Page 67 of Defiant Heir (The Heirs 3)
“Don’t worry,” Dr. Menard says, a reassuring smile on his face. “When I’m done, you’ll be good as new. Sit so I can take a look.”
I move closer and watch as he inspects the scars. “I’ll be able to remove most of them.” His finger traces over the scar stretching from Fallon’s ear to her neck. “This sucker might be a bit tricky. You might be left with a faint scar, but we can treat it afterward.”
A hopeful expression crosses Fallon’s features. “So there’s a chance I won’t be left with any scars?”
Dr. Menard gives her a comforting look. “I’ll do my best.” He checks the time. “I’ll see you in thirty minutes. Okay?” Giving her shoulder a squeeze, he smiles. “Try not to worry too much.”
“Okay.” Fallon lets out a deep breath.
When Dr. Menard leaves, I grin at Fallon. “Do you feel better?”
She nods. “He seems confident, right?”
“Yeah, I’m sure he’ll remove all the scars,” I reassure her.
“God, I hope so,” she breathes.
“Kao’s right,” Mr. Reyes agrees. He gives Fallon’s arm a squeeze. “This will all be over soon.”
“Thanks, Daddy.”
I go to sit down next to Fallon and take hold of her hand. Leaning over, I press a kiss to her temple.
Mr. Reyes' eyes lock with mine, and I see the questions in them. I’ll need to make an appointment to see him to explain I’m dating his daughter.
Hopefully, he won’t kill me.
Turning my focus back to Fallon, I try to remain positive for her. God, I don’t know what I’ll do if Dr. Menard is unable to remove all the scars. Fallon won’t handle it well.
Whatever happens, I’ll be there for her.Chapter 27FALLONComing to, I feel groggy and nauseous. I let out a confused groan.
“Hey, beautiful,” I hear Kao murmur. I feel him press a kiss to my forehead.
Prying my eyes open, my sight settles on Kao’s face. “Is it over?” I grumble, still half out of it.
“Yeah, Dr. Menard will be here shortly, but he said the surgery went well.”
“He did?” Lifting a hand, I take hold of Kao’s arm as he leans over me, and then I drift off again.
“Fallon,” I hear someone say. “Time to wake up.”
I pry my eyes open and see Dr. Menard smile down at me.
“Hi, Doctor,” I mutter, still half asleep.
“How do you feel?”
I sit up in the bed as my head clears of the fog still left over from the anesthetic. “Ah… okay.”
“No pain?”
Dr. Menard gestures to my face and neck. “The surgery went well. I’ve cut out the keloid scar and stitched your skin back nicely. I made sure there’s no tension, and I’m confident it will heal beautifully.”
“Really?” I ask as hope bursts in my chest, leaving me feeling overemotional.
“Once you feel better, you can go home. A nurse will give you some painkillers to manage any discomfort you may feel. Also, keep the dressings in place until I see you in three days for your post-op visit.”
“Thank you.” My eyes follow Dr. Menard as he leaves, my heart still too afraid to let hope in. I think once I see my face and the scars are gone, only then I’ll be able to relax.
Dad comes to press a kiss to my forehead, then says, “Don’t stress when you see the dressings, it’s just to cover the stitches. Okay?”
My dad knows me well.
I lift my hand and softly brush my fingertips over the bandages. “They’re not as padded this time.”
“Yeah, it’s just to protect the stitches,” Dad assures me.
My eyes drift from Dad to Mom, then to Hana. Finally, my gaze settles on Kao. He’s keeping to the side, probably so my parents can fuss over me.
Turning my eyes back to Dad, I say, “I feel good. Can you get a nurse so I can check out?”
“Sure.” Dad immediately leaves.
I throw the covers back and swing my legs off the bed, and let out a deep breath. “I’m glad the surgery is over.”
Mom takes a brush from her bag and comes to fix my hair. When she’s done, she smiles lovingly at me.Once we’re back at the suite, I go to shower the hospital smell off. After drying myself and putting on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, I stop to look at my reflection in the mirror.
There is white tape stuck over the stitches, which in my opinion, look a million times better than the red, swollen, and jagged scars.
When I step out of the bathroom, I see Kao lying on my bed. His eyes are closed, and wondering if he fell asleep, I carefully crawl onto the bed. I press a kiss to his lips, and when I pull back, his blue gaze locks on mine.
“All clean,” I whisper. “Do you want to sleep?”
Kao pulls me down, and I snuggle into his body. “Hmm… it was an eventful day.”