Page 36 of Wicked Villains Shorts (Wicked Villains 7)
Not to mention she’d mow down any threat the second it arose. She’s badass like that.
I sidle up to the bar next to her and nudge her with my shoulder. “You look tense.”
“I always look tense.”
“You know what will help with that.” I waggle my eyebrows.
Allecto gives me a severe look, but it doesn’t quite stick because her lips curve. “So help me, if you say shots and karaoke—”
“Shots and karaoke!”
She motions the bartender. “I’ll do both on one condition.”
I already know what’s coming, just like she knew what I was about to suggest. We’ve known each other a really long time at this point, and we’ve gone through this song and dance… a lot. I huff out a breath. “If you’re about to say extra sparring sessions…”
“Extra sparring sessions.” She gives me a sharp grin. “You’re spending so much time fucking, you’re getting rusty. I kicked your ass the last two times.”
“You kicked my ass because you’re an ass-kicking queen.”
“That’s also true.” She orders a round of shots and then turns back to me while the bartender gets to work pouring them. “But it doesn’t change the fact that you’re slacking.”
Combat training wasn’t really part of my deal with Hades, but like working as a submissive, it’s something I’ve started doing over the years. One more ridiculous way I can trick myself into feeling more in control, more like I won’t really follow in my mother’s footsteps. Our situations are nothing alike, but if she’d known how to fight, maybe she wouldn’t have ended up in a decades’ long coma. Maybe she’d still be her, still be able to hug and smile and follow the fierce ambition that is barely more than a faded memory for me. It might even be imagined. I was so young when she was injured, I barely remember the person she used to be at all. I only have my grandmother’s stories.
“Aurora.” Allecto taps the spot between my eyebrows. “Three times this week.”
“Three extra practices for three karaoke songs.”
She sighs, but she’s still smiling. “You drive a hard bargain.”
“I learned from the best.”
“Yeah, I guess you did.” She shakes her head. “You have yourself a deal.”
I’ll regret it when she’s sending me flying across the mat, but right now it makes me happy. Allecto doesn’t let down her guard often, so when she does, it’s a really treat. Tonight is going to be so much fun.
It starts with a round of shots. And then another. I’m delighted to find out that Jasmine is a bit of a lightweight, and that she’s rather bratty when she’s not guarding her words. She and Tink verbally spar while Allecto croons out one of my favorite karaoke songs of all time.
Meg throws an arm around my shoulder and gives me a squeeze. “You were right. We all needed this tonight. And it was a good idea to invite Jasmine along.”
I give her a long look, trying not to grin. “Are you drunk?” Meg never drinks enough to get drunk. Or if she does, I’ve only seen it once or twice in nearly ten years. Tonight’s special, indeed.
“Of course not. How gauche.” She laughs. “I’m simply enjoying myself.”
The bar’s lights flicker on, signaling last call. I groan, and then groan some more when the door opens up and Hercules, Hook, and Jafar stride into the bar. They must have been waiting in a line outside, which strikes me as particularly hilarious. All those big, brawny men waiting to give their women the maximum time for fun before they come collect them. I’m not even sure those three like each other, but they move almost as a unit, dividing and zeroing in on their partners.
Jafar scoops up Jasmine and gives her a downright indulgent smile. “Have fun?”
“Yes.” She grins at him. “Let’s fuck in the car.”
“Let’s see how you feel in a few minutes.” He turns without another word and heads out the door.
Hook doesn’t pick up Tink, but he does slide an arm around her waist and steer her for the door. He shoots a happy smile over his shoulder at us. “Looks like you all had a good time.”
“The best time!” I realize I’m shouting and clamp my hand over my mouth.
Meg’s laughter cuts off when Hercules hauls her off her feet. He winks at me and then they’re gone, following Hook and Tink out the door.
Allecto ambles up. As always, it doesn’t matter how many shots she takes, she never gets sloppy. The only indication that she’s feeling the alcohol is how easy she grins at me. “Singles last.”
“Don’t remind me.” It just slips out. I frown at my feet. They really hurt. These heels look great, but they definitely aren’t for dancing. “Not that I care. I like being single.”
“Uh huh, Aurora. Sure you do.” She loops an arm around my shoulders and steers us for the door.