Page 15 of Worth Forgiving (MMA Fighter 3)
He’s shirtless. I take in what I’d imagined he’d looked like, only the real thing is even better. He’s thick, well defined…muscles sculpted over flawless smooth skin. Although that isn’t what leaves me speechless, it’s the bottom half that has my mouth hanging. He’s wearing only skin hugging, solid black boxer briefs. Ones that leave little to the imagination, although my imagination immediately starts running wild.
Jax turns back after setting the grocery bags on the counter and catches me staring. Looking down as if just realizing himself what he’s wearing, he smirks and says, “Sorry. I was sleeping. I’ll go throw on some pants.” Though his grin tells me he’s not really sorry at all.
A minute later, Jax emerges from the small bedroom in the back, wearing the grey sweatpants I packed yesterday, still no shirt. Taking the entirety of him in, the way the sweats hang low on his hips, the deep sculpted v that leads down to a place I already know is well stocked, I think to myself that the underwear might have been easier to handle.
Feeling flustered, I busy myself with unpacking the groceries as soon as I force my eyes off of the feast they’ve encountered. It’s not an easy task.
“The reporters are still outside?” Jax asks, sounding somewhat deflated.
“Yes.” I unpack a bag. “I’m sorry I woke you. I didn’t even think maybe you weren’t a morning person.”
“I actually am a morning person.” Jax joins me in unpacking the bags. “I’m usually out for a run by six and in the office by seven.” Catching my eyes, he smiles and continues, “Just had some trouble falling asleep last night.”
“Probably the strange place.”
Jax shakes his head, slowly. “That’s not what it was.” There’s no need for him to spell it out, we both know what kept the sandman away last night. For both of us.
“Dark chocolate syrup?” he questions with one eyebrow arched.
“You don’t like dark chocolate?”
“I love it. You?”
“It’s my weakness.”
We unpack the rest of the groceries - eggs, cheese, bread, milk, peanuts, turkey, protein shake mix. Jax reaches into the bag for the last item and smiles as he lifts out the corkscrew.
“Now you’ll have to come back tonight to have that glass of wine,” he says with a boyish grin and sparkle in his eyes that I can’t help but smile back at.
We put away the few things I’ve purchased in the bare kitchen cabinets and I tell him I better get downstairs to work.
Heading to the door, I ask, “You training today?”
“Ten with Marco.”
“I’ll see you later then.”
Jax nods.
I open the door and Jax’s voice stops me. “Lily?”
I turn back.
“About last night…,” he says, his voice drifting off.
“It’s fine. Nothing happened.”
“No. But I wanted something to,” he admits with a coy smile.
“Jax, I…”
He interrupts, “You don’t have to explain. I just wanted to apologize. Let me make it up to you with dinner?”
Fighting a smile, I warn, “Jax.”
“Lily,” he counters just as sternly as my warning, maybe more so. “Come on, friends can have dinner, right?”
“I suppose, but…”
“Let’s start over.” Jax walks to me, extending his hand. “Hi, I’m Jax Knight.”
I can’t help but smile, even though he’s doing his best attempt at serious. “Lily St. Claire.” I meet his extended hand with my own.
His eyes squint ever so slightly as they gleam. “Listen, friend.” He draws out the word friend. “I’m new in town, and I’m sort of holed up in this place. Would you like to have a purely platonic dinner?”
Narrowing my eyes to gauge his sincerity, I say, my tone making it clear I’m not convinced, “Purely platonic, huh?”
“Absolutely.” He nods his head.
“Okay?” His questioning tone reveals I was easier to convince than he thought.
“I guess we’re having turkey sandwiches?” I tease.
“You don’t have much else.”
“I’ll take care of everything.”
Walking through the doorway, a smile already on my face, Jax stops me again. “Lily St. Claire.”
“Yes.” I have no idea why, but the sound of my name rolling off his tongue does something to me. My smile broadens.
“Your name is beautiful. It fits you.”
Shaking my head with a laugh, I walk out, not turning back when I say, “See you later, friend.”
The morning goes by so smoothly, I actually find myself whistling as I unpack the supplies that were just delivered. Unsure if it’s the lack of Caden or the frequent smiles I get from Jax when our glances catch, but I feel more relaxed than I have in months. The day only gets better when Reed walks in unexpectedly. He kisses my forehead and wraps a crimson red scarf around my neck.
“Don’t you look gorgeous today,” he says with an accent of some sort, although I have no idea what it’s supposed to be. Bad Australian, perhaps?
“Thought you liked me with my hair back and no makeup?” I grin at my best friend, throwing his own words back in his face.
“I only say that when we’re late and I want you to hurry up and get ready.” He smirks, reaching forward and turning my sketch book to see what I’m working on.
Not looking up, Reed traces the pencil outline of my drawing with his finger, the ridges of the carved faceless torso, beginning to take form. “Is Mr. Panty Dropper here today?”
Pretending I have no idea who he’s talking about, I furrow my brow. Mentioning I look nice followed by asking if Jax is around…am I really that obvious? I hadn’t given it any thought this morning, but I did try on a few outfits and blow out my hair instead of my usual ponytail and whatever’s clean wardrobe decision. I look over at Jax and Reed traces my line of sight. Feeling four eyes staring at him, he looks up and smiles at us, lifting his chin at Reed in a guy hello.
We both stare for a little too long, neither of us wanting to pull our eyes away from the sweaty man on the other side of the room. His white shirt clings to his pectoral muscles with every upward thrust on the chin up bar, a glimpse of tan skin revealing itself on each draw down. Both of us sigh at the same time.