Page 27 of Daddy's Dirty Boss
She laughed. “Unless you want to give him any chance to back out. Um, yeah, I think you should go there tonight. We’ll say you’re staying at mine.”
I took a breath. A deep one. My belly was churning with so many butterflies, I felt sick.
“Oh God,” I said, “Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God.”
“It’s just nerves, that’s all.” Holly grabbed me by the arms. “It’s going to be amazing.”
“Oh God,” I said again. I knew she was right, but still. I couldn’t believe it.
“Happy eighteenth,” she giggled and pulled me into a hug. “Now, let’s get this party finished up and we can get you ready.”
I tried my best to enjoy the rest of the afternoon. I chatted and smiled. I opened nice gifts of chocolates and bracelets and cute little teddy bears, and I meant all my thank yous and love yous. I was ready to burst as Auntie Mary said her goodbyes and left the garden empty. I started helping Mum and Dad to clear the plates and glasses, but Mum waved me away.
“No, sweetie,” she said. “You leave this to us and go enjoy your evening with Holly.”
I gave her such a huge hug, and one to Dad right after her.
“Thanks for an amazing day,” I said, then shot off to catch Holly up on the stairs, already on her way to my bedroom.
We dashed on in and up to my wardrobe, giggling as we looked through the clothes. She pulled out dresses and cute little tops with skirts, but I shook my head, already knowing exactly what I was going for.
She gasped when I dug my school uniform out from the back.
“No way! You for real? You’re really going to head over there in that?”
I told her it was a no-brainer. “We know what he likes to watch. When he sees me in this, he won’t be able to resist.”
She was shaking her head, one eyebrow raised, “Trust me, Faith. You could walk in dressed in a sack and he’d eat you up. He isn’t gonna say no. Anyway, you’re right, that little number will have him begging for it.”
I only dared hope she was right.
“And, since he likes schoolgirls,” she went on, “are you going to shave before you head over there?”
I told her I’d shaved before the party.
She raised both eyebrows and the penny dropped deep with a nervous clatter.
“No way,” I said.
“Yes, way. Get your ass in that shower and make it all nice and smooth for him.”
“Oh wow. You really think…”
She was nodding before I could finish. “Hell. Yes. I think you should jump in that shower right now and get yourself well and truly fit for his filthy fantasy. I mean, this is your big night, right? Make it count, Faith. Trust me.”
I did trust her, and I had every intention of making it count.
I soaped myself so well in the shower, and was so thorough with the razor that I had Holly banging on the door and asking if I was ever coming out of there. I’d never shaved down there before, only trimmed, and it felt so different when I was done. So sensitive and so exposed.
I felt so exposed.
Holly was already working on my hair as I started getting dressed. I chose my best white lacy bra and checked myself out in the mirror as I slipped my blouse on.
“You look amazing,” Holly said. “You always do.”
I loved her confidence in me and told her for the billionth time that she really was my best friend forever. She told me I was hers right back.
My blouse still fit perfectly and it was still second nature to fasten my school tie up just right. My pleated skirt was a couple of inches shorter now, which was an extra bonus, and my knickers made me feel so naughty in their most innocent white cotton. I really had picked out the most baby ones.
Finally I pulled on my Arlock Academy blazer, perfectly smart in its navy blue with its lovely yellow crest on the pocket.
I did one last twirl for Holly once my makeup was done and she slapped her hand to her chest.
“Perfect,” she said. “Absolutely perfect. He’s gonna fall in love with you in a heartbeat.”
I daren’t even consider him falling in love with me. It would be the most crazy dream of all time.
“Now to disguise you to get past your parents,” Holly said, and turned me back to the wardrobe.
We did a pretty good job of it. I wrapped myself up in a decent length coat, ready to blame it on a summer chill. I put a floaty scarf around my neck and tied it in a big bow, and hoped my socks and shoes were subtle enough to make it past them without drawing attention. Luckily, Mum and Dad barely even noticed as we waved our goodbyes on the way out. They held up their hands and wished us a good time, but didn’t give my outfit too much of a look.