Page 24 of Branded (Savage Men 4)
I know where to go. A motel not far from here will be the perfect place to hide from my uncle … and the perfect place for her to get what’s coming to her. “But first, we’re going to have some fun.”
Chapter Eleven
He manages to lead me out of the hotel at gunpoint by keeping the damn thing hidden under a coat he stole from the hotel lobby. Damn smartass.
Now we’re outside and he hoists me into his truck, which he slams shut and locks before I can get out. I’m in the back seat with a thick, plastic partition between us. Probably to keep something—or someone—away from the driver. It’s almost as if he prepared for this.
Was he hired by his uncle to regularly kidnap people or something? Sheesh.
A few men scramble outside the hotel, gawking around, probably looking for me.
Brandon responds by changing gears and ramming his foot on the gas, speeding off.
It’s not before they spot us, though, and they all come running after us. Gunshots are fired, and some bullets pierce the metal. I duck for cover while Brandon makes a U-turn on the parking lot to avoid the upcoming security. He drives straight through a bush to get to the other side of the road and then speeds off.
When I sit up and look at him, there’s an alarming amount of sweat on his forehead.
“Are you okay?” he asks.
I don’t understand why he cares, but I nod anyway.
He doesn’t say another word and slams his lips shut while glaring equally at both me and the road. I guess he hasn’t made up his mind yet.
I don’t know where he’s taking me, but I do know one thing. He’s going against his own uncle’s wishes, so that means something.
Either he wants to kill me himself …
Or he can’t, and this is all to save me.
Probably the first, considering our history and how we hate each other’s guts. I’m not sure what he plans to do with me. Maybe he’s going to end my miserable life in some tasteless, crummy motel room. Or maybe he wants to have some alone time with me first. Get to know my body like he knows my heart.
I’d rather he kill me.
Unlike his uncle, who would probably torture the hell out of me, he’ll make it quick and painless. I don’t know his uncle well, but I do know he’s the fucking devil.
Why Brandon doesn’t see it is anyone’s guess.
Maybe he’s really that oblivious, or maybe he’s ignoring it on purpose. Who’d be able to condemn their own family? I couldn’t, that’s for sure, even though they deserve it too. None of us are perfect, and I won’t ever pretend we are. But Brandon knows this better than anyone, I reckon.
He knows why family always comes first.
Because if it didn’t, all of it would’ve been for nothing.
But then, why did he choose to take me with him instead of delivering me to his uncle? Why did he shoot that guard and risk his own life?
I swallow away the lump in my throat when I catch him staring at me through the rearview mirror. I wonder what he’s thinking about. If it involves the choice he just made, or if he’s thinking about me.
“So what are you planning to do with me?” I ask, licking my lips.
I know he’s looking. I can tell.
I don’t mind. It’s been a long time since he last saw me. And if I can use my looks against him, I’d be stupid not to try.
“You taking me somewhere you can have me alone?” I taunt. “It’s okay. You’re not the first man to try to hook up with me.”
This catches his attention for sure, causing him to flare his nostrils. Still, he doesn’t say a word. He sure is iron-willed.
“You don’t have to say it out loud. I get it. You miss me, and now you wanna have me all to yourself …” I say, leaning forward as far as I possibly can before hitting the plastic barrier between us. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell a soul.”
The wink I add sets him off.
“Shut up,” he spits. “Just shut up.”
“Why?” I lean back and flaunt my body, showing off my assets in the best way I can by pushing my boobs forward and almost exposing my belly. “Can’t handle the truth?”
I want him to get upset, and it’s definitely working all right, judging from the discomfort marring his face right now. If I can use my body to get out of this situation, I will. Anything goes in love and warfare.
This game of cat and mouse isn’t one I’m going to win quickly, though. I have to give it time and let it simmer on his brain a little. It’s the only way to rile men like him up. And when he finally does mess up, I’ll be right there to use it to my advantage and escape.