Page 54 of Loyal Heir (The Heirs 4)
When we walk into the suite, Mom goes with me to the bathroom while Dad pours himself a drink.
I watch as Mom turns on the water, and then she unzips my tattered dress. I let her take care of me because I need the comfort it brings me.
Mom leaves me for the couple of minutes it takes me to wash all the dirt off my body, and when I see the bruises all over my body, sobs rush up my throat. I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around me just as Mom comes back into the bathroom.
Without a word, she grips me tightly to her chest. Feeling Mom’s arms around me, the tears fall faster, and we both sink to the floor. Mom clings to me, unable to keep her own tears back.
We hold each other as we find comfort in the embrace.
Mom’s the first to calm down, and she frames my face, using her thumbs to wipe my tears away. “My sweet, sweet baby girl.”
“I’m okay, Momma,” I murmur.
She hugs me tightly again. “I know. I just aged a hundred years. I don’t know how I’d survive if something were to happen to you.”
I comfort Mom until she pulls back. “Let’s get you dressed in comfy clothes before your father breaks down the door to get to you.”
Her words bring a smile to my face.
“You also need to eat. What should I order?” Mom asks.
“Just coffee and a muffin. I don’t think I can manage a meal right now.”
Mom nods. “Get dressed, then come eat, okay?”
I nod, and when Mom leaves, I remove the towel and step into a pair of black sweatpants. I shrug on a white t-shirt and then a fluffy hoodie. I quickly brush my teeth before I step out of the bathroom.
I see Dad holding Mom, and he murmurs, “Our baby’s okay, Hunt.” Dad presses a kiss to the side of Mom’s head.
“I’m so freaking emotional,” Mom complains against his chest.
“Shhh… I’ve got you, babe.”
The sight of my parents holding each other brings a burst of warmth to my chest. I walk closer, and they both open their arms so I can worm my way between them. Cocooned by my parents, I close my eyes and just absorb feeling safe… loved… alive.
A knock at the door has us pulling apart. Dad goes to open it, and a waiter rolls a cart with the beverages and muffins into the living room.
“Come eat, my girls,” Dad says as he begins to pour cream and sugar into the cups.
Mom and I each take a muffin and a cup of coffee from Dad. I sit down on the couch, and Mom drops down next to me.
Dad sips on his coffee, watching my every move. I don’t have any appetite, but I eat the muffin so my parents won’t worry.
Dad’s phone begins to ring, and he answers, “Hey, Lake. Hold a second.” He presses something on the device, then says, “I’ve got you on speakerphone.”
“How are you all holding up?” Uncle Lake asks.
“Just rattled, but Aria ate something,” Dad answers.
“That’s good. Get a lot of food into her,” Uncle Lake says, and it brings a smile to my face.
“Hey, Uncle Lake,” I greet him.
“Hi, sweetheart. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, like Dad said, I’m just a little rattled.”
“The private jet is waiting to bring you all home,” Uncle Lake adds. “I can’t wait to have you all safely in Ojay.” Then he asks, “Any news on how Forest is doing?”
Dad shakes his head. “Just that he has a broken arm and ribs. Falcon hasn’t called yet. Forest’s probably still asleep.”
“But he wasn’t injured severely? Right?” Uncle Lake asks.
“No, he’ll be able to go home tomorrow. Tell Lee to make a feast so we can celebrate,” Dad replies.
“We’ll have all the food waiting for y’all,” Uncle Lake chuckles. “Keep safe. Love you all.”
“Love you, too,” Dad murmurs before the call cuts out. He shoves the device back in his pocket then looks at us. “Let’s get going.”
I shoot up and place the empty cup back on the cart.
“Baby.” Mom takes hold of my arm. “Your sneakers. You can’t go barefoot.”
“Oh. Right.” I let out a tired chuckle and go to get my shoes. I slip them on as quick as I can before I dart back to the living room. Mom wraps her arm around my waist, and as we walk out of the hotel room, Dad takes hold of my right hand.
God, to think I almost lost this.
The thought makes me swallow hard, and I grip Dad’s hand tightly.
Chapter 25
When the door to the hospital room opens, and I see Uncle Mason, my throat instantly closes up, knowing I’ll see Aria any second.
My eyes finally land on her, and a smile splits over my face when she rushes to my right side. The moment her palm settles against my jaw, and I get to grab hold of her, everything fades, and it’s just the two of us again.