Page 33 of Loyal Heir (The Heirs 4)
“You sure?” I ask, hesitant to leave her alone.
“Yeah. You know how I get when I paint. The whole world could go to hell, and I wouldn’t notice.” She lets out a chuckle, and it makes me feel better.
“Okay. Don’t work too late.” Leaning down, I frame her face and press a tender kiss to her mouth. “I’ll keep the bed warm for you.”
I walk to the door but then stop and turning back to Aria, I say, “I just want to sit five minutes with you, and I promise I’ll leave you to work.” I go take a seat on the stool and tilt my head. “It feels like I didn’t get to spend any time with you today.”
“Yeah,” she murmurs, her gaze drifting over the painting.
I turn my attention to the canvas. “It’s amazing what you can create with a blank piece of paper, a brush, and some paints.”
“An entire world,” she whispers.
Looking back to her, I ask, “Is that the title?”
She shakes her head. “I haven’t thought of a name yet.”
“It would be fitting,” I give my opinion.
I lean over, and taking hold of her hips, I turn her body, so she’ll face me. My eyes lock on hers, and when she meets my gaze, a smile tugs at my mouth. “Hi.”
The corner of her mouth lifts. “Hey.”
I lift my hand and brush my fingers from her temple down to her jaw. “I love you.”
A heartbreaking expression flashes over her face and darkens her eyes.
I reach for her stool and pull her closer to me. Framing her face, I ask, “Why the sad look?”
She sucks in a deep breath and shakes her head. “I’m just overly emotional from the pressure and PMS.” Then she lets out a chuckle. “They're quite the explosive combo.”
“Yeah?” I lean closer and press a kiss to her lips.
“Yeah,” she breathes. Her eyes meet mine, and it looks like she wants to say something.
Aria shakes her head again and gestures to the canvas. “I need to get back to work, or I won’t get it done in time.”
“Okay.” I get up but then lean down and give her a last kiss before I walk out of the class to get to my own workload.
I can’t stand the silence and open the Spotify app. Putting in my earphones, I turn the music up loud so it will drown out my thoughts.
My hand moves, and I get lost in my art.
Paint It, Black by Ciara plays, and the lyrics are in sync with my brushstrokes.
‘Maybe then I’ll fade away and not have to face the facts. It’s not easy facing up when your whole world is black.’
It feels like my heart is a bloody mess, and I wish I could reach inside me and throw it over the canvas.
I reach for the crimson oil paint, and squirting some on the palette, I begin to blend it into the thick black strokes.
I keep working until it feels like my eyes are on fire, and slumping back, I let the palette rest on my lap. I close my eyes, and the burn makes them tear up.
Putting the palette and brush on the table, I take hold of my phone, and I exit the playlist. My battery is low, and when I see the time, I let out a gasp.
Crap, it’s already past midnight.
I quickly wipe the remaining paint off the brush before I dunk it in thinners so it won’t get hard. When I’ve cleaned my workspace, I grab my bag and the containers of uneaten food and rush to the door. Shutting it behind me, I jog out of the building. The campus is super quiet, and I let out a shriek when a guard comes around the corner.
He nods at me, and I feel safer knowing he’s patrolling the grounds. I hurry into the dorm and take the elevator up to my floor, then I sneak as quietly as possible into the suite.
Walking up the hallway, I notice the light is still on in Forest’s room, and peeking inside, the corner of my mouth twitches when I see him fast asleep with the laptop on his lap. I walk inside and carefully lift the device. Shutting it, I go set it down on the table.
I turn back to the bed and, staring at Forest, there’s a painful twinge in my chest. It’s as if there’s a hollow space, and it just keeps growing.
“I love you, Forest,” I whisper. “More than you’ll ever know.”
Letting out a hopeless breath, I turn off the light and pull his door shut behind me.
Needing a glass of water before I take a shower and climb into bed, I walk back to the kitchen. I jump with fright when I find Noah in front of the fridge.
He frowns at me. “Did you just get in?”