Page 22 of The Camp (Chateau 2)
I nodded.
He bowed his head slightly as he considered the request, his eyes on his glass on the table.
If he said no, I’d have no choice but to leave her here.
He lifted his gaze again. “If she escapes…I’ll cut off the rest of you and watch you bleed out.”
If Raven betrayed me again, I’d be dead. I shouldn’t risk anything for her, but it was the lesser of two evils—because I couldn’t abandon her. I couldn’t trust her, but I also couldn’t live with myself knowing what happened to her every single time I left. It would kill me. “I understand.”
“It doesn’t matter if you let her go or she betrays you. If she’s out, it’s your head.”
I nodded again. “I know.”
He clenched his jaw slightly and shook his head. “I’ll never understand it, but I’m not going to try anymore. If this is what you’re into…so be it. I grant your request.” He grabbed the glass, finished the scotch, and then slammed it down again before he rose to his feet.
I couldn’t believe I’d done it.
I saved her.
“Beautiful.” He raised his voice slightly, with a hint of affection.
The door opened, and she came back in, her eyes on him like there was no one else in the room. Her petite frame had an hourglass shape, a flat stomach with large breasts. She had long, slender legs. She wasn’t the type of woman I usually saw my brother with. He generally detested American women. But there was something different about this one.
Just as there was something different about Raven.
His arm circled her waist as he brought her close. “We’ll have dinner then go to bed. I have a lot of things to do tomorrow.”
“Can I see her?” The words flew out of her mouth like she’d been holding them back since they got there. “Please.” Her arms circled his neck, and she brought her face close to his, using his obsession to get what she wanted. “I just want to see my sister…please.” She leaned in and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips.
His hands squeezed her ass before he stepped away. “Take her to the cunt’s cabin. Give them five minutes. Nothing more.”
“Thank you, amoureux…” She called him her lover, then moved in to kiss him again.
He gave her a final embrace before he walked out of the cabin.
Melanie covered her face for a moment, instantly emotional at the prospect of seeing her sister.
I got to my feet. “Let’s go.”
“What were you saying? I know you were talking about Raven, but I couldn’t make anything out.”
I didn’t answer her and headed to the door. “Haven’t I done enough for you?”
She followed behind me and didn’t ask again.
I guided her out of the cabin and to mine across the clearing. My key moved into the lock, and I opened the door. “I’m not going to give you longer than five minutes, so don’t ask.” I stepped aside so she could enter.
She stepped inside.
Raven dropped something and gasped. “Oh my god…”
Melanie broke down into tears. “Sister…”
They came together and embraced.
I watched them for a moment, seeing the way they both cried as they shook in each other’s arms, the raw emotion that flowed out of them both, like this little moment was a gift from God.
I shut the door until it was only cracked, and I lingered outside so I could listen. I didn’t trust Raven anymore, so if they were plotting some foolish attempt to escape, I needed to know about it.
“I only have five minutes…” Melanie sniffled.
“I just can’t believe you’re here…” Raven spoke through her tears.
“I asked him to bring me so I could see you.”
“Melanie…” She sniffled loudly. “You shouldn’t have gone to him. I never would have wanted you to do that.”
“It’s fine. It’s not so bad.”
“Not so bad?” she asked incredulously.
Melanie dodged the question like she didn’t want to talk about Fender. “Your cabin…why does it have a laptop and a TV?”
“Oh…” Raven’s excitement fell. “It’s not mine. It’s Magnus’s.”
“Why are you in his cabin?”
“Because it was the only way he could protect me from the guards.” She burst into tears again, either from gratitude or terror.
“He still cares about you,” Melanie whispered.
Raven didn’t verbally respond.
I stared at the crack in the door, unable to see them.
Melanie lowered her voice, as if she hoped I wouldn’t hear. “He was talking about you to Fender, but I couldn’t figure out what they were saying. I asked him, but he wouldn’t tell me.”
“He was probably telling him that I’m in his cabin. Thought it would be better to come from him instead of the other guards.”
“Maybe…but it seemed like more than that.”
Raven was quiet for a while. “Does he treat you well?”
“Yes, he does.” She spoke again, changing the subject a second time. “I’m gonna get him to release you. Every time I bring you up, he cuts me off. So…I just need some more time with him.”