Page 4 of Worth Forgiving (MMA Fighter 3)
Taking more willpower than I care to admit, I force my eyes back to the man just as he looks back to me. Pale blue eyes peek out from beneath long, thick dark eyelashes, the raw beauty knocks the breath right out of me and I actually gasp a little. No man should be so stunning. He really requires a warning before he enters a room.
A slight uptick on the right side of his perfectly full lips tells me he knows the effect he has on me. I mean how can he not? What woman doesn’t this beautiful man affect at first glance?
“You’re good.” His deep voice is smooth, like running your hand across thick, plush velvet.
Brows furrowed, I haven’t a clue what he’s talking about. Mr. Beautiful chuckles a bit, realizing I’m lost. “Your drawings, they’re really good.”
“Thank you.”
“Do you show your work?”
“No. It’s just a hobby. I take a few art classes.”
“Well you’re good enough for it to be more than a hobby.”
“Oh, thank you.” I smile. “I’d love to draw you.” The statement blurts from my lips before my brain catches up. I slap my hand across my mouth in a lame, late attempt to try to stop the words, but it’s too late, they’re already out there.
He smiles, looking amused at my fumbling, and arches one eyebrow intrigued. “I’d love that.”
“You’d love what?” Caden’s angry voice booms from behind Mr. Beautiful. Taking that bell down really was a mistake. I seem to be oblivious to people coming and going today.
Mr. Beautiful turns, catching just a glimpse of the anger resonating from Caden. He throws me a lifeline, “I’m visiting for a few weeks. I have some business with Joe Ralley. I need to schedule some more times with Marco while I’m here. Miss…” he turns back in my direction, waiting for me to fill in the blank.
I do. “It’s Lily.”
“Lily.” He nods and the corner of his mouth twitches up just slightly, but I notice it. “Was going to work out a schedule for me.” He tilts his head and squints his eyes, a realization of some sort coming to him, he smiles. “You wouldn’t happen to be The Saint’s daughter, would you?”
Confused at how he would know, I answer, “I am.”
Caden takes a moment, looking between the two of us, assessing the situation. “I’ll schedule your trainer times. Lily has more important things to take care of.” His tone makes it obvious it’s not a suggestion, it’s been decided already.
“There’s nothing more important than helping our customers,” I admonish, turning to face Caden. His jaw tenses, eyes darkened with fury squint, and the vein in his neck throbs. He looks ready to explode. We stare at each other for a few seconds before I finally give in, blowing out a breath in frustration. “Fine,” I say before turning back to Mr. Beautiful. “Caden will set up your schedule. If you need anything else, just let me know.”
“Sounds good.” Mr. Beautiful extends his hand in Caden’s direction. “Jackson,” he offers to Caden, but turns his head to me with a grin.
Caden hesitates, but eventually clasps the man’s hand with a curt nod. “Caden Ralley.”
I was supposed to be at the restaurant five minutes ago, yet here I am lining my eyes with a thick, smoky gray pencil as if I’m an hour early. I finish my makeup, checking my face in the mirror and liking the results. It’s been a while since I’ve had the urge to girly myself up. I’ve always liked clothes, the way the right pencil skirt and strappy shoes can lift my mood, making me feel like a beautiful woman instead of the gym rat I’ve let my appearance turn into over the last few months.
I smile as I look in the mirror, remembering the last business meeting I went to with Joe and my dad. A protein powder rep had invited us out, hoping to convince us to sell his line of products in our gyms. Everything was going well, until the poor salesman paid me an innocent compliment. “You look so different than when we met at the gym,” he commented, his tone reflecting different was meant in a good way.
“Thank you.” I motioned to my fancy shoes with the dangerously thin high heel. “These two don’t like it when my stilettos put holes in the floor mats.”
“Well you’re beautiful either way. But the shoes…,” the salesman trailed off into a low catcall whistle, “…the shoes are sexy as hell.”
Dad signed on with the competing protein powder company the next morning.
Fashionably late by more than a half hour, I finally make it to Osteria Madena, Joe’s favorite Italian restaurant. It’s small, everyone squeezed together so tightly the waiters have to be thin just to fit between the tables. I look around the packed room, not finding Joe and the man we’re supposed to be meeting at first glance. I check my watch, hoping they didn’t leave. I’m late, but nothing Joe isn’t used to by now.
“Ahh…the beautiful Bambino. There she is.” Fredo, the owner of the restaurant kisses both my cheeks. Dad, Joe and I have been coming here for years, a signed picture of my dad hangs proudly over the bar. He clasps both my hands and pulls back to examine me. “You’re too skinny, my bella donna! Tonight…tonight we feed you a big plate of pasta, no? Fredo fatten you up a bit, yes?”
I smile, knowing I’m getting pasta, even if I order chicken. “Is Joe here? I’m supposed to meet him, but I don’t see him around.”
“Yes, yes. Mr. Joe is at the bar waiting for you. Come.” Fredo takes my hand and walks me to the other side of the bar that wasn’t visible from the entry where I was standing.
Joe stands when he sees me. “You look lovely.” He kisses my cheek then shakes his head. “And you should considering how long you kept us waiting.”
“Sorry. I lost track of time,” I offer, noticing an empty seat next to Joe. “Did I miss the broker?”
“No, he just stepped away to take a call. Actually, here he is now.” Joe motions behind me.
I turn ready to apologize for my lateness, but I’m stopped in my tracks when my eyes fall on Mr. Beautiful from the gym today.
“Jackson Knight, this is my partner, Lily St. Claire,” Joe makes the obligatory introduction.
Jackson lifts a brow, a slow smirk tipping one corner of his mouth. “We’ve met.” He shakes my hand, not letting go right away. His eyes make a quick sweep of me from head to toe and I arch an eyebrow when his eyes make their way back to mine, letting him know I’ve watched him check me out. Instead of being embarrassed at being caught, Jackson’s smirk turns to a full, panty-dropping smile. Seriously? Ridiculously handsome and cocky.