Page 59 of Beautiful Burn (The Maddox Brothers 4)
“You’re terrible at flirting,” I said, deflated.
Liam seemed surprised at my retreat, and then he closed one eye and wrinkled his nose, almost like he was in pain. “I really fucked that one up, didn’t I? Just forget I said that. Let me help. I’ll buy you another drink.”
“I’ll take it.”
The door swung open, and Tyler walked in alone, shoving his hands in his pockets and looking around. When his gaze landed on me, he paused. My breath hitched, and my heart banged against my ribcage. It was all I could do not to leave my seat and run across the room and tackle him.
Tyler casually strolled over to the bar to greet Annie and grab a beer before navigating the tables to stand next to our corner booth. Each step he took seemed to take an eternity, but finally he was there, standing just a few feet away.
He eyed Liam before smiling at me. “Hey.”
“Hey,” I replied, nervous and embarrassed, knowing we sounded ridiculous in front of the crew.
Tyler grabbed a chair and sat next to Jubal, who patted him a few times on the back for encouragement. “Glad you decided to join us after all, Maddox.”
Watts smirked. “I’m sad to know we weren’t good enough for a sendoff, but add Ellie to the mix…”
“Shut your hole, Watts,” Cat growled.
Tyler took a swig of his bottle and leaned back, looking unaffected until Liam lifted his arm and rested it across the back of my chair. Tyler’s eyes darted to Liam’s extended arm, and then to Liam, a murderous glare in his eye.
“We were just talking about you, Maddox,” Liam said.
I let out an involuntary, awkward chuckle. “No we … no we weren’t.”
Tyler stayed guarded, unsure of Liam’s intention but clearly undaunted. He took another sip of his beer, then leaned forward, his elbows on the table. “Is that so?”
“No, it’s not so,” I insisted, trying to wade through the Hurricane to be present enough to avoid humiliation.
Tyler smiled at me, and I melted. “It’s okay if you were. I was just thinking about you.”
“And there we have it,” Liam said. “Told ya, love.”
Tyler’s gaze left me and targeted Liam, a line between his eyebrows forming. “I don’t know what you’re trying to do, Liam, but if you want to leave here with both arms, stop.”
Liam laughed, genuinely amused.
“Liam,” I warned.
“I’m just having a go at you, mate. You make it too easy.”
Jack’s chair whined against the floor as he leaned forward. “Liam. Enough.”
Liam held up his arms. “I’m sorry. I was just trying to get her to take a trip with me. I don’t think it’s Colorado she’ll miss.”
Three lines on Tyler’s forehead deepened when his eyebrows pushed upward. The crew shifted in their seats, uncomfortably witnessing the exchange.
“Another round!” Jubal said, lifting his half-empty glass. The rest of the crew lifted their glasses and hollered their agreement in unison.
Tyler leaned in, lowering his chin as he stared at Liam. “What are you doing, man?” He took the tone he did with Taylor when he was disappointed in his behavior.
Liam smiled his most charming smile. “I’ve tried, mate. She doesn’t want me. I’m an excellent wingman. Ask Jack.”
All of Jack’s teeth gleamed when he smiled. “Truth.”
One corner of Tyler’s mouth curled up, and then he looked at me. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, a man I vaguely remembered stumbled into the table.
“Maddox!” he slurred, slapping Tyler’s shoulder. His fingers curled over the top of Tyler’s flannel shirt and dug in.
“Look!” he said, spittle flying from his mouth when he spoke. “It’s the girl who kicked me in the balls!”
“Todd Mercer,” I said, his clue helping me recall. “I’d love to do that for you again.”
A sour look came over his face. “Ellie, right?”
Tyler shrugged away from Todd’s grip and sighed. “I’m busy, Mercer. I’ll kick your ass later.”
“Why?” Sugar asked, exasperated. “You get your ass kicked every time, Mercer. Every. Time.”
Liam’s eyes sparked, amused. “You kicked him in the balls, Ellie?”
“I was trying to keep him from getting killed by Tyler.”
“Killed.” Todd snorted.
Liam wasn’t impressed. “Who invited this drongo?”
Todd’s nose wrinkled. “What does that even mean? Speak English!”
Liam stopped smiling, trading a look with Jack.
“Move along, Mercer. Your balls will thank me,” I said.
The crew chuckled, and Todd stood up tall, puffing out his chest and suddenly lucid. “You’re pretty fucking mouthy for a seasonal whore reduced to begging locals for drinks.”
After a short stunned silence, chairs squealed against the floor as the Alpine Hotshots rose to their feet. Todd scanned the crew, taking a step back.
The crew’s faces were severe, none more menacing than Tyler’s.
“Maddox!” Annie yelled over the music.
“It’s okay,” I said, standing. I leaned across the table, tugging on Tyler’s shirt.
“The fuck it is,” Tyler said, glowering at Todd.
“No need to be rude, mate,” Liam said.
“Maddox,” Jubal said. He shook his head. “We’re having a good time, and this drunk idiot isn’t going to ruin it for everyone.” He pointed at Todd. “Get the hell out of here. Final warning.”
Tyler glanced at Liam. “Keep the girls over there.”
Liam nodded once.
Todd opened his mouth to speak, but before he could form another word, Tyler lunged at him. Suddenly, the entire bar was a swarm of violent commotion, swinging arms, yelling, and entire groups of men moving one way or the other as they shoved against one another.
Liam pulled Jojo close and stretched his arm across my chest, angling his body in front of us for protection but clearly entertained.
“No!” Jojo yelled as a table buckled and crashed to the floor. “Oh, Daddy is going to be so pissed.”
Jack was standing on a chair, directing whoever was at the bottom of the pile. Cat, Sugar, and Puddin’ were tossing anyone who wasn’t a hotshot out of the mound of thrashing bodies like toddlers eagerly searching a toy box.