Page 42 of Daddy's Dirty Boss
I was jittery when I got out of the car, pulling my coat a whole load tighter around me and hoping nobody would see even a hint of my uniform.
It seems they really were expecting us, three suited people in the reception were clearly prepared for us coming.
“Mr Lindon,” one of them said and headed right over. “We have everything ready.”
His badge said Thomas Walters, so I guess he was quite an integral part of the setup. They shook hands and Mr Integral flashed me a smile, and then directed us out the back where I followed like a mute little muppet with a sore ass. I was smiling and keeping up and listening intently to their small talk, but I still didn’t know what to think. I couldn’t even begin to imagine. Because not seriously… there was no way seriously there was anything here that was for me…
But then I saw it.
The little purple car out on the forecourt. The little purple car we were heading right for.
The little purple car that was exactly the same shade as my childhood favourite colour, and the colour I’d scribbled over Mr Lindon’s from little Faith birthday cards whenever I’d been crayoning them in on my dining table.
But it couldn’t possibly be… there was no way… this little purple car couldn’t be for me…
“Happy birthday!” Miles announced and took the key from the suited Thomas right next to him, and that guy was smiling too. They both were. Smiling and gesturing to the car, like it was some obvious beacon, and I couldn’t digest it. Didn’t even know where to begin to process it, standing there by a gorgeous little purple car which was exactly the colour to make me go crazy. Standing there with my pussy and my ass throbbing hard, aching because they’d just been battered raw by the man I’d been dreaming about for years.
I pinched myself. I actually pinched myself. Because this was too crazy. Much too crazy.
I felt a giggle mixed with a sigh, mixed with this blub of happy tears, and I put my hand up to my mouth and didn’t know what to do.
And he was there.
He was right there with his arm around my shoulders, holding me tight. And I still couldn’t believe it. I still didn’t know what to think.
“I don’t know what to say…” I managed. “I really don’t know what to say…”
“Thanks will do just fine,” he told me, and guided me on over to the driver’s door. He opened it up and gestured me in. “Get on in there and scope out the view.”
I made sure my coat was wrapped up tight, then winced as I slipped into the seat, and my hands made a thump on the steering wheel, still checking this out for reality.
“Great stuff,” he said to Thomas Walters, and I watched him hand his own set of car keys over. “If you could please drop these through the letterbox if you get to the house before I do.”
The guy nodded, and talked about some paperwork or other, but I was looking all around the dashboard by now, working out which buttons were where. Miles tapped on the windscreen, then held up his finger as he mouthed one minute, and headed on back inside.
It was all absolutely insane.
I watched him through the windscreen. Watched the way he moved, and the gorgeous tailored fit of his jacket, and the way the grey was such a contrast with the darkness of his hair in the light. My breaths were loud in the quiet of the car, and I was absolutely buzzing, eyes fixed on him hard as he signed off a load of paperwork while the Thomas guy was talking on at him.
He was smiling all over again as he walked back out on his own. There were some discs in his hand, and it took me a moment to realise they were learner driver plates. He stopped and pressed them on, front and back, before dropping himself down into the passenger seat next to me.
My hand was shaky as he handed me the keys.
“You are a learner, yes?” he asked, clearly finding me dumbstruck. “Your dad told me a while ago you were learning.”
I nodded. “Yeah, I’ve been learning. Well, I was. I dropped the lessons a bit when I started working at the office.”
“Well, you’ll have to resume them again, won’t you? Antiques don’t take precedence over motor skills, no matter how glorious the credenza in question is.”
He had a point, but I really hadn’t been thinking about it.
“I’m still not due to take my test,” I said in defence. “I wasn’t pushing back something super urgent. I just got side-lined.”
“And now you have a very good reason to get side-lined back the other way.” He buckled his seatbelt and gestured me to do the same. “This can be an excellent opportunity to show me how well you’re doing.”