Page 10 of Worth Forgiving (MMA Fighter 3)
“I fell off the stage while trying to pirouette at my first ballet recital.”
Jax stops in place, smiling, but looking at me with disbelief. “You fell off the stage?”
“Then what happened?”
“I cried. My father came to the front of the stage and got me. The next year when he went to sign me up, the instructor suggested I might be suited more for karate.” I pout my response.
Unable to contain his amusement, Jax breaks into laughter, throwing his head back, enjoying a good laugh at my expense. I feign being annoyed, but he can tell I’m not.
“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to laugh. But that’s pretty funny.”
“You owe me an embarrassing story now,” I declare.
“Okay, but I may need some time to come up with one. I’m pretty damn near perfect you know.”
“And pretty damn full of yourself too.”
“That too.” He smiles. “So being a gym mogul was your second choice?”
“Maybe third. I might have wanted to be a butterfly in between a ballerina and a mogul.” I admit. “What did you want to be when you were little?”
“A professional boxer.”
“Are you training for a fight now?”
“Not really. It’s more of a hobby.”
“So Knight Investments is your passion?”
“Not really. Fighting was always my passion. But I’m good at what I do with Knight Investments.”
“And that’s what? You help people sell businesses?”
“Sometimes. I manage other people’s money.”
“Like a stock broker?”
“Sort of. I help them figure out what to invest in. Sometimes it can be a business, sometimes it can be a fund. Depends on what they’re looking for and how much risk they’re willing to take.”
“Why would people want to take risks with their money?”
“Because usually the more risk you take, the bigger the reward.”
“Sounds sort of boring,” I tease.
“It is,” Jax laughs.
“So why do you do it?”
Jax quiets for a minute as he considers his answer. “I don’t even know anymore.” There’s sadness in his face, although he tries to hide it with a forced smile.
Too soon, we arrive at my building. “This is me.” I point to the ten story dated apartment building set between towering modern skyscrapers.
Jax turns toward me, taking a step closer. Slowly, he reaches down and takes one of my hands into his. I don’t even notice I’m avoiding eye contact until he calls my name.
My eyes jump to meet his. Being so close to this man makes me nervous for some reason. “I’d love to see you again.” He smiles. “And you don’t even have to show me yourself naked next time.” A dirty grin replaces the smile. “Unless you want to, of course.”
I can’t help but smile back. Although the thought of having to decline an invitation for a real date with Jax, makes my smile wilt quickly. “I’m sorry. I’d love to, but I can’t.”
His smile falters too. “You’d love to, but you can’t?” Questioning, Jax tries to make sense of my response.
“Mixing business with my personal life hasn’t turned out so well for me. I went down that road with my ex boyfriend and I’m still struggling to extract the personal mess from the business.” I pause. “I like you, Jax, I really do. But I’m not sure it’s a good idea”
“You’re not sure if it’s a good idea?” Jax asks.
“Yes. That’s what I said.” Confused, I confirm my words.
Jax smirks. “I can work with that.”
“You can work with that?”
“You said you’re not sure it’s a good idea. You don’t sound that committed to your new rule.” He shrugs and smiles.
I laugh. “Good night, Jax.”
Pulling the hand he’s been holding to bring me closer, Jax leans in for an unexpected hug. As he pulls away, his mouth close to my ear, he whispers in a deep voice that sends chills racing up my spine, “The painting was beautiful.”
Pulling his head back, his mouth curves into a sinful smile, “Going to make for some sweet dreams tonight.” Leaving me speechless, he turns and walks away, smiling back at me as he glances over his shoulder while I’m still glued to the spot where he left me.
Chapter 7
I wasn’t kidding when I told Lily last night I was going to have pleasant dreams after seeing her painting. Although half my dreams turned out to be daydreams, rather than sleep dreams, since I tossed and turned trying to fall asleep with visions of her sexy body in my head all night. A sleepless night because I can’t get Lily out of my mind is a hell of a lot better than a sleepless night because of the crap that’s kept me awake the last six months.
Dragging my tired ass out of bed, my one track mind still stuck on the vision of Lily’s painting, I don’t even notice the two men with cameras outside of the gym until it’s too late.
“Jackson, how do you feel about your father announcing his bid for re-election the same day your estranged brother announces he will be hosting the annual MMA Open in Vegas this year? Is it true, you’ve broken ties with your family? Are you training here to get in the cage with your brother, Vince Stone?” The two photographers snap pictures and yell questions at me as I push past and make my way into the gym. They attempt to follow me in, but are stopped at the door.
“This is a private business. You’re not welcome in here.” Lily snaps and shuts the door in their face, pulling the blind down so no one can see in.
“Thank you.” So much for anonymity.
“You’re no one important, huh?” Lily throws my words from last night back at me, but she’s smiling when she says them. Teasing.
“I’m really not. They’re interested in my family, not me.”
Caden appears from the back of the gym. Does this guy ever go home? “What’s going on?” He directs his question at Lily in a tone that makes me tense just hearing it.
“Nothing. You ready to spar?” I respond even though he wasn’t speaking to me.
A twisted smile lights up Caden’s face, “You bet pretty boy. You can be my warm up.”
“Tell Uncle Joe our flight was pushed back to two when he comes in.” Caden barks at Lily. Something in the way he speaks to her just pisses me off. And it’s more than just the tone, I can’t put my finger on it, but it feels like he’s bullying her, taking advantage somehow.