Page 10 of Wicked Villains Shorts (Wicked Villains 7)
His low chuckle makes my entire body clench. “In.”
I climb into the tub. It’s built big enough for both of us, so I’m practically swimming in it. I lean my head back against the rim and watch him. “What do you have planned for us tonight?”
Jafar leans against the counter. He’s still wearing his black slacks and a pinstriped button-down shirt that looks particularly delicious. But what really gets me is that he’s barefoot. I don’t know that I’ll ever get used to the fact that this man is mine, that he lets down his walls around me and no one else. It’s a shared privilege, but no less novel for it.
Finally, he moves, unbuttoning his shirt with little flicks of his fingers. It comes off and he drapes it over the back of the chair arranged next to the tub. His pants are next, and then he’s naked and moving to climb into the bath and settle behind me. His sigh tells me everything I need to know.
I shift to settle my head against his shoulder and wrap his arms around me. “It’s been a long day for both of us.”
“A long week.”
I smile. “A long month, quarter, year.”
Jafar chuckles. “Yes.” He gives me a squeeze.
Maybe I should leave things at that, but our earlier conversation still lingers. I turn and carefully straddle him. “I do want to marry you, you know.”
Just like that, his expression closes down. “We’ve talked about this. I know your reasons for holding off. They’re good ones.”
“Just because they’re good ones doesn’t mean we should ignore the elephant in the room.” I drape my arms around his neck and sift my fingers through his hair. It’s getting longer; he’ll need a cut soon. “Jafar, you’re the only one for me. Just you. I’ve been more than a little in love with you since long before you ever fucked me in the middle of my father’s hallway.”
His expression stays closed down, but there’s a wicked glint in his eye. “I know.”
“Then what’s this about? You know I’m yours. A ring is just…” I trail off, understanding dawning. “It’s not about us, is it? It’s about everyone else.”
He looks away, the barest movement that’s almost a flinch. “Everyone who matters in Carver City knows that we’re together. It never occurred to me that I’d have to worry about people in other cities looking at you as a tempting fruit to pick.”
I settle more firmly against him. “Jafar, I’m no one’s fruit. Not even yours.”
“I know that. They don’t.”
I lean down and kiss his neck. Even though he stays tense beneath me, his cock hardens. “Would it make you feel better to tattoo your name on my ass?”
“No one can see a tattoo like that. I won’t serve the same purpose.” Finally, finally, his voice thaws. “Are you offering, baby girl?”
“Nope.” I nip him and shift, sliding my breasts against his chest. “It was a purely theoretical question.”
He’s silent for several long moments even as I move against him and his hands slide down to my ass to urge me not to stop. Finally, he says, “It bothered me. That Paine thought he could come in here and you’d let him or one of his brothers in willingly.”
“Is that what bothered you?” I reach between us and guide his cock into me. It’s not as smooth as normal, not with the water encompassing us, but it’s worth it when he’s finally sheathed to the hilt inside me. I rock my hips a little. “Or is it the fact that he didn’t look at you once the entire time he was here?”
“Baby girl,” his voice is low. Warning me.
As if I don’t love provoking him as much as he loves being provoked. I lean back a little and make a show of biting my bottom lip. “Is that why you fucked me on my desk the second he left the grounds? Were you feeling threatened, Daddy?”
He makes a sound suspiciously like a growl. “You’re mine, Jasmine. And I’m yours. That smug bastard thought I wasn’t even a threat to his plans.”
“And yet it’s your cock I’m riding right now.”
“Yes. It is.” He loops an arm around my waist and stands. I have to cling to him as he steps out of the bath and walks us out into the bedroom.
“Jafar, I’m all wet!”
“We’ll change the bedding.” He climbs onto the mattress and bears us both down. But he doesn’t start fucking me like I expect. He just looks down at me, at my body, at the spot where we’re joined. “Promise me that someday you’ll say yes.”
I’m already nodding. “I will. I promise that someday I’ll say yes.”
He’s still for so long, I almost wonder if he doesn’t believe me. But then it’s like something snaps in him. He presses me into the mattress and starts to fuck me so roughly, I have to slam my hands to the headboard to keep myself in place. It’s like he’s trying to imprint himself on every inch of me.