Page 53 of Worth the Chance (MMA Fighter 2)
“Hi Summer.” Vinny winks at me as I turn back when I hear him greet her. At first I think he’s kidding, but there’s no mistaking the unhappy face that whips past me, flustered from his smile.
Chapter 47
Never in my life have I thought about wanting to win a fight to impress a woman. Don’t get me wrong, I know in the past winning was the foreplay to some of my hookups, but it was never why I wanted to win. Until now. My fight next week isn’t just for me, I want Liv to be proud of who I am. Shit’s changing for me. The way I feel, the way I look at things. Brings me new motivation, also scares the crap out of me at the same time.
I’m still at the gym an hour after my training ended. Running on the treadmill, doing extra cardio…shit I used to think was punishment. But I want to be ready. So I push a little harder, stay a little longer, think smarter.
Pushing the button to move from a run to a walk for my warm down, I wrap the towel around my neck and catch sight of a woman I don’t expect to walk in. Sal, the guy at the door, points her in my direction with a dirty grin and a wiggle of his eyebrows, and I watch as she struts her way over to me. She’s definitely used to men enjoying the show. But this show is a repeat, one I’ve watched way too often, and it bores me before she even comes to stand before me.
“Hi Vince,” her voice purrs from beneath shimmering glossy lips.
“Summer.” I nod curtly. I know the deal. To a girl like her, I’m a game, one she would like to play with to piss off the woman who sits next to her. My woman. Not gonna happen.
“Do you think we can talk a few minutes?” She tilts her head to the side in an attempt at coy.
“Kinda busy. What do you need, Summer?”
Looking from left to right before speaking, she leans in, lowering her voice, even though she just confirmed for herself that no one’s within earshot. “I’m helping Olivia on her story. Just wanted to ask you a few things.”
“Her story was already printed weeks ago. What could you be helping her with?” The alarm on the treadmill rings, signaling the end of my warm down. For a second, I consider setting it for a few more miles, just to make it more difficult for her to stay and talk at me. But I’m supposed to pick up Liv in an hour anyway, so I don’t. Instead I jump off and fold my arms over my chest, showing my lack of interest and impatience in my posture.
“Oh, not the first story. The one she’s working on now.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Summer, but I’m in a rush to pick up Liv, so can you get to the point?” I’m not pretending to be impatient for effect, I am impatient. She needs to go.
“The story about,” she pauses, and looks around. Again with the looking around to see if the coast is clear? What the f**k drama queen? And then she whispers, “you know, your real father.”
An hour later, I’m at Liv’s door. I pace for a few seconds before I knock, my mind racing. Liv would never use me. Would she? That boney ass bitch has to be making this shit up, probably pissed because I didn’t give her the attention she wanted...trying to get even with Liv. Every ounce of my body wants to believe everything she said was a lie, yet the gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach is screwing with my head. Big time.
Eventually I grow a pair and knock on the door. Liv answers and smiles, she looks genuinely happy to see me. Can I be that big of an idiot that I’m seeing what I want to see? Her smile disappears when she takes in my face.
“What’s wrong?” Her voice is laced with concern.
“Can I come in?”
“Of course.” She steps aside, and quietly closes the door behind me.
I can’t even muster up small talk, I get right into it, not two feet inside her apartment. “Summer came to see me.”
Liv’s jaw tenses and I pray it’s jealousy and not nervousness, but I can’t tell. “Okaaaay.” She draws the word out slowly.
“She said you’re working on another story about me. Is it true?” I look right into her eyes as I speak. Her reaction tears me in two. It rips my heart out and stomps it on the god damn ground. She doesn’t respond. I begin to lose my patience. And my ability to control myself.
“Answer me!” I yell loudly. She jumps, my angry voice taking her by surprise.
“It’s not what you think,” she whispers. Tears fill her eyes.
“Answer the f**king question, Liv.” My eyes bore into hers. She stares blankly back at me, no response. “Answer the FUCKING QUESTION!”
“Are you f**king kidding me?” I stop her before she finishes. The adrenaline pumps through my body, unclenching my balled up fists, I run my fingers anxiously through my hair. I feel like a lion in a cage, only there’s no restraints holding me here, not physical ones anyway.
“I’m sorry.” The waterworks turn on. “I never meant for you to find out this way. I was trying to protect you.”
Years of letdowns leave my mind trained to jump to protective mode, my hurt turns to anger. “I don’t need anyone to protect me.” Breathing labored, I seethe at her. “I don’t need you to protect me.”
“You don’t understand.” She should be an actress, she’s so god damn good at this. Her face looks pained and her body trembles as the tears roll down her face.
“No, Liv, that’s where you’re wrong. I finally do understand. You’re just like the rest of them.” My maniacal laugh scaring even me, I need to get the hell out of here before I do something I’ll regret. I reach for the door, yank it open so hard it almost tears from the hinges, and turn back. “You could have just told me you wanted to take it out in trade. I probably would have agreed to it anyway, I wanted to f**k you so badly.” I lean down, my face in hers, so close I hear her breaths as she silently sobs. “At least the other whores are up front when they use me.” It takes every bit of willpower to walk out the door. But I do. And I don’t look back.
So much for my dedication, I walk into the gym three hours late and hungover. Maybe even still a little drunk from the night before. Or was it this morning when I stopped drinking? I have no idea, since I smashed my clock. And my phone. And a whole bunch of other shit when I flipped my dresser in my last drunken tirade.
“Where the hell have you been?” Nico scolds the minute I get past the front desk.