Page 16 of First Time Escort (Forbidden Fantasies 13)
“So what else happened? I mean, did you get your money’s worth? Or did you just sit and talk about your feelings all night?”
I decide to tell him the truth to get him off back. Well, a portion of the truth at least.
“By the end of the night, she was begging me to take her again and again, if you get my drift. I gave it to her in a way no other client ever has or will.”
“Alright, alright,” Damon laughs, easing off. He doesn’t need to know that it was his daughter’s first time last night. And I’m going to make sure another man never touches that sweet cunt because it belongs to me. Getting up, I excuse myself.
“I gotta make a quick call. Business. It’ll be just a second,” I say to Damon. I slip out on the balcony, making sure to close the door firmly behind me.
I pick up my phone and dial Lucy.
“Hey, it’s me. It’s Shane. I was hoping I could book another date with you? When are you free?”
She giggles breathlessly, and as I look inside at her dad through the sliding glass door, I smile. This is going to be fucking amazing.
It’s been a week since my night out with Shane, and I haven’t been able to get him off of my mind. You can’t blame me because he’s so different from guys my age. Guys my age are always trying to play games, and quite a lot of them still have teenage acne and sweaty palms. It’s doesn’t make for a pretty sight.
The last time I considered dating was sophomore year. I met Kurt at the library, which is pretty unbelievable. Not a bar, nor a frat party. You’d think that was sign number one he was going to be a good pick. Wrong.
The boy asked if he could share a study table with me. There were tons of open tables around us, but Kurt said he concentrates better with company. I knew it was bullshit but I thought it was cute, clever even, so I told him okay.
He sat writing in some old beat up notebook until I was done. When I got up to go home, he jumped out of his seat and asked to walk me home. I should have said no, but those big puppy-dog eyes got me. I even invited him up to my dorm and we sat up all night talking about everything and anything. He kissed me when he left in the morning. He said he was going call after my exam the next day to go out for lunch, but of course, he never called. Asshole.
I saw him a few weeks later on campus and made the mistake of waving at him. He apologized and said his phone broke, yadda yadda yadda. I gave him my number again, he said he would call me about a party he was having that weekend. But once again, he never called. What a lameass. I wasn’t even sad. I was just disgusted.
But Shane’s not like that. The alpha male called me up the day after our date to ask me out immediately. He didn’t even wait a full twenty-four hours. There is no silly game playing with him. He tells me exactly what he wants, which by the way, is super-hot in bed.
Plus, I love that Shane isn’t afraid to tell me how he feels. He even said that if he had it his way, he would see me sooner, but he didn’t want to keep me out late on a school night. I almost keeled over when he said that, because that means he intends to keep me out late. This man drives me crazy like no guy ever has, and it’s all going to pay off soon enough.
I’m hanging out in the lobby of my dorm building waiting for Shane to pick me up for our date. I’m standing around with a couple of guys from my floor talking about our classes. They’re really nice guys, but a little bit on the dorky side. I don’t mind though; they’re fun to hang out with and you never have to worry about them doing something douche-y. It’s like hanging out with a bunch of puppies - they’re easily excitable, a little bit silly, and totally harmless. We also confess that we are all equally terrified and elated that graduation is just around the corner.
I see Shane pull up in front of the large glass doors. He’s in a sleek, all black Range Rover. I smile bashfully, realizing I feel the same way about him as I do graduation - terrified and elated.
“That’s my ride, I’ll see you guys around!” I say cheerfully to the group.
“What? Who the hell are you going out with tonight Lucy?” one of the boys asks me, astonished. I know what he is insinuating, but I play dumb.