Page 83 of Daddy's Dirty Boss
And we fucked. We fucked hard, and dirty, and slowly but surely he had me taking so much more.
My ass was always hungry to take him. My pussy was so used to being sore, yet feeling so good. I took the butt plug right the way in now, and he opened me with a whole host of new dildos, always presenting me with so many more. I was even still hopeful that maybe I’d be able to take his whole hand the way he wanted me to before I had to say goodbye and head to Warwick.
But there was more than any of that. More than the dirtiness. There was more than the filthy talk and the absolute fire in his eyes. There was more than him making me mirror his filth and beg him for more, and me loving it.
There was the closeness. The times when we were exhausted and full of dinner and cat arrangements. The times when he’d hold me tight and kiss me so gently and push his cock into me so slow.
The times when we’d make love.
Because that’s what it was – making love. And it would make me shiver. And tingle. And make my heart soar to a whole other level.
Yet still I couldn’t say it. I still couldn’t bring myself to crash his world by asking for so much more.
I was so crazy nervous by the time the days sped through to the end and we made our final preparations for the event. It was the night before and our final stint at his dining table, and I was twitchy. So excited but so scared about what was coming. The crescendo of something so big that had taken so much from both of us.
“It’s going to be just fine,” he said, reading my anxiety. “More than that, it’s going to be amazing.”
“I hope so,” I said, and he grinned.
“No hope about it,” he said. “It’s a certainty.”
I let out a long breath, really letting the scale of this thing sink in.
We’d done so much. Brought so many people and businesses onboard with their donations for the auction. Everything from hotel evenings, to laptops, to signed posters of celebrities.
We had so many people coming along, and so many online registrations for bidding, and the newspapers and online pages all over the county had been so good at helping us promote the charity and scream about the auction from the rooftops. .
I scanned the list of attendees on the evening event guest list one final time, and there were a few new ones. Ones neither of us had seen register.
It was the one at the bottom that jammed my heart in my chest, my mouth dropping open as I registered it.
“It’s Erica,” I told him, and pushed the list across the table. “Erica has booked a place tomorrow night.”
“Are you serious?” he asked, and grabbed the list for himself.
It was hard to really comprehend it, that she’d really want to be there. For weeks she’d been a seething nightmare, scowling to the whole office and barely saying a word outside business to anyone.
He’d tolerated her really well, and she’d kept it civil enough to let him, and I knew she was hurting and trying to keep it under wraps and I’d tried my best to be kind to her, even though she still hated my guts for doing anything more than the filing.
“Wow,” he said.
“Maybe she’s feeling a bit better about things?” I asked, but his smirk spoke volumes.
“Hell would freeze over before she’d ever want to head to a charity event and be a nice human being about the work I’d been putting in. Especially with you up at the podium, an extra little fly in her venomous ointment.”
What the?
No way.
It couldn’t be. He couldn’t possibly…
I couldn’t help but shake my head, still trying to compute his words.
“Sorry?” I burst out. “What do you mean with me up at the podium?”
His smile was incredible. So bright as he reached for my hand across the table and squeezed it tight.
“I’ve been keeping this until the last minute on purpose, just to stop you becoming a bag of nerves ahead of schedule. But it’s going to be you up there. You’re going to be the auctioneer tomorrow.”
I was still shaking my head. “But I can’t,” I said. “You’re the auctioneer. You’re the one who will do so well.”
He was shaking his head right back at me. “No, princess. You’re the auctioneer this time. You’re the one who will do so incredibly well.”
It was everything for me not to blub right out with the tears, and they were happy tears. Happy but so crazy nervous.
His smile took another turn, such a warm one as I fought the outburst, his hand still squeezing mine. “What is it?” he said. “Talk to me.”