’t have to.” He shrugs.