Page 68 of Poison
“She’s been tearing me to shreds for years, she can just make it worse. And yes, I want to go through that. I want us.”
Now wasn’t the time for this, not after spinning and twirling and bopping to the beat for hours on end. I finished stirring his tea and handed it over, and then I let out a stretch and a yawn and said I was ready for bed.
He didn’t disagree.
We made our way through to my bedroom, and it was so strange to have him there under the bedcovers I’d been alone in for months. Strange but beautiful.
“If anyone finds me in here it’s going to be an even bigger shit storm than it already is,” he whispered, stating the obvious, and I nodded.
“Yeah, well, the whole saga is one massive shit storm, one extra cloud of poop isn’t going to make any difference.”
“I haven’t seen Vicky Mason in years,” he said, and I smirked against his shoulder.
“I’m not sure these are the best circumstances for reacquaintance.”
“I guess we’ll find out in the morning.”
I hoped not, but that would be a whole other wish for Neptune’s fountain.
Crossed fingers and a wish at the moon would have to do instead. I gave both gladly.
He went to sleep before I did, and I stared at him in the darkness, until dreams found me too.Chapter Twenty-EightLucasI woke up before she did, her face still pressed to my shoulder and her arm stretched over my chest. Black cherry and sea and heaven itself.
I breathed in her hair and relaxed under the covers, and listened to the bustle of the street outside.
Until I heard the bustle of someone moving around the kitchen from down the hall.
Anna was still fast asleep, so I weighed up my options. On one hand it would have been an easy choice to sink back down into the bed and face the confrontation together, but no. If there was even a sliver of a chance I could save her from any of the fallout that was coming I’d happily head out there alone.
I was gentle as I lifted her arm from my chest. She wriggled and yawned, then rolled over, gripping her pillow tight before settling back down under the covers without waking up. I climbed out of bed and gathered my clothes up from the back of her armchair, as quiet as I could be as I pulled on my shirt and stepped into my trousers. And then I went out there to face the music.
Vicky Mason was in a fluffy pink dressing gown as she munched on a bowl of cereal by the cooker, completely oblivious to my presence as I approached. She had her phone propped up on the side, watching a gym video about push ups, well absorbed in the fitness commentary until I arrived in the doorway.
She leapt out of her skin when she saw me standing there, cursing as she dropped her bowl to the counter and slapped a hand up to her heart.
“Fucking hell, you made me jump.”
Her expression of shock turned to one of disgust as she looked me up and down. I’d known this interaction wasn’t going to be an easy one, but still, I wasn’t expecting the simplicity of the greeting that came out of her mouth.
“You’re a cunt,” she said. “You can fool Anna all you want, you know, but you won’t be fooling anyone else. No chance.”
“I get it,” I said, but she kept on going.
“Like you didn’t fuck her up bad enough first time round. Why the hell are you fucking things up for her again? She’s got Seb to get back to, you know. It’s such bullshit you even being here.”
“Yeah, I’ve been a cunt,” I replied. “But I’ll sure as fuck never be one again.”
She laughed a hiss of a laugh at me. “I’m never going to be convinced,” she said. “And believe me, I’ll be the easiest person to talk to. Just wait until you see Nicola, or Jim, or Terri.” She paused. “Or Dawn, or Hannah, or Yasmin for that matter. Seriously, Lucas, nobody on this planet is fighting your corner. Just give it up and fuck off.”
I stared at her but didn’t speak, because what could I say?
“Poor Maya,” she continued and her stare was fierce. “I heard plenty about her at the girls’ night on Friday. Great job you did fucking her over too. People were plenty keen to talk about how shitty she’s had it. Just a shame Anna bailed before she could hear it.” She shook her head and picked up her cereal. “Please, Lucas, just fuck off, will you? Fuck off and leave Anna alone. She’s got a decent guy to get back to. What have you got to offer her? A few better orgasms? Big fucking whoop.”