Page 51 of Home For The Holidays
We’re not the kind of family who condones what he did. But from the information they have, I guess they could see things from his perspective; that kissing pic is pretty damning. But knowing what I know now, and with the information Tom had shared earlier that made things a little bit clearer, I guess I’ll have to be the one to break it to them and let them know in the process that their son is a complete ass.
I’m still not sure what Tessa’s game is. I know she likes money, sure, but surely she could’ve found an unattached man of wealth that wasn’t married to her best friend. I still don’t know why Jared broke up with her, and he refuses to even mention her unless I bring her up, so there’s nothing to go on there as far as character, and I didn’t know much about her before other than that she was Deidre’s best friend. Not that I needed to know anything else with all that she’s already done.
I watched her while she kept an eye on my brother, who was doing his best to pretend he wasn’t taking peeks at the girls. She was pissed, but I think my earlier snipes had clued her into the fact that I would, one, back up my word, and two, that if I knocked her on her ass, no one would come to her rescue. Tom might try, but I doubt he wants to be thrown out in the cold by dad, who was certain to go that route.
The twins, as to be expected, were fascinated by all the decorations mom had spread out on the floor and spilling out of boxes. Mom is very meticulous about her holiday decorating. I think she has everything sorted by year and color, which brings me to my next form of attack.
I have this whole evening planned out in my head and have replayed it over and over again, looking for any loopholes and filling them before they come to pass. I didn’t leave much room for slipups, and as long as I stick to my plans, all should go well. If it so happens that I have to knock Tessa the tramp on her ass and step over her prone carcass to ensure things go the way I want them to, then so much the better.
“Tom, do you remember how you and I used to make these?” I walked over and picked up one of the homemade baubles that we used to make every holiday until we reached our teens. Both of our firsts were still there, mine with pink fingerprints, and his with blue of course, on a pearl-colored nineteen-fifties style ornament with a pic of mom, dad, and the two of us inserted on one concaved side.
“Let’s make some with the twins; wouldn’t that be fun?” He looked like he was about to balk and Tessa made an annoying sound until I looked back at her with my resting bitch face in full force. I wish this bitch would try me because my patience is fast running out.
I thought I could make it these few days here without Jared as a buffer. I planned to use them as the buildup to what’s to come, but with every second that pass I’m finding it harder to be under the same roof as her.
I moved closer to my brother and spoke soft enough so that only he could hear. “Do you trust me? You know I would never do anything to hurt you. Trust me; you want to do this.” That little spiel might have been harder had he not shown me that he had softened earlier.
Now he just avoided looking at Tessa, but even I could see the growing excitement in his eyes when he looked at the girls with such longing in his eyes again. I felt bad for him, but not bad enough to let him completely off the hook just yet.
“I don’t know, Sam, I don’t want to get too close.” I gritted my teeth and fought for patience. Just what the hell did this twit convince him of that he can’t even entertain the idea of getting close to his own kids? I’m pretty sure it has something to do with their paternity, but what exactly did she tell him?
“I asked you to trust me. Earlier, you sort of claimed that you wanted out. I saw how you reacted to Deidre’s date…” He looked over his shoulder at Tessa, who was by now glaring at the two of us.
“Who’s she dating? I didn’t know she was seeing anyone; she hasn’t since the divorce.”
“I’m not sure, but what does it matter? You’re here with that.” I sneered in Tessa’s direction and noticed that she was glaring at the twins with distaste. Mom called from the kitchen that the chocolate was almost ready. “Go ahead and take the girls into the kitchen; I’ll head up to mom’s craft room and find what we need to paint with the girls and meet you in there. Please just do this for me.”