Page 63 of The Chateau (Chateau 1)
“I could have killed you.”
I shook my head, tears dripping down my cheeks. “Please don’t make me do this. Please don’t make me—”
“It’s the only way.”
I quickly wiped my face with my hands, fighting the panic spreading through my body.
“I’m leaving in a few days—so this is your only chance.”
I took a deep breath and forced my tears to stop. “The last thing I want to do is hurt you. I can’t hurt you. I just can’t do it…” This man was the only thing separating me from execution. He was the only reason I still breathed.
He stepped closer to me, his hand moving to my arm, giving me a strong squeeze. “You can do this. Do it to protect me. Everything is already set up, and I can’t go back and hide it. This needs to happen now—for both our sakes.”
I raised my hand and looked at the faucet he’d beaten off the wall.
“I can handle it. I’ve had worse.”
I lifted my chin and looked at him again. “I’m so sorry…”
“Don’t be.” His eyes were a little warmer now, like my pain softened him. “Hit me a couple times until I’m down.”
How could he say that so nonchalantly?
“I already took some pills to make it easier for me.”
I was going to be sick.
“Hit me in the back—so you don’t have to look at me.”
If he had told me the plan beforehand, I never would have agreed to it. “You didn’t tell me before on purpose.”
He didn’t confirm my suspicion because it was obvious. “One final thing… I’m going to be down for a day or so. So, if you get caught, I won’t be able to help you again.”
Now the stakes were even higher.
“Don’t get caught.” He stepped away and headed to the door. After one final look, he gave me a nod, telling me to do it once he stepped outside, and then walked out.
I gripped the bathtub faucet in my hand and felt a rush of nausea because of what I had to do. Not only did I have to hit him, but I had to hit him until he lost consciousness. I had to make it look real, like I really did sneak up behind him after he delivered dinner and beat him to a pulp. It would make him look innocent in all this, that I stole his keys and got the horse because I thought he was dead.
I had to do this.
No turning back now.
He stood outside and faced the camp, waiting for it to happen, knowing it would happen at any moment.
This was my savior…and I had to hit him.
I slept with this man…and I had to hit him.
Now I knew exactly how he felt when he had that whip in his hand and stared at my bare back, knowing he’d have to whip me bloody. If he didn’t, I would die.
I told myself he would be okay. He was a strong man who would bounce back. If I survived the whipping, he could survive this. I walked up to him and held up the metal pipe. My hand shook before I did it.
I hit him.
He scuffled forward slightly but remained upright, not making a sound.
I did it again…and again.
Until he collapsed.
He fell on his side, blood dripping from the back of his head to the floor.
I looked at the strongest man I’d ever met and cried. Tears filled my eyes and dripped down my cheeks, bringing salt to my lips before they fell down my chin. My chest heaved with the need to sob.
I felt so sick that I didn’t want to leave.
I kneeled next to him and looked at him, seeing his closed eyes. My hand went to his chest and felt it rise and fall with his breathing. I wanted to patch him up, put a blanket over him, but I had to leave him like that. “I’m so sorry…” I left the pipe beside him and leaned down to kiss him on the lips. “I’m sorry.” I spoke against his lips, crying because of what I’d done to him.
But I couldn’t linger. Light was fading, and I was working against the clock. “I’ll see you in a few days…” My hand touched his cheek before I rose to my feet. I took a look around, seeing no one in sight. The guards who were posted last time weren’t there anymore because I was no longer considered a flight risk.
They were wrong.
I left and didn’t turn back again, because if I looked at him one more time, I might not have the strength to leave.
I moved into the forest and followed his guidelines until I found the place where the horse was tied up. She was saddled and ready to go, the reins tied to a low tree branch. Her huge eyes immediately looked at me approaching, vapor coming from her big nostrils. “Hey, girl…” I rubbed her snout before I gave it a kiss. “Can I get a ride?” I loosened the reins then pulled myself into the saddle.