Page 110 of Poison
Yes, yes please. Yes, please. Please, Lucas, now.
“Good girl,” he growled, and gave me what I wanted. A mouthful of his cum through the crotch of my knickers, and he was right down and at me, his fingers pushing it deeper and deeper, right the way to the back of my throat. “Don’t you dare swallow,” he said, and I murmured my agreement.
He was already hard again when he repositioned himself. His thrust inside me came so naturally that I was already grinding back up and at him to meet his hips.
It was hard. Fast. A rhythm that spoke to my soul.
So was his tongue in my mouth along with wet lace and cum.
That was a rhythm that spoke to my soul too.
My arms were holding him so tight, and his body was so hot against mine, I could’ve stayed there forever, entangled with him in perfect bliss.
I came before he did, mouth still full of knickers, and cum, and tongue. A bucking, moaning mess of joy as he picked up pace and reached his own thrusting high.
I was grinning as soon as I swallowed, pulling the lace from my mouth and tossing it up at his chest as he grinned back down at me.
“Another one for the never to be washed pile,” I laughed at him. “I need to get a subscription order from Panties R Us at this rate.”
“You’d get an order from Cum on Demand at the same time,” he laughed back, and dropped down at my side.
He took my hand and kissed my knuckles, and I grinned up at the ceiling, catching my breath.
“Have I ever told you that you’re amazing?” I said to him, and he laughed fresh.
“Have I ever told you that you’re amazing too?” he said to me, and I couldn’t hold back the post orgasm giggles.
“Hopefully my dad will be telling you you’re amazing over dinner tomorrow, hey? We can dream.”
We laughed together into the night, me rolling into his side and him holding me tight.
It was so easy to fall asleep like that, happy. So happy my heart could fly.
This was me.
This was him.
This was us.
And finally, it was forever.* * *LucasI was as edgy as a naughty schoolboy as we made our way up Jim and Terri Blackwell’s front path.
I was suited and booted, and my shoes were polished, and I felt like this was prom night and I was waiting for parental approval.
Anna had a bunch of flowers for her mum. Lovely yellow roses with a box of chocolates for the dining table after lunch.
I had me. Just me.
Me and a whole bundle of nerves.
She knocked on the door and I held my breath.
It was Terri who answered, hair tied back in a messy bun and a bright pink apron around her waist.
She was just like I remembered, and my belly lurched at the memories.
I wasn’t expecting her to pull me in for a hug after squeezing Anna tight. I wasn’t expecting a Lucas, nice to see you as she let me go and gestured us inside.
Anna was grinning as we headed on through to the living room, and there he was. Jim. Every bit the strong shouldered gentleman I remembered, just a little more grey.
My mouth was dry, and my heart was pounding, and I’m sure my forehead must have been clammy with sweat as he stepped on over to meet us.
I was ready with a whole rush of apologies, and assurances that I’d be different this time, and how I was a monster for ever hurting Anna the way I did, and I’d never be doing it for anyone, ever again.
I didn’t need them.
He grabbed my hand and shook it hard, and his eyes were firm in their stare as they met mine.
But they weren’t angry.
I was truly shocked when he let my hand go and slapped me on the back on the way through to the dining room. Anna was already up ahead and handing over the roses to her mum, and Jim held me back in the doorway, leaning on in with his voice down low.
“I heard Sebastian Maitland had a pounding on the jaw,” he said. “Know anything about that?”
I shrugged. “He sure had one due to him.”
“Yeah, Lucas. He sure did.”
We watched the women laughing at the side of the dining table and arranging the roses in a vase.
Jim spoke again, and his voice was so much nicer than I ever expected to hear it.
“Sebastian was cursing your name, so I heard. Seemed pretty certain you were the one who landed him behind bars.”
“Sebastian is a paranoid asshole,” I said, but I was smirking.
Jim slapped my back again, and his eyes were smiling. “Glad you floored the vile prick,” he said. “I’m grateful you gave the piece of shit what he deserved.”
“So am I,” I said, and my heart did a flutter to see the woman I loved giggling with her mum.