Page 24 of Loyal Heir (The Heirs 4)
I close the distance between us, and wrapping my arms around him, I bury my face against his chest. “I won’t survive losing you.”
Forest holds me tightly, and he presses a kiss to the top of my head before he murmurs, “You won’t lose me.”
Chapter 10
The past two days, it feels as if I’ve been living in a bubble with Aria. We steal moments to make out, and each one fills me with more excitement for the next.
After Carla and I are done with our last class, we walk to the art department to wait for Aria.
“It’s our first Friday night at Trinity,” Carla mentions. “What are we going to do?”
“No parties,” I give Carla a pleading look. “Can we just hang out at the suite?”
“Only if we can play a drinking game. I need alcohol after all the work we got this week.”
“Deal,” I immediately agree.
Aria comes walking to us, and when she’s close, I take a couple of steps forward, and wrapping my arm around her waist, I press a kiss to her mouth.
“You know, I’m starting to feel left out,” Carla complains behind us.
Without hesitating, both Aria and I dart to Carla, and we each press a kiss on her cheeks. “I didn’t mean y’all had to slobber on me,” she laughs, clearly appreciating the attention.
Taking hold of Aria’s hand, I throw my arm around Carla’s shoulders, and we start to walk to the dorms.
“Forest wants to stay in,” Carla brings Aria up to date with our plans. “I said we can play a drinking game.”
“Sounds good,” Aria agrees. “We can also order in then, instead of going to the restaurant.”
“Yes.” Carla begins to look excited about our evening plans. “Lots of snacks, alcohol, and some fun. Just what the doctor ordered.”
When we walk into the suite, Noah glances at us from where he’s watching TV.
“No plans?” I ask as I set my bag down by the couch.
“Nope.” He stretches out. “I’m just going to chill tonight, seeing as I have to help Kao and Fallon move tomorrow.”
“Oh, they roped you in as well,” I let out a chuckle.
“Yeah. Does that mean you’re also helping?” he asks.
“I think the whole group is helping them move,” Aria mentions. “We’re just going to hang and play a drinking game. Do you want to join us?”
Noah nods. “Sure. Beats watching TV.”
“What game are we playing?” I ask, glancing at everyone.
“We can play fear pong,” Noah mentions.
“Fear pong?” Aria asks, her eyes widening.
“Yeah, we write dares on the bottom of the cups, and you either do the dare or drink. The winning team wins two hundred dollars,” Noah explains.
“Team?” Carla asks, her eyes settling on Noah, and then she begins to laugh. “God, this is going to be priceless.”
Noah shakes his head. “Enlighten me as to why?”
She smirks at him. “You and I. We’re on a team.”
“Fuck,” he grumbles.
“I’m first going to change into my sweatpants,” Aria says.
“Me too.” Carla follows after her, and once they’re out of earshot, I look back at Noah and ask, “Will the two of you manage to not kill each other tonight?”
Noah chuckles. “Yeah, don’t worry. I’ll take it easy on her.”
“Thanks. I’m going to change as well.” I begin to walk down the hallway, then pause to ask, “Do we have solo cups for this game?”
“Yeah, and there’s whiskey. We’re sorted.”
I give him a chin lift then go to change out of my clothes.
We’re using the island in the kitchen, and Noah’s set up cups on either side. I lift one to see what kind of dares the girls have written on them and then laugh.
“Tell the opposing team about a dirty fantasy you would never actually do in real life?” My eyes dart to Carla and Aria. “Seriously?”
Carla shrugs. “We got the dares online.”
“I have a dirty fantasy,” Noah mutters. “It involves tape and Carla’s mouth.”
I try not to laugh but fail and end up snorting.
“Yeah?” Carla glances at Noah. “You don’t want to hear mine.”
Noah lifts his chin, his eyes settling on her. “Let me hear it.”
“It involves you having three adam’s apples,” she sasses him.
“Okay,” Aria says before they can start fighting, “time to play the game. Also, we have to take turns reading the dares because some of them are meant for one person only.” She tosses the ball to Carla. “You can go first.”
Aria comes to stand next to me, and we watch as Carla throws the ball into a cup.
Carla lets out a happy shriek.
“Lucky shot,” I tease her as I reach for a cup. Turning it over, I read out loud, “Do whatever your partner wants for the rest of the day.” My gaze darts to Carla. “So, I have to do whatever Aria tells me?” I ask to clarify.
“Pretty much,” Noah answers. “Or you can drink.”
“She bosses me around anyway,” I joke as I put the cup down. Picking up the ball, I throw it, and it misses a cup by a ball hair. “Shit. What now?”