Page 6 of Bad Teacher
I look in our private bathroom, trying to find Lesley, but she seems to have disappeared on me.
“If you aren’t coming back, I’m going without you, Les,” I shout.
Then I turn around and sling my backpack over my shoulder. Right as I try to leave through the door, it slams in my face.
“Why?” Lesley’s behind the door. With my vibrator in her hand. “Why?” She jiggles it like it’s fucking jelly.
“Why what? Why the fuck are you holding Mr. Pink?”
“Mr. Pink?” She snorts. “That’s what you call him?”
“You’re just fucking jealous.” I try to snatch it away from her. “Get your own.”
“Ew, I don’t want your stinky stick.” She only holds it with her index finger and thumb now, swaying it back and forth but still keeping it away from me.
“Then give it back.”
“No, not before you tell me. Why … was this not under your bed?” she asks.
I frown. “What?”
“It’s always under your bed. I know you’re a vib-whore. You use this thing on a daily basis.”
“What? Nah …” I try to hide my blush by reaching for the vibrator, but it isn’t working.
“Yeah, you do. I can hear the noise.” She raises her brow. “The thing is … I didn’t last night.”
“So?” I put my hand against my side.
She narrows her eyes at me. “You weren’t here last night …”
“Maybe I was, maybe I wasn’t.”
“Spill it!” she says, pointing the vibrator at me like it’s some sort of correctional tool.
“Fuck no, my business.”
“You’re glowing … You’re hiding something. Friends don’t hide stuff …” she says. “I’m not letting you leave.”
“We’ll miss class,” I say, folding my arms.
She shrugs. “Don’t care.”
“First day? Hello?”
She shrugs again.
I sigh. “Fine! I was out. Happy now?”
She pouts. “Without me? You never go without me. Oh, no … don’t tell me it’s because of your mom … What happened?”
I shake my head. “No, it’s not because of my mom. I just wanted to see what it was like on my own.” Now, I feel guilty.
She shakes her head. “Idiot. You could’ve been drugged.”
“I know, and I’m sorry; it was stupid.”
“Damn right. Why’d you go alone?”
“I just wanted to dance with some guys without making a scene—”
“You mean, without me cock-blocking you. Yeah, I get it.” She shrugs.
“No, not like that … I just didn’t want you to be left alone in there while I went off with some dude.”
“Oh … that’s it.” She grins from ear to ear. “You actually managed to hook up with a guy, didn’t you?”
My eyes widen. “How do—”
Her jaw drops. “Oh, my god …”
Shit. She lured it out of me.
“Fuck you!” I smack her on the arm.
“I didn’t think you’d actually admit it so fast. Oh, my god! You were with a guy!”
“Not. That. Special.” I smack her again.
“It is when you were there in the middle of the fucking night. Yeah, I heard you sneaking in.”
“You did it, didn’t you?” she says, almost hanging on my lips for the answer.
“If I tell you, will you shut up?”
I roll my eyes. “Yeah, we fucked.”
“Fuck, yes!” she screams. “Finally! I’m not alone anymore.”
I shake my head. “Oh, Jesus.”
“What? It’s lonely in ho-land. Now, I’ve finally got my best friend with me.” She hugs me tight. “So how was it? And who? Where? Tell me everything.”
“We have ten minutes to get to class!” I say.
“So? Just tell me the small details. Quick.” She pokes me with the vibrator. “We’re not leaving. This is too important. Spill it.”
“Fine.” I laugh a little. “He was a bit older than me, but not much.”
“How old?”
“I don’t know … maybe twenty-five?”
“How can you not know?” She makes a face.
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t know anything about him? What about his name?”
I shake my head. She looks at me as if I’ve been smoking crack.
“Are you insane? You slept with a dude for the first fucking time, and you don’t even know his name? You gave away your fucking virginity to a random stranger?”
“That pretty much sums it up.” I shrug. “It’s not a big deal.”
“Of course, it is!” She grabs me. “You finally lost your V-card.”
“I don’t want it to be a big deal. That’s why I did it. I just wanted to do it. That’s it.”
“Damn, girl …” She lets out a short gasp. “Can’t believe it.” She makes a sad face. “My little Hailey, all grown up.”
I wave away her hand as she tries to pat me on the head. “Fuck you, Les.”
“Oh, c’mon. I’m just proud of you. And I can’t believe you did something that dangerous.” She puts her arm around my shoulder. “Sneaking off with some random stranger. Was it good?”
I smile just thinking about it. “Oh, yeah … good.”
“Like good good? Like so good Fabio would be jealous of our fuck that came straight out of a romance novel or Gooooooood so fucking good I just came from his voice alone?” She fans herself.