Page 51 of Branded (Savage Men 4)
However, my eyes are practically glued to the gun because he’s holding it so casually that I’m almost inclined to believe he forgot about it. Just … one … second.
I lunge at it.
He pulls up the gun midair, causing me to fall to the floor empty-handed. I grasp his legs and do the only thing I can think of; I sink my teeth into his skin right near the calves.
He yelps in pain and stomps around with me hanging on him. The gun almost flings from his hand, and I reach out to grab it. As my fingertips touch the metal, my heart skips a beat. Then he shoves me away until I bump into the edge of the bed with the back of my head. An oomph sound leaves my mouth right as he points the gun at my face.
“You never learn, do you?” he says through gritted teeth. “How many times do we have to do this for you to understand that you’ll never win?”
I smile and shake my head. “You’re wrong. I will,” I say with a toneless voice. “I will kill you and your uncle even if it’s the last thing I do on this earth.”
His lips part, but then he closes his mouth again and smiles instead. “Your tenacity is admirable.”
A sudden gunshot makes me close my eyes.
I can’t breathe. Can’t think. Can’t fucking move.
Am I dead?
No. That sound didn’t come from nearby.
My eyes burst open again, only to find Brandon pointing his gun at the door instead.
Two words from him are all that are needed to make my heart race.
“They’re here.”
Chapter Twenty-Three
The bullet that went through the walls narrowly missed us. Instead, it’s lodged into the wall next to the bathroom door. I immediately point my gun at the door and wait. If they come in, I’ll fucking shoot them all.
Are these my uncle’s men? Did he send them to kill us both?
I never answered his phone call, so he must know I don’t intend to bring her back to him by now. Still, would he go to these extreme measures just to capture her? Or is something else at play?
“Come out, Brandon. I know you’re in there.”
It’s Matteo.
I never expected my uncle would send him of all people. Then again, I shouldn’t be surprised. He’s the closest thing I have to a buddie ever since I left Springhaven and Hanson behind. I never meant to cut things off like that, but that’s what happens when you murder people. You run.
I was lucky my uncle vouched for me and kept me away from the police. They never could identify me, despite firsthand accounts from the Burrells. Without solid proof it was me, the police couldn’t act, so I was free as a bird.
But it seems my uncle only pardons for things that don’t involve him directly. And now that I have the sole cause of the destruction of his empire in my possession, I don’t think he’s gonna let me off the hook.
“Brandon. Come out. Now. I know you have her,” Matteo says. “I really don’t wanna shoot you.”
“Then don’t,” I yell back.
Dixie’s still on the floor, glaring at me. I hold my finger over my lips. If she talks, they’ll definitely know she’s here. Because who says they know? They might be trying to call my bluff. That’s how we were trained to deal with situations such as this. Always try to outsmart the bad guy.
Except, in this case, I’m the bad guy … and I don’t intend to lose to my own co-workers. Ex-co-workers because I don’t think I’m ever gonna get to work for my uncle again without losing a few fingers or toes, if not my entire fucking head. He’d probably rip my heart from my chest if he knew what Dixie and I just did.
But fuck him. It was worth it.
I needed to punish her for all she’s done, and I’m far from finished with her yet.
So I grab her arm and hoist her from the floor, determined to get us both out of here.
A wave of bullets punctures the walls again, and I duck for cover. Dixie jumps away against the bathroom door, where she hides behind the moment the shooting stops.
I immediately flank the door as the men are already trying to pry it open. Not on my watch.
The moment one of them pushes it open, I dropkick him to the floor and grab his arm to fling him my way, away from the door and the open fire. With one firm snap, his arm breaks, and he cries out in pain as the gun drops to the floor. Too bad for him, he’s not Matteo.
I shoot him in the legs, so he’ll stay put. Then I grab his gun.
One down, fuck knows how many more to go. Including Matteo.