Page 50 of Worth the Chance (MMA Fighter 2)
“You can say that again.” I finish my second glass of wine.
“Ally mentioned you were seeing someone. Not the one you would have picked for yourself?”
Vinny’s familiar sexy voice startles me from behind, there’s a hard edge to his words. “I’d like to hear the answer to that question too.”
Swallowing hard, I turn in my bar stool to find Vinny standing less than a foot away, positioned in the middle of the two chairs that Matthew and I fill. He looks angry, hands turning to fists at his sides, torn between coming to me and tearing apart the man I’m sitting next to.
Matthew stands, his naturally authoritative posture firmly in place. The silent gesture serves only to challenge Vinny’s already heated temper. Realizing the need to quickly diffuse whatever is beginning to brew, I stand and wave the white flag of surrender, turning my full attention to Vinny and laying my hands flat on his chest, brushing my lips softly over his.
Glancing at Matthew and back to me, Vinny asks, “Who’s your friend?”
Stepping back, my kiss erasing some of the anger from his face, yet far from all, I introduce the two men. “This is Ally’s brother, Matthew.”
“Matthew, this is...”
“Vince Stone.” Matthew finishes my sentence for me.
“You know him from watching fights?” My eyebrows draw together in confusion.
“Sort of.”
What the hell kind of an answer is that? It’s a yes or no kind of question. “Sort of?” I repeat back to him, waiting for a further explanation.
“Broke up a fight last year in a bar, almost arrested him for busting some loudmouth’s nose.”
Vinny’s jaw clenches and his eyes close in reflection. He hadn’t recognized Matthew. Opening his eyes, he nods to Matthew, “A lot’s changed in a year.”
“I hope so.” Matthew looks between Vinny and me. “She’s like a sister to me.”
Raking his hands through his hair, Vinny turns to me, his jaw tight as he stares into my eyes. “Ready?”
Knowing I needed to tread lightly, I nod quietly and smile at Matthew, careful not to offer him an opening for our usual kiss goodbye. Something in Vinny’s posture just tells me Matthew’s lips on me wouldn’t be a good idea. Vinny’s hand grips my hip possessively and I thank Matthew for the drinks before moving to the restaurant for dinner.
“Are you upset with me?” Vinny’s been quiet since we sat down, but that’s not what stirs a knot in my belly, making it difficult for me to relax. It’s the unspoken that speaks volumes to me, things that an outsider wouldn’t even pick up on. He didn’t order for me, or sit on my side of the table, not even a borderline inappropriate kiss to mark his normally visible territory.
“Should I be?” His eyes lock-on to mine.
“Of course not. Matthew’s like my brother.”
“I’m not worried about him.”
“Then what is it?”
“What’s the answer to his question, Liv?” There’s no need to ask him to clarify the question he’s referring to. He wants to know if my head is aligned with my heart. Would I have picked him for myself if my heart hadn’t made up its mind? I wish I could hide my response, but he’s good at reading me, sees my answer written on my face.
Closing his eyes, almost as if accepting a punishment he deserves, a small nod causes my heart to sink in my chest. Reaching for his hand, I finally respond with words, “I don’t think it matters what we plan for ourselves. Some things in life are just too powerful to change.”
Vinny’s mood lifted slightly, we laugh as we walk back to his place. I’m tipsy from a third glass of wine with dinner, although Vinny’s strong arm wrapped around me keeps me feeling steady. “Do you remember the afternoon we worked on Romeo and Juliet in the park and we took turns reading the parts?”
“Remember? How could I forget? I was sitting up against the tree, and your head was resting on my lap about three inches from my crotch. I had no idea what any of the words you were saying meant, but I liked looking down and watching you…the way your mouth moved. I kept having to shift to keep my dick from poking you in the eye,” Vinny teases.
Stopping as we reach his building, I turn and face him, reaching up and wrapping my hands around his neck. The alcohol leaving me feeling bold, I press up on my tippy toes and bring my mouth to his ear. “I went home and touched myself that night. Masturbated for the first time, with a picture of you in my head as I closed my eyes,” I whisper seductively into his ear.
With a growl, Vinny lifts me, tossing me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, and races up the stairs taking them two at a time.
Unlocking the door in a frenzy, he kicks the door shut with his foot, and carries me to his bedroom, gently setting me down at the foot of the bed.
He steps back, drinking me in in a way that makes my insides shudder with anticipation. The way he looks at me, hungry…ravenous with need, makes my blood course through my veins with fury and every sensor on my body goes on high alert, even though he hasn’t even touched me.
“Show me,” he commands, his sexy as sin voice low, guttural in a way that affects me way more than any sound ever should impact a person.
Looking up at him, I know what he wants, yet I look for confirmation anyway. “Show you?” I ask, my voice a whisper.
“Show me how you touched yourself that night.” His voice is still raspy, but more demanding this time. He knows the command in his voice does something to me. Something I can’t even explain. It creates a need to obey when he talks to me like that.
“Take off your clothes.” I do, my hands shaky as I unzip my skirt, allowing it to pool at my feet. Removing my top, I stand in just my black lacy bra and panties, and look up at him under long, hooded lashes.
“The rest of it too.” I slip out of the rest of my clothes, standing before him wearing only my earrings and a long white gold chain with a big heart locket that hangs between my br**sts, coming down to dangle near my navel.
Slowly, Vinny’s eyes rake over me, making me feel warm. Beautiful. Appreciated. His beautiful baby blues reach mine and hold my gaze as he speaks. “Sit at the top of the bed, back against the headboard.”
I comply, feeling a bit hesitant with him still standing at the foot of the bed, fully dressed, but I force myself to do it anyway. The desire to please him becomes stronger with each spoken command.