Page 76 of Dirty Headlines
Brianna booked a conference call with the entire board later this afternoon, and that includes your philandering ex-husband. I sent you some recordings you need to listen to, so please do that in between auditioning new boy toys.
I meant it about the claws. I am planning on keeping this one for a while.
After we landed, if Judith was surprised to find we were sharing a Mandarin Hotel suite, she didn’t let it show. She dove headfirst onto the huge bed, making a snow angel on the sheets. I didn’t know why that made me want to fuck her so hard I’d nail her to the mattress. I only knew that scraping her off of it was going to be a bitch, so I opted for jumping in the shower, seeing as I’d been working for thirty-six hours straight so we could take this trip and probably smelled like something had died inside of me, which wasn’t far off.
We still hadn’t discussed my engagement breakdown properly. I didn’t think it was worth mentioning. We were both available now. I could fuck Judith raw against James Townley’s green screen with zero consequences, other than having to replace the screen, which was something we were already planning on.
Everyone at work was already privy to the fact that Lily had gotten the boot after her little performance. Including, by definition, Ava and Gary-Graham-Grant. Whatever his name was.
When I left the bathroom, Jude was out on the balcony, her elbows on the white bannister overlooking the ocean. Her ass, clad in those ripped black jeans, swayed from side to side as she stood on one foot. I was still wrapped in a towel when I approached her, clasping her midriff from behind and grinding my erection into her ass.
“Spent some overtime to cover for your ass.” I bit her earlobe, feeling her body break into chills beneath my touch.
“Looks like you’re still covering my ass,” she sassed, wiggling her round butt so my cock was now between her cheeks through her jeans and my towel. My hands slid down, undoing the button of her jeans and sliding the zipper down.
“Bend over and hold on to the bannister, Chucks. Gonna get a little rocky.” I licked my lips, sliding down her jeans and underwear in one go and dropping the towel.
I wasn’t much of an exhibitionist, which was why I’d also rented the rooms on either side of us. But of course I wasn’t going to let her be privy to my level of crazy. What can I say? Having the option to fuck Judith Humphry everywhere in the room and outside of it took first priority, and I wasn’t much of a hedonist, but booking an entire floor was a luxury I’d chosen to take this weekend.
I spread her ass cheeks and slapped her outer thigh lazily as I guided my cock into her already-dripping pussy. I wanted to go slow and steady this time. The last thing I needed was her tipping over the edge. Literally, not figuratively.
“Oh, Célian…” My name on her lips was a prayer.
“Yes?” I asked, thrusting a little harder, bending her down so her upper body was level with my cock and placing a hand over her lower back.
“I missed this,” she whimpered.
I missed you. But of course, she couldn’t milk those words out of me if my life depended on it. I slapped her ass instead.
“Didn’t peg you for a filthy girl, Chucks. Yet here you are, fucking in front of him.”
“In front of who?” A trace of panic touched her voice, and I laughed, gripping her head and fucking her a little harder.
“Kipling,” I hissed, glancing at her notebook lying on the bed behind us, next to her book.
Yesterday, after Lily had unleashed her crazy in my newsroom, I’d caught Jude writing around the deep hole my ex had created in her notebook, and I’d suppressed the urge to rush out and bite down on her lower lip in front of everyone. Jude’s loyalty, even to objects, mesmerized me.
“Jesus,” she moaned as I thrust deeper into her. “You’re such a jerk.”
“So I’ve been told a million times. Half of them by you.”
I dipped my hand between her legs and rubbed her slit, licking her neck and jaw and the inside of her ear. I didn’t want to admit that fucking Judith felt different, that I was doing things with her I didn’t usually do with my one-night stands. I wasn’t a thoughtful lover. I wasn’t necessarily against eating pussy if it looked delicious, but putting my mouth on a crack meant I was really crazy for a girl. And licking and sucking her every body part while fucking her? That was a first. I didn’t even remember prepping Lily like that.
I felt Judith tighten and spasm around me, and then she came all over my cock, her ass shuddering against my groin. I wanted to come as hard as she had, so I grabbed her by the hair and turned her around, plastering her against the glass of the balcony door.