Page 22 of Worth the Chance (MMA Fighter 2)
“You can let go of the headboard if you want.”
I hadn’t even realized I was still holding it. I begin to release my death grip, then reconsider my actions. After the most intense orgasm of my life, I want to see what comes next. I grin up at Vinny and firm up my grip on the headboard with a wicked smile.
“Fucking perfect.” With a groan, Vinny surges inside of me and fills me deeply. His mouth covers mine and tasting myself on his tongue has me on the brink of another orgasm before he can even begin to move. Once he’s fully seated inside of me, I brace myself, expecting a rough and thoroughly heated performance. Instead, he takes me by surprise, slowing our kisses down from wild to sensual as he begins to slowly rock in and out of me.
I want to reach out and touch him so badly, feel the hard corded muscle on his back as it strains and contracts with the rhythm of his body. But I don’t. He’s giving slow and sensual to me, a trade for the control I’ve allowed him to take.
Unlike my first orgasm that hit me hard, head on, dizzying me into euphoria, the second one builds slowly, with Vinny stroking it from me one amazing thrust at a time. And when it finally begins to take over me, I watch as Vinny’s own orgasm hits him simultaneously and, together, we fall over the cliff with our moans stifled between our kiss.
I don’t even remember falling asleep last night, but I wake up completely wrapped in Vinny. My head on his chest and our legs firmly entwined, I have no desire to move, but I see the sun beginning to peek in through the blinds and I remember I need to turn off my phone alarm before it blares and wakes him. Slowly, I do my best to extract myself from our mess of tangled limbs. I’m careful not to wake him. Stretching to reach my phone, my body responds with a mass of aches and soreness. I hit the button to turn off the alarm that is due to sound in just under five minutes, and a warm hand wraps around my naked belly and pulls me back in place.
“Mornin.” Vinny’s early morning voice is gravelly and deep. Sexy as all hell.
“Morning.” I smile at the sound of his voice, but he can’t see it with my back pressed firmly against his front.
“You trying to escape?”
“Just turning off my alarm so it won’t wake you.”
He nuzzles his head into the back of my hair and gently kisses the back of my neck before speaking. His warm breath warms my whole body. “Got a class to teach at Nico’s gym this morning. I have to run.”
I’m disappointed, but I try to feign otherwise. “Oh. Okay.”
Vinny kisses me on my shoulder and rises from the bed. A chill runs through me as the warmth from his hard body disappears, cool air in its place. I wait until I hear the bathroom door close before getting up in search of my carelessly strewn clothes.
By the time Vinny returns, I’ve gathered most of my clothes, but I’m still wrapped in a sheet, searching for my panties.
“Where you going?”
Did he forget the conversation we just had? The one where he tells me he needs to leave? “Ummm…home.”
“I thought you weren’t trying to make an escape?”
“I wasn’t. But you’re leaving.”
Vinny slips on a pair of running shorts and reaches down to the floor, pulling up the panties I’m still searching for. “You looking for these?” He twirls my sad excuse for underwear around on his one finger with a devilish grin.
“Yes.” I reach out to grab them, but Vinny’s too quick. He folds them into one hand and hooks his arm around my waist, pulling me to him with the other.
“Stay. I’ll be back in less than two hours.”
“You want me to stay?”
Leaning down, his mouth close to my ear, he responds, “I want you in my bed waiting for me when I get back.”
His words are kind, and I appreciate him offering them to me, but it’s not necessary. I’m a big girl, he doesn’t need to coddle me after a night of passion. “It’s okay. It’s sweet of you to offer, but I have errands to run anyway.”
Vinny turns me to face him, tilting my face up to look into his eyes. “I don’t do sweet, Liv. I want you to stay because I’m selfish. I want back inside of you. I’m hard just thinking about the sound you make when you come for me. So f**k your errands and get back in bed and try to get some rest. Because you’re gonna need it.”
My lord. Maybe I should be offended at the harshness of his words, but I’m not. Instead they make me feel drunk with desire and I find myself staring back at him at a loss for words. Vinny grins, he must know he’s gotten to me.
“Okay?” He kisses me chastely on the lips.
“Okay,” I finally respond with a smile that lets him know he’s changed my mind.
Grabbing his keys off the dresser, Vinny opens the palm of his hand revealing black lace. I’d forgotten that he even still had my panties in his hand. “I’m keeping these.” With a devilish grin he shoves them into his pocket as he walks out.
Chapter 19
I’m full of energy as I run the women in the self-defense class through a series of techniques. I normally pick my assistant to demonstrate moves on based on the shape of their ass or size of their rack. But today I took the closest person to me, a plump woman, probably in her fifties. Oddly, it’s the most fun I’ve had demonstrating in months, aside from the day with Liv. She’s ticklish and sensitive to touch, and each time I grab her to show a position, she giggles and laughs with a snort. Usually I’d find an overly happy person annoying at this time of the morning, but today her laugh seems to be contagious.
After class is over, the woman gives me a hug, thanking me for making her day. Totally out of character for me, I kiss her on the cheek and tell her it’s me that should be thanking her for making my day. Packing up the last of my things into my duffle bag, I’m not surprised to hear Nico’s voice. I haven’t earned his trust back yet and he still feels the need to check up on me every time I’m scheduled to teach.
“You’re in a good mood today.”
“Guess I am.” Giving nothing away, I pull the strap for my bag diagonally across my chest, anxious to get my ass back home. The thought of what’s waiting for me makes me salivate.
“You have the key to the back door? Elle took off with both sets of keys and I want to lock up the garage before I head out for a few hours.”
“Sure.” I reach into my pocket to pull out my keys and don’t even notice that something tumbles to the floor.