Page 17 of Wicked Villains Shorts (Wicked Villains 7)
His grin is just as cocky as ever and he rakes a gaze over me. I’m wearing a knee-length flouncy skirt and a tank top with lace cutouts that makes my breasts look amazing. I fully intended to track him down when I got home and tempt him into taking me against the nearest horizontal surface, but this will work, too. I tilt my head to the side. “I’ve been gone a couple hours. Surely that doesn’t require a personal retrieval.”
“I missed you.” He says it simply, as if this kind of statement doesn’t still rock me right down to my foundations.
I make a show of looking at my phone. “I said I’d be home at eight. It’s seven-thirty.”
Hook shrugs, completely unrepentant. He holds out an imperial hand. “Say goodbye, Tink. It’s time to go.”
I raise my eyebrows, the first tingling of a challenge coursing beneath my skin. “Yeah, I don’t think so. Go away and come back in thirty minutes. Then we’ll leave.” I can feel my friends watching with avid interest, and they’re not the only ones. We’re putting on a show, after all.
“Tink.” He says my name slowly, the faintest hint of warning. “Do you remember what I said I’d do if you challenged me like this?”
Yes, yes, I do. Desire pulses between my thighs, but I keep my expression bored and a little belligerent. “No. Do you know what I’ll do to you for making a pest of yourself?”
His grin widens. “Have it your way, beautiful girl.” Hook glances at my three friends. “Excuse me, ladies.”
I barely have a second to process that and then he’s kneeling. He grabs my knees and jerks me to the edge of the bench. “Wait—” It’s too late.
He flips up my skirt and pauses. “No panties, beautiful girl?” Hook’s eyes twinkle up at me. “Looks to me like someone was planning on being bad.”
“You have no idea.”
“Thought so.” He wedges his hands under my ass and lifts me as he bends down to lick my pussy.
My face is so hot right now, it might as well be the surface of the sun. I can feel my friends watching, and maybe that should shame me, but it only makes it hotter. Just like when I look around the lounge and catch Gaeton leaning against the bar, grinning like a fool. “Oh fuck.”
“Later,” Hook murmurs against my clit.
I half expect him to torment me with teasing, but he’s relentless in pursuit of my pleasure. He’s intent on my orgasm, and it’s like he has a timer in his head. I give up fighting it and let the wicked stroke of his tongue and the feeling of so many people watching drive me higher and higher. It’s so good and so wrong, and it doesn’t matter that nearly everyone in this room has seen me in varying stages of undress and orgasm. Having Hook lick my pussy to punish me is so hot, I can barely stand it.
I dig my fingers into his hair and try to hold out, but he knows my body too well. Seconds later, I’m coming, clamping my lips together to keep from crying out.
A slow clap starts behind me and is quickly picked up around the room. I reluctantly open my eyes to find every single person applauding. Hook flips my skirt down and rises to press a quick kiss to my lips. “Come home with me now and I’ll let you ride my cock in the car.”
“Better go or he’ll fuck you on the table,” Aurora stage-whispers. “On second thought, maybe stay and keep the show going.”
I can barely work up a fake glare in her direction. “You are all assholes.”
“Yep,” Allecto says. “And you love it.”
Meg shakes her head, a small smile on her lips. “Same time next month?”
“I wouldn’t miss it.”
Hook catches my hand and pulls me to my feet. This time I don’t resist. I give my friends a wave and let my husband tow me out of the lounge, past all the people still clapping like assholes. I manage to blow a snarky kiss to Gaeton and then we’re through the door.
I barely wait until we’re in the elevator to push Hook against the wall and kiss him. I can taste myself on his lips and it makes me crazy. “I don’t know if I can wait to get to the car.”
He turns us until my back hits the elevator wall and reaches around to push the stop button. I lean back to raise my eyebrows. “Hades isn’t going to like that.”
“He’ll get over it. My wife needs my cock and she can’t wait.” Hook dips down and catches the backs of my thighs, lifting and spreading me. “My pants.”
I waste no time unbuttoning his jeans and dragging his zipper down. I’m in no more mood to tease him now than he was to tease me earlier. “I need you. Now.”