Page 32 of Finally (Neighbor from Hell 12)
“What about Abbi?” he asked, slowly exhaling as he tried to figure out how they were going to-
“Will be in charge of the military,” Mrs. Haskins said with a pointed look at his son’s plans for world domination.
“He put his sister in charge of the military?” he demanded.
“Mmmhmm, and his grandparents in charge of the treasury,” she said, clearly fucking amused at his expense.
“And did he mention someone named Charlie?” he asked, because he had to know.
“Yes, I believe he set Charlie up in a mansion as well,” Mrs. Haskins said, somewhat appeasing him because at least he wasn’t the only one that his son found lacking. They’d have to share a mansion to save money, of course, Devin mused only to end up once again glaring when she added, “He gave her the mansion next to his so that she could run the communications department in comfort.”
“Anything else?” he bit out evenly.
“Your children terrify their teacher?” she added, sounding really fucking amused.
“They terrify everyone,” Devin said, getting to his feet, deciding that he’d had his emotions played with enough for one day and headed for the door, but not before adding, “I would have been an invaluable resource to have!”
“He put me in charge of education,” she said, looking really fucking smug.
With one last glare, Devin left, deciding that he would get his revenge later by eating all the snacks in the playroom so that his son was left with nothing but fruit and-
“What the hell?” he muttered as he glanced down at his phone and saw the text message that T.J. sent him earlier.
Charlie called in sick.
Maybe he shouldn’t have kept her up so late, Devin thought as he climbed into his car and headed to work only…
He had to go check on her and make sure she was okay.
After a quick stop at Dixon’s Bakery and twenty minutes of being stuck behind a school bus, Devin quietly let himself into her apartment and sighed. She was lying on her stomach, asleep. He should probably just go, he thought, moving to do just that when…did her ass just wiggle?
Shaking his head, Devin pulled his phone out of his pocket to let T.J. know that he was on his way when movement drew his attention back to the bed to find the sheet pooled at her waist, revealing her bare back and-
Another wiggle.
Chuckling, Devin deleted his text and sent a new one, letting T.J. know that he was in charge today before he tossed his phone on the chair, reached down and pulled his boots off as he made his way to the bed, pulling his shirt off and tossing it aside as he went. He had his belt pulled loose, his pants undone, and his cock pulled out by the time that he crawled onto the bed behind her. He managed to stroke his hard cock one time before Charlie moved back, placing her beautiful ass in the air and-
Tore a groan from him as he slid home.
Chapter 31
“Do you want to go to Fire & Brimstone for lunch?” Devin asked as he opened the backdoor for her.
“Can’t. Gotta catch up with work since someone decided to call in sick yesterday,” Charlie said with a sad shake of her head.
“Someone, huh?” Devin said, chuckling as he took her hand in his and headed towards their office.
“I felt that you could use some cheering up after your meeting with the twins’ teacher yesterday,” she said, deciding not to mention that she’d been exhausted since he’d probably figured that out when she’d convinced the kids that a nap party was fun after they came home from school yesterday.
“That’s very considerate of you,” he said, sounding amused.
“I’m a very considerate girlfriend,” she mumbled absently as a chime drew her attention to her phone.
“Something wrong?”
“Someone tried to hack into the Facebook account, again,” Charlie said, sighing heavily because this was the fourth, no, the fifth time in a week.
“Any idea who’s doing it?” Devin asked as another chime alerted her to the fact that someone had just tried to hack into the Twitter account.
“No, but they’re determined,” she said, making a note to change the passwords just in case as well as update the security on the website.
“Is this something that I should be worried about? Devin asked as she bit back a groan when she realized that she was going to have to unlock the Instagram account as well.
“Not unless the hacker can correctly guess my twenty-character password,” Charlie said, already deciding that it was time to change the login information since whoever was trying to break in knew her Bradford Creations’ email.
For now, she would start using the Dabbi Digital Marketing email that she’d set up since it would make it harder for whoever was doing this to keep screwing with the accounts because she was honestly sick of getting locked out of the accounts every day. She would also set the accounts up with a secondary login in Devin’s name since he would need it when it was time for her to quit, which was something that she was trying not to think about at the moment.
“What if I picked up lunch from Dixon’s? Would you have lunch with me then?” Devin asked as she slid her phone back in her pocket.
“I brought lunch,” she said, giving her backpack a pointed jostle only to frown when she realized that her bag was suspiciously light this morning.
“I got bored waiting for you,” Devin said, shrugging it off.
“When?” she demanded, racking her brain trying to figure out when he had a chance to eat the lunch that she’d packed this morning.
“When you ran back inside to grab your iPad,” he said around a yawn, sounding bored while she stood there unable to stop staring at him in horror.
“I was only inside for thirty seconds, if that,” Charlie pointed out hollowly.
“I was hungry,” Devin said as she narrowed her eyes on him.
“There had better be jelly donuts with that lunch,” she said, turning to walk into their office only to turn around and playfully slap him on his arm. “And stop stealing my food.”
“If I did, then you wouldn’t have lunch with me,” Devin said, pulling his bag off so that he could reach in and drop it on the office floor.
“You could just eat lunch with me at my desk,” she pointed out.
“I could do that,” he admitted before adding, “but I’d rather steal your lunch to hold me over.”
Narrowing her eyes on him, she said, “I’m filing a complaint with the manager.”
“Oh, yeah, and who’s that?” Devin asked, looking a little too cocky for her liking.
“Dustin,” she said, taking an insane amount of pleasure in wiping that smile off his face.
“I would have made a great fucking asset!” he snapped as he turned around to storm off, but she couldn’t let him leave like that, now could she?
“I don’t get a goodbye kiss?” Charlie asked with the saddest sigh that she could manage.
“No, you don’t,” Devin said in a huff as he folded his arms over his chest and pointedly looked away.
“Are you sure?” she asked, worrying her bottom lip.
“Very sure,” he said as she pulled her bag off her shoulder and dropped it on the floor next to his.
“I’ll give you a goodbye kiss,” T.J. offered with a wink as he walked over and-
“I was kidding!” T.J. said, chuckling as he held up his hands in surrender and backed away before Devin could make another grab for him.
With one last glare shot at T.J., Devin leaned and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before he turned around and-
Stopped when she released a long-suffering sigh that had him slowly turning around and cocking a brow in question.
“It’s just that,” Charlie said, pausing so that she could release another sigh, this one softer, “it just doesn’t feel like that kiss properly conveyed your undying love for me, that’s all.”
“That’s all, huh?” Devin murmured as his lips pulled up into a pleased smile
“I’m afraid so,” she said, unable to help but smile when he reached for her.
When he leaned down and took her mouth in a slow, deep kiss, Charlie found herself reaching up to wrap her arms around him and-
Blinking when he suddenly stopped and she found herself turned around and gasping, “Hey!” when he gave her bottom a soft swat.
“Get to work,” he said, chuckling as he turned around to walk off only to make her frown when he threw over his shoulder, “Don’t forget to see Patrick to get reimbursed for that convention.”
“I’m sorry. What’s this now?” she couldn’t help but wonder.