Page 23 of Make Me a Match
“You’ve got a lot of new things happening in your life. I get that. So I wanted to provide you one sure thing.”
“And that’s you?”
“Yup. I wanted you the moment I saw you. Couldn’t imagine being bought by anybody else. The truth is, Paislee, you bought me and now you own me. You don’t wanna throw me away. Imagine what that would do to my ego.” I pat my chest dramatically.
She snorts. “I think you are going to be just fine.”
“It’s a good thing I’m not a debate teacher because I’m not doing a very good job of convincing you of my honest intentions—or maybe it’s that you don’t want me.” I don’t believe that to be true. I might be inexperienced, but I’m not blind. I can see how she looks at me. And even though I work out to stay healthy, I’m glad that my body turns her on. She wants me, even if she doesn’t want to admit it. When we’ve kissed, she doesn’t want to let go, and she’s just as eager as I am.
Earlier at the restaurant she was trying to climb me like a tree. If our families hadn’t been feet away and we weren’t in a crowded restaurant, I wouldn’t have put a stop to things. I would’ve let her peel away my shirt, unzip my pants, and shove my cock inside her steamy cunt. Sadly, there were too many people around for that to happen.
We’re alone now, sitting at the edge of my small lawn under a shaded arbor. No one can see us, and so she is free to molest me in whatever way she sees fit. Unfortunately, she hasn’t been moved to do so. Instead, she ate sparingly and is now moodily destroying the grass.
“Tell me what’s the real problem. We can wait on the rings until after we’ve dated for some time. We can run off to Las Vegas and tie the knot. I’ll have to lie to my mother, though. She would probably take my balls if I deprived her of a chance to throw a wedding. You’ll have to defend me.”
She heaves a sigh and throws herself back on the blanket to stare at the ivy curling through the trellis. “The real problem is that I don’t belong here in this world. My father abandoned me, and my mom was great. I never really wanted for anything, but she worked very hard for that. She was obviously not good enough for him or his world.”
“I hope you don’t think I’m anything like Old Man Abbott. No offense to your father, but he’s an asshole.”
“Maybe so, but him being a terrible person doesn’t mean that I fit into the Abbott family. Marguerite is wonderful, but I always feel like I’m on the verge of making some huge social mistake, and I won’t even realize that I’ve made the mistake because I don’t know enough about the rules here. And don’t tell me that you live in a small house and that you’re a schoolteacher because you were raised in a house like Belle Époque while I didn’t even know that houses had names.”
“The best way to fit into this world is to believe that you own it. I think that’s the difference. My student believes that she has every right to have a relationship with me even though in my eyes she’ll always be that snot-nosed girl with the pimples on her chin who got the Pledge of Allegiance and the Constitution mixed up.”
The sad example of ignorance sends Paislee’s eyebrows into her forehead. “You’ve got to be kidding.”
I shake my head solemnly. “How could I kid about something that shows what an abject failure at teaching I am?”
“She did get into college, so you’re not that terrible,” Paislee tries to reassure me.
“That and her daddy’s fat donation check, but enough about the girl. I want to talk about you.” I shift so I’m lying next to her, our bodies scant inches apart. Her hands rest on her tummy. I take one and lace my fingers through it. “I do want you, Paislee. Let me show you how much.”
“And then what?”
“And then whatever you want. Vegas, this garden here, my life. It’s all yours.” I lean down and press my lips against hers. She melts softly, parting her lips and welcoming my tongue. She tastes like wild honey from the forest. It’s addicting and intoxicating. I lower our joined fingers to the juncture of her legs and press against her pubis.
Her legs open, and I take that invitation to ruck up her skirt and delve between her thighs. I rub her fingers and mine against her cotton-covered cunt lips. Her hand and mine grow wet with her desire. I push the fabric away and stroke the tender flesh, spreading her moisture around until she’s soaked and ready.