Page 22 of Under His Rule (His 1)
What she doesn’t realize is that I always get what I want.
“Just know you’re a part of something important, and nothing, and I mean nothing, will stand in the way of that,” I say, lowering my head. “You’ve survived. And I will be here watching you every step of the way while you flourish in your new role.” I caress her cheek. “And then, when the time comes, I’ll come and get you.”
I wink, and with that, I turn around and leave before anyone finds me here.
I may be beyond excited to have her in my grasp, but I know the rules … And sooner or later she will too, whether she likes it or not.
Soon, she will be mine, and mine alone to enjoy.
She just doesn’t know it yet.
Even after he’s left, the air is still thick with untold stories and riddles I can’t decipher. My head spins and spins with so many questions that I don’t have the answers to, and he refused to give them.
Why would he do this to me? Why me specifically? Did he choose me randomly, or am I missing something? The symbol, what did it mean and why did I have it? Why the heck did I not ask him when I had the chance?
I ponder for so long that I’m still standing there minutes after he’s left.
And worse … I can still feel his touch, my skin aching for more.
I can’t ever feel that again. No matter what.
No matter how deprived of physical contact I get. No matter how this place makes me feel, how it makes me long for someone to understand me, to give me comfort when all else is cruel.
I can’t give in.
Not to him.
Anyone but him.
He’s the one who took me. This is all his doing. My misery was his choice.
I can’t ever let a man like that overpower me.
Even though he managed to subdue me like a meek fawn with a simple whisper and a touch.
Am I really that weak? Have I lost my ability to fight? Am I that desperate?
Or does he just know how to worm his way into my presence without me wanting to strike back?
“That was … a patriarch.”
I turn my head. Emmy’s standing in the doorway, gaping at me.
“I just saw him leave,” she adds, looking as though she saw a ghost. “Did he … talk to you?”
I swallow away the lump in my throat as she marches toward me. I’m still completely fazed about what just happened.
“A patriarch … favors you,” Emmy says. I don’t like the look in her eyes. It’s not kind or ignorant like she looked at me before … it feels judgmental. Almost as if she’s jealous.
She narrows her eyes at me. “Aren’t you happy?”
I close my eyes, sigh, and then push past her.
“Natalie, you should be elated!”
“No,” I reply.
“You should be. It’s amazing,” she adds, following me.
“No, I hate it,” I say, glancing at her.
“What? You can’t say that,” she sputters. She’s still following me, so I go in another direction.
“I don’t want to be in his favor. I don’t want to be in anyone’s favor.”
“Why not? It’s the greatest gift in the world. God’s gift given to us by the men in this community.”
God’s gift? What a load of bullshit.
She’s indoctrinated, like every one of them.
In fact, it almost sounds as if she’s jealous just because he’s some kind of patriarch. She has no idea.
“Where are you going?” she asks.
I stop and turn to face her. “I don’t want to be here.”
“Don’t say that,” she says, shaking her head. “This is your home now. We’re your sisters. We love you.”
“I am not your sister, and I don’t love you, and you don’t love me. You don’t know me. This place is horrible, and you know that. You’re just in denial,” I say, pointing right at her heart as though it’ll add weight to my words. But I can tell from the way she looks at me that she has no clue what I’m talking about.
She was born here. This is all she knows.
“Forget it,” I say, turning around again.
“Wait a minute!” she says, grabbing me by the arm. “You’re not going anywhere. We’ll have lunch soon, and—”
As she jerks my arm, I spin on my heels and slap her right in the face.
She lets go of me and touches her cheek, and it’s only then that I realize what I just did.
We’re in the middle of the community grounds. Other people are looking at us as if I’ve lost my mind. Women, children, even men look up and stare.
And then the guards arrive.
I shudder in place as Emmy watches them grab me and take me away.
She doesn’t utter a single word as I’m dragged away.
All she does is stare with tears in her eyes … and at that moment, I almost feel pity for her.