Page 8 of The Camp (Chateau 2)
“I’m begging you…”
Even if that were entirely true, that Raven had executed some ridiculously heroic feat, it didn’t matter. “The only reason I was under that burning building was because she set it on fire.” I spoke in a normal voice because I didn’t care if she got caught trying to slip me this note. “That means nothing to me.”
She breathed harder, her wet eyes forming tears that became so heavy they dripped down her cheeks.
Fender’s footsteps became audible from the other room.
She forced my fingers apart and shoved the paper inside. “If you knew what she said about you when you weren’t around, you would take this note. So please. Please.” She wiped her tears away quickly so Fender wouldn’t notice. She pushed my closed hand into my body. “Please.”
Fender’s footsteps became loud once he entered the room. “I had to go down to the cellar to get your favorite.” He carried the glass to her, his arm moving around her waist after he handed it to her.
She gave me one final look before she turned into him and kissed the corner of his mouth. “You didn’t have to do that.”
He kissed her on the neck before he released her. “You know I’d do anything for you, beautiful. Now, let the men talk business. I’ll join you for dinner soon.” He kissed her again before he turned back to me.
She gave me one final pleading look before she walked away, her heels slowly tapping against the tile.
Fender turned back to me, oblivious to the tension in the room because he couldn’t think straight when it came to her. “Now that is a woman worth fighting for.” He grabbed his scotch again and took a drink.
I almost told him what had transpired, but something changed my mind. My fingers kept the small piece of paper in my grasp before I slipped my hand into my front pocket. “I’ve never seen you this way with a woman.” I didn’t ask him for details, didn’t ask for any specific kind of response.
He stared at me for a long time, his brown eyes still and focused. The silence continued as if I hadn’t spoken at all. “Because this is the first time it’s happened.”
When I was in my car and safe behind the tinted windows, I pulled the note from my pocket and read it.
I’ve gone back to him. I think in enough time I can convince him to let you go. Just hang tight, okay? I’ll get you out of there…I promise.
I love you.
Three Versus One
I returned to the camp.
I walked through the clearing and felt Alix stare at me, his head turning to watch me as I passed. My week in Paris obviously hadn’t subdued his anger. Even armed with a weapon, he couldn’t overpower me. He might be bulkier, but I was quicker, and the stronger fighter didn’t necessarily win.
If he tried again, I’d kill him this time.
Fender had dropped his palpable hostility given the progress I’d made, so I had his favor again. If I killed one of the guards, there would be no repercussions. The other guards would hate me more, so I’d rather not, but I wouldn’t put up with Alix’s bullshit much longer.
I stared at him as I passed, so he would know I was aware of his stare, that he could try again if he wanted.
But I’d knock him on his ass again.
I checked the packaged coke on the table and ignored the other stare that landed on my back. Her blue eyes pierced into me, silently asking me to turn around and meet her gaze. She pleaded, her energy traveling through the air and absorbing into my skin then bloodstream. But I ignored it.
The note was in my pocket.
But I wouldn’t give it to her.
It was late in the evening.
I sat at my desk against the wall, my TV on. My laptop was open, and I worked on the spreadsheets that I had to catch up on after my week-long absence because Fender didn’t trust anyone to do the numbers right other than me. They could falsify numbers, take a cut for themselves, and we’d look like idiots.
My thoughts started to trail away as my gaze turned unfocused on the screen.
It was almost midnight, and I was tired.
But my hand reached into my pocket and pulled out the note that had been opened and crumpled many times. I studied the feminine handwriting, listened to the sound of Melanie’s voice in my head, the way she quietly pleaded. Her tears shone brilliantly under the light of the chandelier. She’d returned herself to a monster to save her sister. Back and forth, they made sacrifices for each other.
I crumpled the note again and threw it in the wastebasket next to my desk.
I would tell Fender the truth the next time I saw him.