Page 17 of Hammered (Getting Dirty 4)
“Chance,” I moan against his lips, wanting so bad to do so much more than kiss him.
“I know, baby. If we didn’t have to get the guys started, your ass would be planted on your desk, and my mouth would be on those beautiful tits of yours. This sinful-as-hell skirt would be rucked up, baring your cunt, and I’d be sliding inside of you, with nothing between us.” His words are an aphrodisiac, deep in baritone, filled with sinful promises.
“You can’t talk like that. I won’t be able to sit at my desk and work now. Especially with those thoughts going through my mind.” I step back because if I don’t, I’m liable to climb him like a tree.
“Oh, don’t you worry. These men gotta go home sometime today. Then we’ll be making that happen.” Chance winks at me, and then we both head to our own desk, him to pick up plans, me to work on when he’ll be going back and forth to South Carolina.
“That man, he’s going to make me come with his words alone one day,” I mumble under my breath.
“I heard that. One day, we’ll have to try it,” Chance hollers from his office, causing me to laugh. He must have supersonic hearing because I barely breathed those words out. I get back to work, knowing full well Chance will be asking for the schedule as soon as he gets the crews to where they need to be.
Although, I know tonight will be one for the record books, especially after the amazing week we spent at the beach.
Six Weeks Later
Goddamn it, I can’t believe I’ve been stuck down here for a full week. The worst part is, Peyton couldn’t come down this time. The last few times I was here, she traveled with me. While I worked at Fox’s place, she set up a makeshift office in our hotel room, and once I was done for the day, Peyton would shut everything down. Then we’d go sightsee, hang out at the beach, even with the cooler weather, or check out the local food places.
This week, though, it’s been an absolute shit show, not being able to sleep with her wrapped in my arms, sinking inside her every night, having Peyton’s flavor on my tongue. It fucking sucks, along with this damn project of Fox’s. Who knew all the red tape we’d have to wade through. Sure, my brother would help out when he could, but with him kicking off his own small surf shop, not knowing what the fuck to look for or the permits that needed to be pulled, it left a lot up to me to deal with. It’s something that wouldn’t bother me as much if I had Peyton with me.
“What do you mean, the permit was pulled?” I say into the phone. This county is a fucking joke. Yesterday, the electrical wasn’t up to code, when I know for a fact it is. Now, they’re trying to say the construction permit was being pulled until the inspector checked out the electrical again.
“Sorry, Mr. Adams, that’s all the notes I have,” the lady on the other end of the phone says.
“Thanks. Is there an email I can at least have my secretary send to the inspector to figure out what’s going on?” I barter, knowing full well Peyton can get to the bottom of this.
“I’m sorry, we’re not allowed to give that information.” Fuck, I guess I won’t be getting anywhere with this today.
“Alright, thanks.” I hang up without saying goodbye, as if she’ll care. I’m sure she deals with all kinds of assholes throughout the day.
Now that the electrical is shut down, I may as well work on the siding of Fox’s house, not that the crew we hired needs help, but with nothing else to do and my hands tied, I may as well.
“Hey, Paul, go ahead and stop on the electrical for today. We have to wait for the inspector to come out, and who the fuck knows how long that will take.” I shake my head, grab my tool belt, and help work on the Hardie board that’s been sitting on pallets.
“Well, fuck, that’s gonna put you even further behind on getting back to Virginia, huh?” Paul asks.
“You have no idea. Shit has to get done though. After this trip, I need to look at staying home for at least a month. This traveling is killing me, not to mention being away from Peyton,” I grouse.
“I’m not sure how you’re doing it. My old lady would skin me alive if I travelled as much as you have. Though you’ve had her with you the past few times, I’m sure it’s not the same.” He helps me uncover the boards, and we get to work, us walking back to the house with a few boards at a time.